A: What did your parents do when they heard you were thrown in prison for vandalizing public property?
B: Well, since I never get in trouble, they were too dismayed to react at first, but now they are thinking of a suitable punishment.
A: 听到你因为破坏公共财产而被关进监狱,你父母作何反应?
B: 我从来没惹过什么麻烦,所以他们一开始惊愕得不知所措。但现在他们正想着怎么惩罚我呢。
A: I can’t believe you snuck out of the party after only fifteen minutes! And you didn’t even say goodbye to anyone!
B: I told you I was shy in front of strangers, but I guess you just didn’t know how shy I was.
A: 我难以置信,晚会才开始十五分钟,你就悄无声息地溜掉了,竟然没和任何人打声招呼!
B: 我告诉过你,我在生人面前羞涩,看来你真不知道我有多害羞!
dismayed: 因为恐惧而吓得手脚发软或无力继续。
vandalize: 肆意破坏(私人或公共财产);捣毁。
snuck: sneak的过去式,偷偷地走,溜走。
shy: 怯懦并很容易被吓到;害羞。
A: Jane was uptight about riding the roller coaster.
B: Yeah, the height and speed gave her cold feet.
A: She almost chickened out when she heard the screams of those scared cats who got on first.
B: She was in a cold sweat but went on anyway because her boyfriend got on with her.
A: 一想到坐过山车Jane就紧张得要命。
B: 是啊,过山车又高又快,吓得她怯场。
A: 听到那些在她面前坐过山车的胆小鬼们一声声的惊叫,她吓得差点开溜。
B: 尽管吓得直冒冷汗,但她还是去坐过山车了,因为她男朋友陪着她。
uptight: 紧张不安的,神经过敏的。
cold feet: 害怕,胆怯;信心或勇气的丧失。
scaredy cats: 形容某人不够勇敢,缺乏勇气,本性懦弱。是一个用来奚落别人的短语。
in a cold sweat: 由于惊吓或者害怕而出了一身的冷汗。sweat,汗。