All I Learned in Kindergarten
1. Most of what I really need toknow abou thow to liveand what to do andhow to be, Ilearned inkindergarten.Wisdom was notatthe top of the graduate mountain, butthereinthe sandpile at nursery school.
2. These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people.Putthingsbackwhere you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren'tyours.Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your handsbefore you eat.Warm cookiesand coldmilk are good for you. Liveabalanced life. Learnsomeand thinksome and draw andpaintand sing and dance and play and work everydaysome.
2.以下就是我在幼儿园中学到的。分享所有的东西;行为光明磊落(或公平待人)(play fair);不要攻击别人;东西要放回原处;自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好;不要拿走不属于自己的东西;如果你伤害了别人就得道歉;饭前洗手;热的甜点和凉的牛奶对身体有益;生活要有张有弛,学点东西、想点思想、写写画画、唱唱跳跳,休息(玩耍)和工作,每样事天天都要干一点。
3.Take a nap every afternoon.Whenyougo out into the world,watchfortraffic,holdhandsandstick together.Be aware of wonder.Remember the little seedinthe plastic cup? The rootsgo downand the plant goes upand nobody really knowshow orwhy, but we arealllike that.
3.每天下午小睡一会。当大家外出(go out into the world)时,注意交通安全,记得手挽手(hold hands),彼此互相扶持(stick together)。多多注意那些生活的奇迹。(Beaware of wonder.)你一定还记得那个塑料杯里的小小的种子吧,它不断的往下扎根,枝叶不断的向空中伸展。没有人真正知道它在怎样生长,也不知道是为了什么。但有一点很明白,我们也像他们一样地长大。
4. Goldfishandhamstersandwhitemiceandeven the little seed in the plastic cup-they all die. Sodo we.
5. And then remember the bookaboutDick and Janeand the first word you learned,thebiggest word of all: Look. Everything you need to knowisin there somewhere.TheGolden Ruleand love and basic sanitation.Ecologyand politiesand saneliving.
5.同时我们还记得《迪克和珍妮》的书,以及从书中学到的第一个词,也是最了不起的一个词:观察。你所需要了解的任何事情:包括6个方面,即为人的原则(the Goden Rule)、爱、应注意的基本卫生(basicsanitation),生态环境(ecology)和政治哲学(polities)以及健全的生活方式(sane living),你都能在该书的某个地方(be in there somewhere)找到答案。
6. Think of what a better world it would beif we all-the whole world-hadcookies and milkabout 3 o'clock every afternoonand then lay downwith our blankets for a nap. Or if wehada basic policy in our nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned upour ownmesses. And it is still true,no matter how old you are,whenyou go out into theworld,it is better to hold hands and stick together.
6.想一想,如果我们大家--全世界所有的人--每天下午3点左右能够享受甜点和牛奶,然后盖上被单美美地睡上一小会儿;如果每一个国家都能够遵循一个基本的立国之道(we havea basic policy in our nations),即东西放回原处,自己弄脏的地方自己收拾后,那么这个世界将是多么的美好啊(what a better world itwould be,感叹句)。无论你年龄有多大,当你出去时,当你进入社会之时,最好和别人手牵手,互相扶持,团结一致,无论如何,这是一个颠扑不破的真理(这就是真理)。
The Value of Time 时间的价值
1."Time" says the proverb "is money". Thismeansthatevery momentwell-spentmay put somemoney into our pockets. If our time is usefully employed, it willeitherproduce some useful andimportantpiece of work whichwill fetch its price in the market, or it will add to our experienceand increase our capacitiesso as toenable us to earn moneywhenthe proper opportunitycomes.There can thus beno doubt thattime is convertible into money. Let thosewho thinknothing of wasting time(定语从句)remember this; letthem remember thatanhourmisspent is equivalent tothe loss of abanknote; and thatan hourutilizedistantamount toso much silver or gold; and then they willprobablythink twicebeforethey givetheir consent to the loss of any part of their time.
