





  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分 阅读理解 (共2节, 满分40分)


  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。


  Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention to class.

  Opposite to what many people believe, if you don't eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

  21. During the test, those who were tested were given .

  A. no breakfast at all B. different breakfasts or none

  C. little food for breakfast D. very rich breakfast

  22. The results of the test show that .

  A. breakfast has great effect on work and studies

  B. breakfast has little to do with a person’s work

  C. a person will work better if he has a simple breakfast

  D. those working with brains should have much for breakfast

  23. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Poor breakfasts affect those who work with brains.

  B. Morning diet may cause one to get fatter.

  C. Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight.

  D. Reducing breakfast is of great value in weight losing.


  I’ve given a lot of speeches about education. And I’ve talked about responsibility a lot. I’ve talked about teachers’ responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn. I’ve talked about your parents’ responsibility for making sure you stay on track, and you get your homework done. I’ve talked a lot about your government’s responsibility for setting high standards, and supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren’t working, where students aren’t getting the opportunities. But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, the best schools -- and none of it will make a difference, none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. That’s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education.

  I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Maybe you could be a great writer -- maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper -- but you might not know it until you write that English paper -- that English class paper that’s assigned (given) to you. Maybe you could be an innovator (reformer) or an inventor -- maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or the new medicine or vaccine -- but you might not know it until you do your project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a senator or a Supreme Court judge -- but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team. And no matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee (am sure) that you’ll need an education to do it. You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job. You’ve got to train for it and work for it and learn for it.

  This isn’t just important for your own life and your own future. What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country. The future of America depends on you. What you’re learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future.

  24. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  A. The teachers should take the responsibility to teach their students carefully.

  B. The parents should all the time take the responsibility to supervise the children.

  C. The government should take the responsibility to support the teachers and schools.

  D. The students themselves should take the responsibility to study for their future.

  25. What does the underlined word dedicated mean?

  A. frightened B. excited C. devoted D. determined

  26. Who will be the listeners of this speech?

  A. Students B. Teachers C. Parents D. Principals

  27. What is the best title of this passage?

  A. Who is responsible for the future? B. Education---your choice

  C. Your education, your future D. Education changes your life


  You put a great deal of effort into reaching the college of your choice. It’s time to get started. But what’s next? Beginning college can be an exciting but awkward time. Follow these tips to adjust to your new life rapidly and make the most of your college experience.

  ● To save time and money, use the college’s bus system. Taking the bus to school is quick, easy and free in most college towns. You won’t have to locate or afford a place to park either. It’s also a good way to be environmentally aware.

  ● Save pennies on books by waiting until class starts. You might not even need all of the recommended books. New textbooks cost an arm and a leg. Try buying used textbooks ---it’s a surefire way to save money and serves the purpose as well.

  ● Do never look at college life as an endless series of parties and social activities. But there is a whole lot more to college if you’re serious about graduating. Having a good college experience is all about balancing work and fun.

  ● Be aware that your living environment can largely affect your academic success. If the dorm doesn’t suit you, consider living at home with your family or renting your own apartment. The best location for your studies isn’t always your dorm. Find a quiet area, like the library, to do your work. Alternatively, buy some headphones that block out noise.

  ● Be mindful of your diet. Make healthy food choices and watch what you eat. Avoid foods that are processed or high in sugar. The “freshman 15” is real. Many college students gain at least 15 pounds during their freshmen year.

  ● While electives (选修课) can be helpful when figuring out your major, you shouldn’t entirely rely on them. Clubs and other organizations exist around. Get involved. Make sure, though, that you still have time to study. Having too much on your plate can hurt your grades.

  28. Which of the following ideas can be financially wise?

  A. Driving your own car. B. Attending activities.

  C. Renting an apartment. D. Buying used books.

  29. In the text, freshmen are repeatedly warned against .

  A. traffic accidents B. physical problems

  C. academic failures D. social activities

  30. The underlined phrase “having too much on your plate” probably refers to .

  A. using too much money for meals

  B. taking part in too many after-class activities

  C. eating too much unhealthy food

  D. taking an elective that has too many students

  31 What can we infer from the passage?

  A. Some freshmen don’t have healthy lifestyle.

  B. All freshmen adapt to their new life easily.

  C. All freshmen should live in the dorm.

  D. Some freshmen enjoy their new life.


  In our deep mind, we all talk to ourselves—an inner monologue that might seem rather pointless. But as a study shows, the act of giving ourselves mental messages can help us learn and perform at our best. Researchers have identified the most effective forms of self-talk collected here—so that the next time you talk to yourself; you know exactly what you should say.

