
In a Nature Park英语教案及反思


  In a Nature Park英语教案是英语教师根据课堂教学需要编写的教学设计,对于课堂的展开十分重要,下面学习啦小编为大家带来In a Nature Park英语教案及反思,希望对你有所帮助!

  In a Nature Park英语教案


  1、能听、说、读、写单词river .flower.grass .lake.path.park.forest.

  2、能用there be句型描述自然公园。


  step 1 warming-up


  (t): i like english, do you like english?

  i like english songs, do you like english songs? let’s sing an english song: in the classroom

  (在导入部分,运用了“i like english, do you like english?”的句型,引导学生模仿说,并顺利的导入到了吟唱部分。)

  2、let’s sing “in the classroom”


  (t): hi, look at your classroom, is it big or small?

  (t): what is in the classroom?

  (s): there are many people in the classroom

  (t): greeting to the teachers

  (s): there are two blackboards in the classroom.

  (s): there is a piano in the classroom.

  (s): there are many chairs and desks.

  (s): there are many children in the classroom.

  (s): there are many six fans in the classroom.

  (由歌曲到提问“what’s in your classroom?”引出句型“there be ……”内容由小及大,由近及远,层层递进。同时教师还注重学生的基础。)