1、谚语(proverb)说:“时间就是金钱。(Timeis money)”这句话的意思是,一时片刻只要用得有效(well-spent adj. 使用得当的;充分利用了的), 都会让我们的口袋增添一些钱。如果(if)我们的时间使用得当,就能生产出有用的、重要的产品(piece of work 工件,即产品),(which引导的定语从句)(这些产品)在市场上卖得(fetch)一定的价钱;就能充实(add to)经验,增长才干(capacities),等到适当的时机(opportunity)来临时,我们就能挣得金钱(enable us to earn money)。因此,毫无疑问的是:时间可以转化为金钱(convertible adj. 可改变的;可变换的)。让那些对浪费时间满不在乎的人记住这一点(think nothing of 把...视为平常)。让他们记住,浪费一小时等于(be equivalent to)损失一张钞票,而利用一小时就等于(be tantamount to)得到若干金银。这样,他们想浪费时间时或许会三思(thinktwice)而后行。
2.Moreover, our lifeis nothing more thanour time.To kill timeis thereforea form ofsuicide.We are shocked when wethink ofdeath, and we spareno pains, no trouble, and noexpensetopreserve life. But we aretoooften indifferent to (后跟名词或名词性短语) loss of anhour or of aday, forgettingthat our life isthe sum totalof the days and ofthe hourswe live(定语从句).Aday or an hourwastedis thereforeso much lifeforfeited. Let usbear this in mind, and wasteoftime will appear to usin the lightofa crimeas culpable assuicide itself.
2、再说,我们的生命无非就是(be nothing more than)我们活在人世的时间。因此,浪费时间也就是一种自杀(a form of 一种...的形式)。我们想到死,便惊恐不已,因而不惜一切努力、麻烦和费用来保全(preserve)我们的生命(spare no pains 不遗余力,全力以赴)。可是,我们对于损失一个小时或者一天的时间却往往漠不关心(indifferent adj.),忘记了我们的生命原本就是我们生活的每一天、每一小时的总和。因此,浪费一天或一小时也就是丧失(forfeited是forfeit的过去分词,此处是做定语)一天或一小时的生命。让我们记住(bear inmind)这一点,这样就会把浪费时间看作(in the light of)一种罪过,跟自杀一样应该受到惩罚(culpable adj. 应受处罚的)。
3.There is a third considerationwhichwill also tend towarnusagainstloss of time. Our life isabrief spanmeasuringsome sixty or seventy years in all, but nearly one half of this has to bespentin sleep; some years have to be spent over our meals; some over dressingandundressing; some in makingjourneyson landandvoyages by sea;some in merry-making,eitheron ourown accountor for the sake of others; some in celebrating religious andsocial festivities; somein watching overthe sick-beds of ournearest and dearestrelatives.Nowif all these years were to be deducted from the termover which ourlifeextends, we shall find about fifteen or twenty years at ourdisposalfor active work.(虚拟语气句型) Whoever remembers this canneverwillinglywaste a singlemoment of his life. "Itisastonishing"says Lord Chesterfield, "thatanyone can squander awayin absoluteidlenessone single moment ofthat portion of timewhich is allotted to us in thisworld.Know the true value of time;snatch,seize, and enjoy every moment of it!"
3、还有第三层考虑(consideration),也会提醒我们别浪费时间(warn against 警告...不要)。人生短暂(a brief span),总共(in all)不过六七十年,可是将近一半时间必须(has to)用于睡眠;吃饭时间加起来也得花去一些年; 穿衣脱衣又是一些年;水陆、陆路旅行(journeys旅行;voyages 长途旅行)又是一些年;再加上一些年娱乐(merry-make vi. 尽情欢乐)时间(不论是为自己还是为别人)(for the sakeof 为了);一些年庆祝宗教节日和社会节日(festivity-festivities);还有一些年在病床(sick-bed)边照看(watch over)至亲至爱。现在如果从我们的寿命中扣除(deduct from)所有这些岁月(theterm),我们将会发现,能受我们支配的有效的工作时间大约仅十五或二十年而己(disposal n.支配;处理)。谁能记住这一点,谁就不会心甘情愿地(willingly)浪费他生命的每一刻时间。查斯特菲尔德勋爵说过,“对于分配给(allot to)我们这一生的时间,若有人游手好闲(idleness n.),即使浪费(squanderaway)片刻,也是令人吃惊的(astonishing adj.)。要认识到时间的真正价值,要争分夺秒(snatch,seize),充分利用有限的时间。”
4.All time is precious; butthe time of our childhoodandofour youthismore preciousthanany other portion ofour existence, forthose are the periods whenalone wecanacquireknowledge and develop our faculties and capacities. If weallowthese morning hoursof lifetoslip away,unutilized, we shall never be able torecoupthe loss. As we grow older,ourpower of acquisition gets blunted,sothat the art or science which is not acquired inchildhood or youthwill never be acquired at all.Justasmoney laid out at interest doubles andtrebles itselfin time, so the precious hoursof childhood and youth, if properly used, will yieldusincalculableadvantages. "Everymoment you lose" says Lord Chesterfield "is somuchcharacter and advantage lost; ason the other hand, everymomentyou now employusefully(定语从句)is so much time wisely laid out at prodigiousinterest."
