你...只是个会动的玩具 只是给小朋友玩的玩具You're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!
你是个可悲又奇怪的人 我很同情你You are a sad, strange little man; and you have my pity.
-再见了 -是吗? 走啊 疯子-Farewell. -Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!
比萨星球-"Rendezvous with Star Command."
-老兄 -你在叫我?-I Driver. Hey, gas dude! -You talkin' to me?
-对 能帮我个忙吗 -比萨星球? 安弟-Yeah, man. Can you help me? -Pizza Planet? Andy!
-你知道林荫大道在哪吗 -不知道-Do you know where Cutting Boulevard is? -Oh. no!
没有巴斯我没有脸回去I can't show my face in that room without Buzz.
-巴斯 巴斯 快回来 -走开-Buzz! Buzz, come back! -Go away!
巴斯 你快回来No! Buzz, you gotta come back! I...
-我找到一艘太空船了-I found a spaceship!
一艘太空船 巴斯It's a spaceship, Buzz!
老兄 快一点 这些比萨会凉掉Come on, man, hurry up! Urn, like, the pizzas are getting cold here!
呃 林荫大道吗 -对 在哪条路上Uh, Cutting Boulevard, huh? -Yeah, yeah. Which way?
好 你确定这个太空运输机 送完了货物之后Now, you're sure this space freighter will return to its port of origin...
就会回到原来太空站吗 -嗯once it jettisons its food supply? -Uh-huh.
等到了那里以后 我们再来想个办法送你回家And when we get there, we'll be able to find a way to transport you home.
-走 那我们上船吧 -等等...巴斯-Well, then, let's climb aboard. -No, no, no, wait, Buzz! Buzz!
-我们到车后面 那里不会被人发现 -不行-Let's get in the back. No one will see us there. -Negative.
货舱里没有安全设备 那是载货的There are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area.
-在机舱里比较安全 -对 但是...-We'll be much safer in the cockpit. -Yeah, bu..
-巴斯 那是两条向左的路和一条向右的-Buzz! Buzz! That's two lefts and a right, huh?
-谢谢你帮忙 谢了 -记住 孩子...-Thanks for the directions, okay? -Yeah. And remember, kid..
在机舱比在货舱里安全 真是白痴It's safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. What an idiot.
,下一班前往比萨星球的高速接驳专车Next shuttle liftoff is scheduled for...
,正在倒数计时中T-minus 30 seconds and counting.
你可以进去了You are clear to enter.
欢迎来到比萨星球Welcome to Pizza Planet.