




  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项There are two things I can count on my dad asking every time he calls me: “Is there anything I can do for you?” and “How’s the car?” I guess he asks what he can do for me because his dad (an air force officer) was never really there for him, and he’s determined to provide me with the support he lacked. During my youth he never missed a school play or softball game. In fact, he was so supportive that I sometimes longed for one of those dads who dressed better and cared less. But my dad would forever be the guy wearing shorts with dress shoes and black socks, cheering me on, expecting greatness.

  His other standard question?How’s the car??used to strike me as a waste of long-distance dollars from a man who once suggested making a list of what you want to talk about before calling someone out of state. What I now realize is that “How’s the car?” is not about the car. It’s a father’s way of asking his adult daughter how she is doing. The advantage is that if there’s something wrong with the car, he knows what to do about it and how much it will cost, whereas if you’re having problems about marriage or doubting a career choice, he might have to put Mom on the line.

  At age thirty I finally took the plunge (跳进) into adulthood by renting a car without my dad’s help or advice. I’m sure my dad was hurt rather than proud. Though a daughter’s independence is evidence of a job well done, it still implies the job’s done, and many fathers are reluctant to retire. Even when my dad was overworked, he’d happily jump on a plane if I said I needed help. His frequent question “Is there anything I can do for you?” underlines the fact that he wishes there was still something he could provide. It’s interesting: even though we’re tied by blood and I love him no matter what, he still seems to need a concrete function?suggesting stocks, finding the cheapest plane fare?to feel he has a role in my life.

  21. The author’s father always showed up in his daughter’s school activities to _________.

  A. show his own lack of fatherly love B. support her in all possible ways

  C. guarantee she would perform well D. watch them out of his own curiosity

  22. The author has learned that by asking “How is the car?”, her father is actually _________.

  A. reminding her not to waste money

  B. asking his daughter if the car breaks down or not

  C. asking how his daughter is getting along

  D. expressing his concern for her daughter’s safety

  23. According to the author, her father is unwilling to retire probably because _________.

  A. he is doubtful of her independence B. he wants to continue to earn money

  C. he is afraid of losing connection with her D. he won’t put an end to caring for her

  24. We can safely draw a conclusion from the story that in the author’s eye her father _________.

  A. has the deepest love for his daughter

  B. has a strong passion for his work

  C. has great interest in his daughter’s car

  D. has too much control over his daughter


  Dear Hamilton,

  We are fortunate that in such a large, high-pressure office we all get along so well. You are one of the people who keep the social temperature at such a comfortable setting. I don’t know anyone in the office who is better liked than you.

  You can perhaps help with this. The collection of contributions towards gifts for employees’ personal-life events is becoming a little troubling. Certainly, the group sending of a gift is reasonable now and then. In the past month, however, there have been collections for two baby shower gifts, one wedding shower gift, two wedding gifts, one funeral (葬礼) remembrance, four birthday gifts, and three graduation gifts.

  It’s not only the collected?from who are growing uncomfortable (and poor), but the collected?for feel uneasy receiving gifts from people who don’t know them outside the office, who wouldn’t even recognize their graduating children, their marrying daughters and sons, or their dead relatives.

  This is basically a kind gesture (and one that people think well of you for), but the practice seems to have become too wide-ranging and feels improper in today’s office setting.

  Thank you for understanding.

  25. The underlined word “contributions” probably means _____.

  A. understanding B. suggestions

  C. money D. reports

  26. Hamilton is expected to _____.

  A. discontinue the present practice

  B. know more about co-workers’ families

  C. quit being the organizer for gift giving

  D. show more kindness

  27. This is basically a letter of _____.

  A. apology B. dissatisfaction

  C. appreciation D. sympathy


  Square dancing is a form of entertainment and physical exercise, which is a good thing. However, a group of senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s Sunset Park were recently faced with noise complaints from nearby residents. The local court even served a summons (传票) related to a certain Ms. Wang.

  The news soon caused heated discussion across China, with many believing the incident to involve a cultural conflict between the East and West, while others view it as a form of discrimination against Chinese in the United States.

  The United States is a diverse society, and in many cases, Chinese dancers are tolerated and even appreciated. Meanwhile, the United States is a society based on the rule of law, and due to cultural differences, local regulations seem to be very different from those in China. As a result, some old Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s Sunset Park found themselves caught in an embarrassing situation. Locals and immigrants from other nations view such noise as a violation of their right to enjoy tranquility. Calling the police is regarded as the most efficient way to solve such a problem.