4、所有的时间都是宝贵的(precious),而我们童年和青年时期的光阴比一生中的其他阶段都更为宝贵,因为(for)只有在这两个阶段我们才能获取(acquire)知识、增长才干(faculty-faculties)和发展各种才能(capacity-capacities)。如果我们让这些生命的早晨时光悄悄溜走(slip away),未得到利用(unutilized),这损失将永远也无法弥补(recoup)。等我们长大了,获得知识(acquisition n.)的能力就变得迟钝了(blunt vt. 使迟钝adj.),因此在童年和青年时期未能获得的知识和技能将永远不能获得了。正像(just as)储蓄金钱,产生利息(interest),到时候(in time)会翻两三倍(doubles andtrebles itself)一样,童年和青年时期的宝贵时光,如果使用得当,必将带来(yield)不可估量的收益(incaluclableadvantages)。查斯特菲尔德勋爵还说过,“丧失的每一时刻就等于丧失了与之相当的名和利。从另一方面看,你现在有效利用的每一时刻正是明智地以这时间作为投资,将来定会获取巨额的(prodigious adj.)利息。”
5.A proper employment of time is ofgreat benefit to usfrom amoralpoint of view. Idleness isjustlysaidto bethe rust of the mind andanidle brainis said to be Satan's workshop. It ismostlywhen you do not knowwhat to dowith yourselfthat you do something ill or wrong.The mind of the idlerpreys upon itself. As Wattshas said:
In works of labor or of skill
Let me be busy too;
For Satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do.
5、从道德的(moral adj.)观点来看,恰当地利用时间对我们也有很大的好处(benefit)。懒惰(idleness)据说是(said to be)心灵上的锈迹,懒人的头脑据说是撒旦的作坊,这话说得很有理。犯错误大多数是由于无所事事、百无聊赖所致。懒人只会自寻烦恼或作茧自缚(prey upon 掠夺;捕食)。正如瓦茨所说,“我要勤快地工作,不管是粗活(labor)还是细活(skill);因为撒旦还有些坏事(mischief n. 恶作剧),专借懒人的手去做。”
English is a Crazy Language
1.Let's face it-English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham inhamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in Englandnor French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet,are meat.
1.让我们接受现实吧—英语是一种疯狂的语言。茄子(eggplant,字面意为鸡蛋植物)里并没有鸡蛋,汉堡包(hamburger,字面意为火腿夹饼)里也没有火腿。同样,菠萝(pineapple,字面意为松树苹果)里既没有松树也没有苹果。松饼(English muffin,字面意为英式松饼)并不是英国人发明的,而炸薯条(Frenchfries,字面意为法式油炸食品)也不是法国人的发明。“甜肉”(sweetmeat)指的是蜜饯,而(while)“甜面包”(sweetbread)不是甜的,它指的是牛杂碎。
2. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we findthatquicksand canwork slowly, boxingrings are square and a guinea pig isneitherfrom Guinea nor is it a pig. (nor引导的倒装句) Andwhyit is thatwriters writebutfingers don't finge, grocers don't groce andhammers don'tham?Iftheplural of tooth is teeth,why isn'tthe plural ofbooth beeth?Ifyou haveone goose, two geese,why notone moose, twomeese, or one index, two indices?
