







20 年后车辆会比较少:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

20 年后的学生不使用纸本书籍:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books any more.

Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Renewable sources of energy (sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossil fuels such as gas, oil, and coal.

Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way for governments to control energy conservation is to increase the prices of gasoline and electricity.

Give specific examples and reasons to support your position.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People will spend less time on cooking food in 20 years.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


08. 11.08

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Scientists should be responsible for the negative impacts of their discoveries.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.



It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration.


Nowadays, an increasing number of citizens are discussing the recent launch of ShenZhou carrier rocket. While there are some people who claim that this kind of launch is a waste of money or time because it could not bring any benefits for citizens, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, space exploration is necessary.

Admittedly, space travel or space exploration would waste a large sum of money. By spending much money on doing research regarding outer space life, government loses their focus on civil life where many people are suffering from starvation, air pollution and epidemics. Under this circumstance, there is no doubt that people would complain about government’s aloft behaviors. However,if viewing from a different angle, space exploration is a long time investment. Never should we expect the journey would bring immediate economic returns to the country. In this case, space travel and space exploration is quite helpful for the country.

To begin with, space exploration might bring benefits for us to search for new energy resource. That is to say, other planets may be rich in certain kinds of resources that are in great shortage on the earth. According to the report released after the exploration to the Mars, the officials from NASA confirms that Mars contains a great volume of natural gas and iron. Moreover, engineers have also noticed that these resources on the planet are able to explore, and if they could solve the problem of long time transportation, these resources could be used on the earth. Consequently, the use of natural gas will not consume burning of petroleum and make our planet a better place to live in.

In addition, space exploration aims to improve level of technology. In other words, it is the development of advanced technology that makes it possible to explore the outer space. It is usually the case that without the technology of launching satellite into the space, it is impossible for people to conduct research. As a result, scientists have to improved their knowledge in related areas so that they could guarantee the launch of these rockets, as well as satellites. Meanwhile, to ensure astronauts’ safety in the outer space, scientists have to repeated work on their suits in order to keep astronauts away from radioactivity. Also, to fill with enough oxygen, scientists have to run encapsulation tests again and again. Only if these equipment are guaranteed can astronauts be safely working in the outer space.

To sum up, the seemly useless space exploration would cost a large sum of money; however, this space activity could still bring benefits in both new energy searching and technology improvement.


How Does Technology Impact Your Daily Life?

Over the last two decades, our lives have been slowly taken over by technology. Take a moment to look around you. How many screens do you see? Did you include the one you’re reading this on?

Our Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets have changed the way we work, play, and even raise our children. Today’s offices would be unrecognizable to workers of the past thanks to the proliferation of emails, video conferencing, tablets, laptop computers, and other relatively recent innovations. Meanwhile, more and more of our personal time is influenced by our gadgets (OK, smart phones) with each passing day.


The novelty of constant online connections and instant communication may have begun to wear thin for older generations, but the next wave of Americans have no such qualms. Their tech-dependent lifestyles are already causing huge changes in both the professional and private spheres. The change may be inevitable…unless theWi-Fi cuts out, of course.

Our Digitized Professional Lives

As many as 79% of employees now “work on virtual teams,” be it by email, online collaboration, messaging, video conferences, or some combination of any of the above. A 2013 Pew Research study found “94% of jobholders are Internet users.” This includes full-time, part-time, and freelance workers in technology companies, big corporations, and small businesses, who work in cities, the suburbs, rural America, and everywhere in between.

For most of the last century, communicating professionally meant writing letters, sending faxes, or spending hours on the phone. Not anymore. Email is now theprimary means of communication in the modern workplace. We are communicating more, faster, and better than ever before. And employers have been reaping the benefits. A major report cited by British newspaper The Telegraph found that the incorporation of technology into the workplace has led to an “84% increase in productivity per hour for office workers since the 1970s.” The major influencers? Email, business software, and yes, even cell phones.

Technology Gets Personal

We don’t leave technology at the workplace. In fact, our private lives might beeven more tech-enabled than our professional lives. In the 1980s and 1990s, our televisions were often the height of our home technology. Some people had clunky personal computers, a Nintendo for the kids, and maybe even a telephone in their car(remember those?).

