Change is considerably easier when you have a full complement of supporting partners and unlimited resources. But, since very often it is the shock of a death, divorce or some other life tragedy that unceremoniously tosses us out of our comfort zone to fend for ourselves, it can mean being forced to strike out alone which for many of us is the scariest part of all.
Probably the most difficult thing about pursuing significant change is doing it when you don’t have the knowledge, financial or emotional tools available to make the process go smoothly.
However, as difficult as it can be, sometimes reaching our full potential means working without a net. Or, as Tony Robbins says, "If you want to take the island, burn the f’ing boats!"
然而,不管有多难,有时想要达到我们潜能的极限,其实只需在工作时摆脱网络的束缚。换言之,正如托尼• 罗宾斯所说,“如果你想去岛上,就烧了这些该死的船!”
For those truly dedicated to their mission, having fewer resources and no backup or fallback plan can be a surprising blessing as it forces you to get creative and forge new paths.
I don’t know if it’s possible to leave this world with zero regrets. Because of the natural life cycles and the fact that sometimes it’s the tragedy that causes our awakenings we often have our epiphanies too late to avoid certain painful outcomes.
However, it is indefensible to can claim ignorance to the possible ramifications of continued inaction. The choice belongs to each and every one of us. We all have the power to change both our thoughts and behavior thereby giving more intentional direction to the remainder of our lives.
I Paid For A Young Woman's Groceries
I was in line at Trader Joe's and the young woman in front of me had her card declined, she embarrassedly handed the cashier another card, which was also declined and then a final card that was approved for just .47.
She asked the cashier to cancel the transaction. The cashier motions for manager. I smile and offer to pay the balance, which was something dollars.
The woman was very thankful, the cashier was happy.
On my way out the manager handed me a bouquet of mixed flowers. He didn't say anything, just held the flowers out to me.
I saw he was overcomed with emotion. I suspected that if he opened his mouth he would start to cry. I accepted the flowers with thanks and walked out feeling that, for just a few moments, the world had become a better place.
You want to know the secret to success? Here it is:
Believe in yourself so much, that no one else can tell you otherwise.
Also doubt yourself so much, that you feel like no matter how hard you work nothing could ever get you to your goal.
Work so hard, that your friends think you're crazy.
Be ridiculed, be shunned, be ignored, be told no. Get shut down so many times that you become immune to it. That it drives you, and gives you energy.
Set boundaries for yourself. IE don't spend your money going to every show.
Also, go get inspired. Take yourself out of your work cycle, remind yourself why you are working yourself to the bone.
Give EVERYTHING to your craft. If there's someone in your life or something you do that prevents you from working 25 hours a day, get rid of it.
Ingrain the idea in your mind that NOTHING will get you where you want to be other than hard work.
Keep working so hard, that eventually what you are doing isn't work. It's who you are. And now people are taking notice. Your parents believe in you; your friends support you.
Keep doubting yourself. Always know that there's something else better out there that you have to keep working harder than you did yesterday to achieve.
Enjoy yourself. Be happy. Be grateful, be humble.
Keep working your ass off so you can make every single day of your life as good as this one, and better than the day before it.