2.我们理所当然地接受了英语的一切,但是如果我们分析一下英语中似是而非的情况,我们马上就会发现“快的沙子”(quicksand,流沙,也只陷阱,困境)往往走得很慢,“拳击的圆圈”(boxing rings,拳击场)是方的,“几内亚猪”(guinea pig,天竺鼠)既不是来自几内亚,也不是猪。还有,既然名词作家(writers)去掉词尾的rs 就可以成为动词“写作(write)”,那为什么名词“手指”(fingers)、杂货店(grocers)、锤子(hammers)去掉rs就不能成为各自相应的动词呢?如果牙齿的复数是teeth,那为什么售货亭的复数不是beeth?一只鹅我们用goose,两只鹅用geese,那么,一只驼鹿用moose(单复数同形),两只驼鹿就应该是meese了?为什么一条索引是index,两条索引却成了indices?
3. Doesn'titseem crazythatyou can make amends but not one amend, orthatyou can combthrough the annals of historybut nota single annal? If youhave a bunch ofodds and endsand get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
3.如果你赔偿时只能赔偿复数不能赔偿单数,这是不是很莫名其妙?你可以梳理历史的编年史,为什么却不能梳理某一个单个的编年史?如果你有一堆麻烦(a bunchof odds and ends),那么在你把其他的都解决了只剩下一个(get rid of all but one of them)的时候该怎么说呢?(amends: n. 赔罪, 赔偿; amend: v.改良; 修改, 修订; annals: n. 编年史; annal: n. 记录)
4.Ifteachers taught,whydidn'tpreachers praught?Ifa vegetarian eatsvegetables,whatdoesahumanitarian eat?
5. Sometimes I thinkall the English speakersshould be committed toanasylum fortheverbally insane. Inwhatotherlanguage do people recite at a play andplay at arecital; shipby truck andsend cargoby ship; havenoses that runandfeet that smell; park ondrivewaysand drive on parkways?
5.有时候我觉得根据英国人说话时疯狂的用词可以将他们送进精神病院(asylum)。哪一种语言人们可以在一出戏中朗诵,在朗诵中玩(分别指演戏 和开独唱会)?用卡车运船,用船运货(分别指用卡车运输和用船运输; ship v. 运送; n. 船, 舰)?鼻子可以跑而脚可以闻味道(分别指流鼻涕和脚有臭味)?车可以停在驾驶路上,而且在停车路上驾驶(driveway从字面上理解是驾驶路,实际是车道;parkway从字面上理解是停车路,实际是公园道路、驾车专用道路)。
6.Howcanaslim chance anda fat chancebethe same, while a wise man and wise guy areopposites,andquite a lot and quite afew arealike?Howcan the weather behotas hellonedayand coldas hellanother?
6.为什么一个苗条的机会(slim chance,指没机会)和一个肥胖的机会(fat chance,也指没机会)意思是一样的,而一个聪明的人(wiseman,聪明人)和一个聪明的家伙(wise guy,自作聪明的人)却意思相反(opposite)?为什么相当多(quite a lot)和相当少(quite a few)意思一样(alike)?(实际上quite a lot和quite a few都是指相当多。)为什么天气可以热的像地狱也可以冷得像地狱?(as hell字面意思像地狱一样,实际指“非常地”)
7. You have tomarvelatthe unique lunacy of a language in which your house canburn up asit burns down, in which you fill ina formby filling it outand in which an alarmclock goes off bygoing on.
7.你不得不对这种精神病一样的语言(the unique lunacy of a language)表示惊奇(marvel at),在这种语言中,你的房子在被烧下去(burn down,意为烧毁)的同时(as)又被烧上去(burn up,意为烧起来,烧掉)。你用填出来(fill out,意为填写)的方法填进去(fillin, 意思也是填写)一个表格(form)。闹钟在走(go on)的时候响(go off)了。
8. English was invented by people,notcomputers, and it reflectsthe creativityofthe humanrace. That is why,whenthe stars are out, they are visible,but whenthe lights are out, theyareinvisible. And why,whenI wind up my watch, Istart it,but whenIwind upthis essay, I end it?