Information from the Census Bureau tells us that 15% of homes had a personal computer in 1989; by 2011 that number climbed to 75%. Now we have desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, Apple watches, GPS-enabled cars, and more coming every day. Forget unplugging after the 5 or-6 o’clock whistle blows—we plug in instead.

In fact, going without tech might trigger an existential crisis for some (that sound you hear is Albert Camus rolling over in his grave). Our technology helps us learn,date, eat, socialize, and so much more.

The only time we don’t use technology is when we are exercising flying sleeping, well, dead. For now…

A New Generation of Digital Natives

Anyone born before the advent of technology in their daily lives is considered a“digital immigrant.” Older generations invented our tech-enabled society, but thegenerations born in this millennium are the first true “digital natives.”

While the “digital rehab” programs older generations have begun using to push back against the all-consuming digital saturation are gaining traction, these programs may make as much sense to younger generations as getting up from the couch to change the channel on the TV. The genie is out of the bottle, and technology is said to have even changed the way younger generations perceive reality.

We’re assuming they perceive reality as that thing happening just beyond the horizon of their laptop, tablet, or smartphone screen (as long as someone is tweeting about it). Although it’s easy to make fun of the next generation’s digital obsession, it will soon be impossible to ignore it. The digital natives are on pace to outnumber the digital immigrants before long.

The Bottom Line

Technology is now so integrated with our lives that going without it can causesevere anxiety for some. It’s not hard to see why. Technology has taken over.

Both our professional and personal lives are now technology dependent. While older generations are fighting back with unplugged retreats, the next wave of Americans can’t picture their lives without tech. They might not have anything to worry about. The future favors these digital natives.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

托福写作满分作文范文:Topic: 39

Technology has greatly improved the way we get information. Students can now get more information, get it more quickly, and get it more conveniently.

The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database to students around the world. Information comes not only in print form, but also in multimedia. You can get audio and video data. You can get information about events in the past as well as events that unfold as you watch your computer monitor.

Information comes at the speed of the Internet which is to say in nanoseconds. ? You can type in a few key words in your search engine, and the engine will search the entire WWW to find information on your topic. You don't have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in the library and looking at the shelves. This research is done for you instantly on the Web.

It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer. Your computer is open 24-hours a day, unlike a library or office which has limited hours and limited resources. You can do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast. What could be more convenient?

Technology, especially the Internet, has certainly changed the quantity and quality of the information we get. The speed and convenience of a computer helps students learn more, more quickly.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives has already taken place. 重复2011.3.11NA


It has been argued that despite the continued advancement of science and technology, our lives have changed in a way that is more tremendous than ever. I, however, disagree.

First, environmental problems are still on the waiting list. Technology-dominated industrialization has generated such problems as global warming, acid rain and urban smog, all of which have given rise to a series of adverse effects—climate change, death of aquatic life and respiratory diseases. Although the quality of life has improved, there are still many things that could be improved in China, like safety and living conditions. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that ecocide is still a real and ever-present danger?

Second, world peace still hangs by a thread. Take the Iraq War for example. It broke out eight years ago and since then Iraqis have been living in hell. Their homes are torched and destroyed and their families have been torn apart. It is certain that they have not received all the benefits of advanced technology. Superpowers are busy with nuclear experiments, but this advanced technology has brought anything but world peace. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that some people on this planet are still in great agony?

Last, the pace of life is increasingly faster and shows no sign of slowing down. Undoubtedly, development in IT industries and communication devices has enabled people to enjoy more convenient lives. However, it is also the seemingly almighty technologies that have put people in suffering. Wherever you go, cell phones make it possible for your boss to spot you and give you more work, whether you like it or not. Computers, which give companies the ability to teleconference and conduct online interviews, have turned our homes into a mere extension of our offices. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that people now are still suffering from deprived sleep, unbalanced diet and strained family relations?

All in all, science and technology have been and will continue to develop, but the fundamental transformation of our lives has not yet taken place.











