



  Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is a good example, Rezvani says: “Mayer is known for her feminine, modern-chic suits and dresses, a look that telegraphs that she embraces her femininity and appreciates fashion. Yet her ‘flair’ is quiet enough that her clothes don’t detract from her verbal message. She also looks considerably more formal than most in the legendarily casual industry of IT.”


  Neena Newberry, president of Newberry Executive Solutions, says women should think about what they want to be known for. “If someone were to describe you, what are the top three things you’d want them to say?” she explains. “Regardless of the rules, figure out who you want to be and bring it to life in language and appearance.”

  高管培训机构Newberry Executive Solutions的总裁妮娜•纽贝里表示,女性需要想清楚,希望别人注意到自己的哪些方面。她解释道:“如果有人要描述你,你最想要他们说出哪三个词?抛开束缚,想清楚你要做什么样的人,并在谈吐和外表上实现它。”

  But ultimately, the most successful women don’t get too caught up in all the attractiveness hullabaloo. It is your inner qualities that set you apart, says Erica Ariel Fox, president of Mobius Executive Leadership and author of Winning from Within.

  不过最终,那些最成功的女性不会在魅力问题上太受困扰。高管培训机构Mobius Executive Leadership的总裁、《赢在内心》(Winning from Within)的作者艾丽卡•阿里尔•福克斯表示,让你与众不同的是你的内在品质。

  “We all know people who stand out because of a sparkle they bring into a room,” Fox says. “That’s what people remember—your spark.”