  Before, these ladies probably did not understand local customs and rules. However, since the incident took place, they should perhaps know a little better next time and keep the noise to a minimum. People from different nations are often supposed to reach compromises, respecting and tolerating each other.

  Whatever your choice of entertainment, it is important not to affect other people’s lives. Square dancing is only one of many activities during which people should mind their behavior.

  As for U.S. police practice, there might still be some room for improvement. Some were said to be rather rude, leading to the so-called “racial discrimination,” which is a sensitive topic in U.S. society.

  If the involved parties could be more tolerant, and solve such problems without involving the court, perhaps immigrants would mix more.

  28. The writer mentions the incident in Paragraph 1 to __________.

  A. make complaints B. show his opinion

  C. criticize the local police D. bring up the topic

  29. What will the senior Chinese ladies most probably do after the incident?

  A. Ask America to change its law. B. Keep the noise lower.

  C. Go back to China. D. Fight for their right.

  30. What’s the writer’s attitude towards senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York’s Sunset Park?

  A. He strongly supports the action of the local police.

  B. He considers it a shame for senior Chinese ladies to do so.

  C. He thinks all parties involved should be more tolerant.

  D. He suggests such kind of problem should be solved in the court.

  31. Where could this passage most likely be taken from?

  A. a story book B. a brochure C. a complaint letter D. a newspaper


  Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

  Electronic Village Program (Thursday, June 18,2015) Nearpod

  ◇9:00 am to 10:00 am

  ◇Room 501

  Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context(语境) for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it. TEO

  ◇2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

  ◇Room 502

  Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO. Kahoot

  ◇10:30 am to 11:00 am

  ◇Room 601

  Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback(反馈), including reports about their strengths and weaknesses. Prezi

  ◇3:00 pm to 4:20 pm

  ◇Room 602

  Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics, including introducing family, friends, and hobbies. 32. Nearpod can be used to .

  A. help vocabulary learning B. teach listening on-line

  C. offer grammar tests D. gain fluency in speaking

  33. If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can go to .

  A. Room 502 B. Room 501 C. Room 602 D. Room 601

  34. Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

  A. Prezi. B. TEO. C. Kahoot. D. Nearpod.

  35. A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive by .

  A. 3:30 pm B. 2:00 pm C. 10:30 am D. 9:00 am

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项选项中有两项为多余选项。The person behind you constantly kicks the back of your seat. Your talkative seatmate doesn’t understand your need for sleep. And the aircraft’s bathroom is a total mess. These situations can make even a short flight unbearable. Hopefully you don’t cause these unpleasant experiences for others._____ 36______ .

  Always recline(向后倾斜) your seat slowly.There’s nothing worse than suddenly being hit in the knees by the seat in front of you.In addition, don’t keep your seat reclined for the entire flight.Always keep it upright during mealtimes.And remember to put it in the upright position before going to the restroom or anytime you leave your seat.)

  _____37______ .Wait until the meal is done and all the food trays(盘子)have been collected It’s hard for passengers to stand up to let you pass when they still have their food trays. And when using the bathroom , always clean up after yourself ---the next user will be grateful !

  Keep your body ----and your possessions ----to yourself as much as possible so as not to crowd your in-flight seatmate(sShare the armrest , especially on a long flight .Also, be careful not to kick or push on the seat in front of you .

  While some people enjoy chatting with other passengers during a flight, not everyone does . Some people may want to nap ,read or work._______

  If you are traveling with someone and want to chat, keep your voices low.___39____People can still hear through your headphones if the volume is too high.

  When exiting the plane, if others are having trouble with their carry-on luggage help them if you can. If you can’t help , wait patiently, and don’t push past people to get off the airplane. On your flight ,remember the golden rule:____40____.

  ADon’t leave your carry-on in the aircraft.

  B. If the conversation seems one-sided ,you should notice it.

  C. Treat others the way you want to be treated!

  D. Avoid going to the bathroom during mealtimes.

  E. Instead, you can set an example by following these common airplane courtesies(礼貌).

  F. it is not polite to talk loudly in the aircraft.

  GIf using electronic gadgets(小装置)keep the volume down.

