
we are going to go to hainan英语教案


  为了帮助各位小学英语老师做好上课备案,下面学习啦小编为大家带来we are going to go to hainan英语教案,希望对你有所帮助!

  we are going to go to hainan英语教案:





  1. Have them hold the reading of Module7.

  2.The new sentence:

  We’re going to Hainan tomorrow.

  We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.

  3. Listen and sing a song—The zoo.


  “be going to ”讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。着重操练be going to…


  “be going to ”讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。




  一、Warm up

  1. Greetings.

  2. Sing a song “I’m listening to music.” And do the actions.


  1.Teacher introduces: Hello! I’m Ms Hu. I’m from China.

  Then introduces two new friends in screen. (Xiaoyong and Sam)。

  2. T: This is Ms Smart. She’s from England, too. She wants to know: Where are you going during the holidays? What are you going to do this weekend? After learning, you can tell her your trips and plans in English.

  三、 Presentation

  T: Today, we’re going to learn Module 7 Travel Unit1 We’re going to go to Hainan.

  (Write the theme on the blackboard)

  1. Point to the theme and read.

  Hainan ~ Hainan ~ go to Hainan ~ I’m/We’re going to go to Hainan.

  Explain that ‘be going to’ means “将要……”。 It’s used to talk about plans.

  2. T (Taking out a ticket): Next week is a holiday. I’m going to go to Hainan. Look! This is the ticket. Where are you going to?

  Show some pictures of certain places. Get students to say the chant.

  Beijing ~Beijing ~go to Beijing ~We’re/I’m going to go to Beijing.

  Shanghai ~Shanghai ~go to Shanghai ~We’re/I’m going to go to Shanghai.……

  3. Play a game. (Quick Response)

  4. T: How can you go to Beijing? Can you walk to Beijing? No, you can’t. How can you go to Beijing? Go by plane or by train?

  5. Shows a picture of a plane: Go by plane. Go by plane. I’m going to go by plane. Practice with some other pictures: car /jeep /bike /train

  6. Shows some pictures of actions. Let students to say out the phrases (Quick response): read a book/listen to music/row a boat /play chess…。

  7. Introduce new phrases: swim in the sea, play on the beach, get up at 5 o’clock, visit my grandpa

  8. T: What are you going to do this weekend? Let students to make sentences with the phrases we’ve learnt.

  S: I’m going to read a book.

  I’m going to swim in the sea……

  四、Learn the dialogue

  1. Let students to look at the screen and listen. Then explain the story.

  2. Let students to look at the screen again and repeat.

  3. Get students to answer the following questions:

  ① Where are they going to go tomorrow?

  ② When are they going to get up?

  ③ Are they going to go by plane?

  ④ What is Sam going to do in Hainan?

  ⑤ What is Xiaoyong going to do?

  ⑥ Whose swimsuit is this?


  1.Play a game.

  Let four students to write the names of the places on each paper. Hold up the paper and say out the places they want to go: I’m going to go to Hong Kong / Qingdao……。

  Let the other students to choose where they want to go and stand behind.

  2. (Act as Ms Smart) T: Now, boys and girls. I’m Ms Smart. Please tell me: Where are you going to go on holidays. What are you going to do this weekend? Talk about your trips and plans. Discuss in groups first. Then report.……

  六、 Homework

  Listen to the tape twice.

  we are going to go to hainan教学设计:


  1、 知识目标

  (1)使用be going to讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。

  (2)能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:children, tomorrow, from ,China, swim, sea, by plane .


  能听懂、会说、会读句型: We’re going to …I’m from…




  词汇: tomorrow, by plane ,swim, sea, from .

  句型:We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.


  plane, swim, sea .




  一、 Revision


  2.T:Let’s say and do the actions 。(老师出示单词卡片让学生看着卡片的短语边说边做出相应的动做。)

  Swim, swim, swim in the sea.

  Boat, boat, row a boat.

  Basketball, basketball, play basketball.

  Dumplings, dumplings , make dumplings.

  Chess, chess , play chess.

  Pictures, pictures, take pictures.

  二、 Presention

  1.New Concept

  (1)T:Hello! Children. Do you like taking pictures?


  T:I like, too. I like traveling very much. Do you like traveling?(你们喜欢旅游么?)


  T: Amy ,Sam and their parents like traveling, too. OK! Let’s listen to the tape. Where are they going to go? (播放磁带前两句)

  Answer:They’re going to Hainan.

  (2)T:Great!Today,we’ll learn new Module 7(Bb)

  (3)T:Please look at this map .I’m going to go to Beijing.(指北京)Where

  do you want to go?Can you tell me?

  Who wants to go with me?(谁愿意和我一起去?)

  S: Me .(或用汉语回答我愿意)

  T: OK. We’re going to go to Beijing.(老师与学生站在一起将强调We.) 教授两遍。

  (4)如每组派一同学为自己的大组选择一个地点,这个组的学生就根据这个地点来练习句型We’re going to go to . 然后进行大组之间的操练。

  请同学自己选择城市或其它地方来操练We’re going to go to .

  (5)T:You’ve chosen a place .But how do you go there ? I’m going to go by plane. Who wants to go by plane?

  S:I want.

  T: OK! We’re going to go by plane. 教授两遍。A,B,C,D每组操练一遍,然后进行AC,BD这的组与组之间的操练。

  Can you choose another traffic tools?(让学生选择其它交通工具来练习We’re going to go by…句型)

  T:In our plan the time is very important, do you think so? When are you

  going to get up? 请学生四人小组讨论然后回答

  S:We’re going to get up at . 按小组回答

  (6)T:At last, what are you going to do? 四人小组讨论,汇报。We’re going to .


  Game : 全班四个大组,A组写We’re going to go to …

  B组写We’re going to go by …

  C组写We’re going to get up at …

  D组写We’re going to …




  学生完成句子填空 we‘re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.

  We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock.

  We’re going to go by plane.

  I’m Sam . I’m from England.

  I’m Xiaoyong. I’m from China

  (Sam)I’m going to swim in the sea.

  (Xiaoyong) I’m going to visit my grandpa.





2.what do they eat英语教案及反思



5.Our School英语教案及反思

6.My family英语教案及反思
