




  怎样面试求职者 保持沟通及时反馈

  We're going to look at how to interview. The first thing you need to remember, is to makesure you are prepared, and that you have actually read the CV of the person you are about tointerview. When you are looking at the CV, look at any previous experience that's relating tothe job that you are interviewing them for, and have some questions prepared.


  For example, if you want them to expand on a point, andgive you some examples of what they have actually done. Youmay also want to clarify things like dates, and job titles, assometimes these can get a bit confused on a person's CV.When you are interviewing, make sure that it has aconversational tone to it.


  The person that you are interviewing doesn't want to feel like you are going through aquestionnaire. If you keep it natural,you are more likely to get a truthful response to yourquestions. Do remember that the person you are interviewing is going to be nervous, so makesure you don't make too many snap judgments at the beginning of the interview.


  Near the end of the interview, do make sure you do ask the person if they have any questionsfor you. They may have prepared some, but it also gives them a chance to speak and see howthey come across in that situation. After the interview, do make sure that you do follow up.


  Even if that person hasn't been successful, it's really important that you give that personconstructive feedback. Tell them what they did well, and tell them on what any improvementsyou think they could make for future interviews. This will make sure that they feel that theinterview itself was really a useful experience, and will only be a useful promotion for you andthe company.




  Step 1 Extend trust


  Signal that you are trusting by unilaterally extending your trust to the other person.Handshakes and other forms of social touching promote trust.


  Step 2 Make the other person happy


  Try to make the other person happy. Happinessfosters trust and this fosters more happiness.


  Step 3 Engage in face-to-face meetings


  Engage in face-to-face interactions whenever possible.


  Step 4 Participate in social bonding


  Participate in activities that promote social bonding.


  Some neuroscientists believe that the ability to trust in humans has a biochemical basis.




  1. Take the first step to approach your boss and discuss your problem. Collect facts onyour current workload, project requirements. Be prepared to explain how the increase inworkload is impacting your performance and project quality, and how this can impact thecompany's cost objectives. When you have every detail in place, be ready to meet your boss.

  1. 首先想办法跟你的上级讨论这个问题。搜集与你现在的工作量、项目要求相关的资料,并且想好该怎么表达这些工作量已经影响到了你的工作表现和项目质量,又会怎样影响公司的目标成本。当你准备好一切,就去找你的上司吧。

  2. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. Ensurethat you have your boss' full attention to the problem. If he is doing some other work such assorting his emails while you are talking, say politely and firmly, "Stewart, I have an importantproblem to discuss. I would appreciate if you could give me your full attention."

  2. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。你要确保他的注意力全都在你的问题上。如果你跟他讨论这件事的时候他还在做别的事,比如说看邮件,你可以礼貌却肯定的说:“斯图尔特,我要与你讨论很重要的事。能不能先把其他事放下,这样我会非常感激的。”

  3. Get to the point without wasting time. "I'm not able to tackle the present workloadStewart. I'm putting in more than 60 hours of work every week. If this continues, myperformance will take a downturn as I will be completely at the end of my capabilities. I cannottake any more of this." Remember to put across your problem as your problem alone and notas a complaint against the management or your boss.

  3. 直入重点。“斯图尔特,现在的工作负荷我承受不了。每周我都要在工作上花费超过60小时的时间。如果这种情况继续的话,我的工作表现会大打折扣,因为以我的能力根本忙不过来。这种情况不能再发生了。”别忘了说你只是工作情况不佳,和你上次和管理层的决策没有关系。

  4. Show your boss facts that support your stand. Listen to what he has got to say. Avoidgetting emotional if your boss does not give an immediate solution for the problem and sayshe will get back to you soon. It helps to understand his point of view as well. The increase inworkload may be the result of the company's policy to cut costs but increase productivitysimultaneously. Your boss may be genuinely inclined to act fair now that he is aware of theproblem.

  4. 用事实证明你的观点。听听你上司会说什么,如果他没有立即给出解决方案并让你等消息,不要生气。这也能让你理解他的立场。工作量的增加可能是公司消减成本提高效率的结果。既然你的上司已经意识到这个问题,他会公正处理的。

  5. Present any solutions from your side for the problem if you have some. You could evenrequest your boss to help you prioritize workloads so that critical tasks get done first.

  5. 如果你已经想到解决方案,就说出来。你甚至可以让你的上司把你的工作按重要程度分一下,这样就能把最重要的工作先做好。

  6. Thank your boss for his time at the end of the meeting. If your boss says he needs timeto think about what you have said, ask him how soon you can expect a response. Send anemail expressing your thanks for your boss' time once you reach your desk.

  6. 最后感谢一下你的上司。如果他说需要时间考虑你的事,你可以问他什么时候可以收到答复。你从他办公室出来回到自己办公桌时,最好给他发一封邮件感谢他抽出时间讨论你的问题。