  第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

  第节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)For long, a little boy was wondering why his deskmate could rank 1st in the class whenever he wanted to, while he himself failed to: he only ranked 21st. At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more 41 than others? I feel I am as obedient and as careful as him, but 42 I always fall behind? ” Hearing the words, Mom was aware that her son began to 43 the sense of self-respect, which was now being injured by the ranking system. 44 at him, she went wordless, not knowing 45 to explain. In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his deskmate remained 1st. Back home, he 46 the same question. Mom really wanted to inform her son that 47 differs, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones. 48 , was this discouraging answer the one that her son was constantly 49 about? Thank goodness she did not open her mouth. How to answer her son’s question? There were times when she felt an urge to say, “You are too lazy. You are not as hard-working as others…” but she stopped 50 imagining her son suffering from the pains of unsatisfied grades and rankings. She thought it 51 to put any additional burden on his son and was trying to find out a perfect answer. Time passing swiftly, the son 52 primary school. Despite studying harder and better, he was still unable to keep up with his deskmate. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to 53 him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give out an answer. Now, the son no longer worries about his 54 , and there are no boring guys who would inquire his grades in primary school, because, 55 the 1st ranking, he is admitted to Tsinghua University. Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to 56 the students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned a valuable experience in his childhood, “…When my mother and I were lying on the 57 , she pointed to the front and said, “Do you see the seabirds struggling for food over there? When the waves come near, little birds can rise 58 while awkward seagulls would take more time to complete the process. However, have you noticed birds that finally fly 59 the endless ocean are none other than awkward seagulls? ”The speech 60 many mothers present to tears, including his mother. 41. A. considerate B. careless C. stupid D. clever 42. A. what if B. how come C. how about D. what for 43. A. lose B. have C. win D. beat 44. A. Shouting B. Glaring C. Staring D. Pointing 45. A. which B. why C. when D. how 46. A. raised B. met C. answered D. got 47. A. intelligence B. right C. knowledge D. strength 48. A. Therefore B. Still C. Thus D. However 49. A. enthusiastic B. curious C. crazy D. clear 50. A. if B. before C. unless D. when 51. A. cruel B. important C. disappointing D. necessary 52. A. attended B. started C. finished D. entered 53. A. guide B. take C. order D. push 54. A. homework B. belongings C. health D. rankings 55. A. in B. by C. with D. on 56. A. teach B. deliver C. address D. face 57. A. floor B. road C. bank D. beach 58. A. quickly B. suddenly C. slowly D. slightly 59. A. into B. through C. across D. throughout 60. A. made B. moved C. impressed D. inspired


  第三部分 英语知识运用

  第二节 (共10分;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


  On July 12th, 2012, an airplane took off from the capital airport of Belgium. After about an hour’s flight, something 61 ( believe ) happened on the plane. The airhostess was about to serve lunch 62 a small mouse stole out from the bag of a young man, 63 made the young woman nearby fall in terror with loud screaming. Then more and more 64 ( mouse ) came out of the bag. 65 ( catch ) by surprise, the other passengers all shouted in panic. The steward(机长)managed to get in touch with the control center on the ground. With the order from the ground, the plane 66 ( succeed ) landed at the nearest airport. As soon as the plane was on the ground, all the passengers got off. Then seven specialists got on 67 ( kill ) these small creatures. Many means had been tried, but 68 of them were good enough.

  At last they tried to fill in the plane 69 carbon-dioxide, which poisoned all of the small creatures. It 70 ( report ) that the young man wanted to carry them to another city and sell them as pets but no one expected that these small creatures succeeded in escaping from the bag .


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)








  We should never give up when we fail. To my opinion, it is not easy to be successful. Challenges are a important part of your life as you grow up. And you won't necessary succeed in everything the first time you try. That's okay. Some of the most successful people in the world are that who've had the most failure. J. K. Rowling, who wrote Harry Potter, had her first Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was removed his high school basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and miss thousands of shots during her career. But he once said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's because I succeed.”

  第二节 书面表达(共1小题,共25分)


  要点:1. 海南三亚度假两周;

  2. 参加一周的潜水课程;

  3. 周四之前回复是否加入;

  4. Rose负责预定航班和酒店。 注意:1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头和结语已为你写好

  Dear Tom,

  Time goes fast. Another summer is coming again.


  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua





