AN ODDITY has hidden for nearly a century in a dusty bowl just east of the Sierra Nevadamountains in California. Deep Springs is a two-year college and, also, a cattle-and-alfalfa ranch. Its 26 students share duties irrigating fields and riding the herd, but also fixing boilers andscrubbing pots, alongside reading Nietzsche and swotting at their maths problems. They pay notuition fees, and most finish their bachelor’s degrees at Harvard, Yale and the like.
近一个世纪以来,加州内华达山脉东部的凹地中藏匿了一座男校——深泉(Deep Springs),它是一座两年学制的男校,学校中有长满苜蓿的大农场,养了些牛。深泉中的26名学生分工劳动,有灌溉田地,放牧,看锅炉,洗碗。课业方面,学生阅读尼采,钻研数学。学生无需交学费。大多数学生都会去哈佛、耶鲁等名校完成大学学业。
And they are all male. The college has admitted no women as regular students since it wasfounded in 1917, in accordance with a trust established by Lucien Nunn, the tycoon whofounded it as a place “for promising young men”. The atmosphere is intellectual, rugged andascetic, and the college is a democratic body, where student-led committees decideadmissions, hire the faculty and mind most matters of policy.
这所学校由 Lucien Nunn于1917年出资创立,这位大亨要为有潜力的年轻男性提供学习机会。自创立以来该校只收男生,从没有女生被录取。学校的校训是学术、劳动、自制。深泉十分民主,学生领导的委员会有权决定招生,教职工应聘和学校政策的制定。
The big exception is over the question of co-education. Since the 1970s successive studentbodies have lobbied to admit women, only to be rebuffed by the college’s trustees. Onlyrecently, with the support of a newer tycoon from the class of 1980, have the co-ed supporterson the board felt able to press their case. In September 2011 they moved to make the change. Young women were invited to apply for the entering class of 2013.
On January 8th that plan stumbled. A county court rejected the trustees’ motion to reinterpretthe college’s trust. A judge found that “young men” in fact means young men. More than 140 young women had applied by then, for perhaps only six places. They were summarily rejected.
但在1月8日,该计划流产了。县法院反对现任出资者重新解释 Lucien Nunn的办校宗旨。一位法官认为“young men”指的就是年轻男性而不是年轻人。深泉只招收六名女生,而截止到8日,有超过140名女生申请。在招生流产后,学校草草的拒绝了所有申请。
Deep Springs is one of only four remaining (non-clerical) all-male colleges in America. Yetdespite the prevalence of co-education these days, the trustees face a legal mess if they try tomodify the terms of the trust. By all accounts, the place is flourishing as it is. That poses adifficulty for the trustees, and current students, who would claim that the founder’s intent isbeing thwarted by the all-male policy. If they cannot make that case quickly, Deep Springs willenter its second century in almost the same form in which it began.
It's the bedtime ritual every parent dreads - being asked to read the same book for theumpteenth time.
But while the constant repetition might be mind-numbing for mum or dad, it is the best wayfor toddlers to learn new words, according to research.
The findings suggest parents are wasting money by spending a fortune on huge bookcollections in the hope they will inspire their little ones.
Instead, a small selection of favourites such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Gruffalo willachieve far more.
Dr Jessica Horst, of the University of Sussex’s WORD Lab devised an experiment to check howquickly three-year-olds could recognise and recall six new words.
The children were visited three times in a week at their homes.
One group heard the same story three times back-to-back each time and another was readthree different stories. All had the same amount of new words which appeared the samenumber of times.
When researchers returned a week later, they found the children who heard the same story overand over had typically learned 3.6 of the new words.
Those that were exposed to a variety of stories remembered only 2.6.
The also noted the ‘repetition’ group learned at a faster rate than those in the ‘variety’ group.
Dr Horst said: ‘We are showing that less is more, to a point. Obviously, the more times you readto a child and the more books you have will help them. But you don’t need to go crazy and buyevery single Thomas the Tank Engine book. Reading the same books over and over again helps.’
Previous studies have found parents spend just 49 minutes doing things with their childreneach day. One in three don’t read to their children before putting them to bed at night. Yet 30 minutes of one-on-one literacy sessions can improve reading age by nearly two years in lessthan five months.