  Self-talk isn’t just motivational messages like “You can do it!” or “Almost there,” although this inside cheering section can give us confidence. A review of more than two dozen studies, published last year in the journal Perspectives On Psychological Science, found that there is another kind of mental message that is even more useful, called “instructional self-talk.” This is the kind of running description we engage in when we’re carrying out a difficult task, especially one that’s unfamiliar to us. Think about when you were first learning to drive. Your self-talk might have gone something like this: “Foot on the gas pedal, hands on the wheel, slow down for the bend here, now put your blinker on…”

  Over time, of course, giving yourself instructions becomes unnecessary—but while you’re learning, it does three important things. First, it promotes our attention, focusing us on the important part of the task and keeping out distractions. Second, it helps us manage our effort and make decisions about what to do, how to do it, and when. And third, self-talk allows us to control our cognitive and emotional reactions, making us stay on tasks.

  In a recent study of students learning to throw balls in a gym class, Athanasios Kolovelonis Greece found that self-talk is most effective when involved in a cycle of thought and action. First comes forethought, when you set a goal for yourself and make a plan for how to get there. That’s followed by performance, when you carry out the plan to the best of your ability. Last comes self-reflection, when you carefully evaluate what you’ve done and adjust your plan for the next time.

  Self-talk can play a key part in this cycle. During the forethought stage, consider carefully what you’ll say to yourself. You can even write them down. Repeat these self-instructions during the performance stage. With practice, you may find that your self-instructions become shorter; research has found that these words can become powerful signals.

  After the action is over, consider how you might change your self-talk to improve your performance next time---so that at the moment it matters, the right words are ringing in your ears.

  32. The main idea of the third paragraph is _____ while you are learning.

  A. that self-talk has three stages.

  B. that self-talk promotes your attention.

  C. in what ways self-talk will benefit you.

  D. that it is not necessary to give yourself instructions.

  33. According to the passage, what are you supposed to say to yourself first if you are learning to ride a horse for the first time?

  A. How can I speed up? B. Hold the rope and get on the horse!

  C. No problem! I can make it! D. What a big horse! I am scared!

  34. According to the author, being able to use self-talk is _____.

  A. a useful method to help us improve our performance.

  B. a key part of the forethought stage.

  C. a skill to deal with difficult problems.

  D. a final result of carrying out a difficult task.

  35. The author explains the self-talk by _____.

  A. setting down general theories only.

  B. giving instructions of how to self-talk

  C. considering important practice.

  D. presenting research findings and giving examples

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

  根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend. 36 But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

  1. Stay in touch with others.

  The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.

  2. Start a conversation

  Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. 37 You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in communicating with other people.

  3. 38

  Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

  4. Let it grow.

  It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 39 The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

  5. Enjoy your friendship

  The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. 40 Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.

  A. Be cheerful.

  B. Do things together.

  C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

  D. Try not to find fault with your friends.

  E. Making new friends is easy for some people.

  F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

  G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you

  第三部分 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)


  Jason Smith is 6 years old. He was born on January 12th 2008, a day you know 41 changed the Smiths’ lives forever. In July, he developed a kind of unusual red spot on his 42 .Three months later, he was diagnosed with a very serious disease. “He was very weak—not even being able to pull up his own shorts. 43 I had to take leave from my job, and pull him out of school. Because he loves preschool so much, it broke all of our 44 .” His mom Lucy said.

  His immune(免疫) system is attacking itself, which causes him lots of 45 in lots of places. The Smiths call it the “invisible illness” 46 except for the spots on Jason’s hand and feet, there is little obvious to the eye.

  Everyone looks at him and says “Oh, he looks so great.” But they 47 see his immune system attacking his heart, or his liver, or his veins, or his muscles. They hardly see how much he is 48 by the hospital.

  The bad disease is treatable, 49 not curable. Jason takes 11 to 14 medications a day. He has to get 50 in hospital every month. These medications cause huge mood swings, and 51 Jason’s ability to be outdoors in the sun.

  52 all this, Jason is always first in line to play soccer at the playground with his friends. He’s also one of the funniest kids you’ll ever meet. Lucy says, “He will always 53 a room, the hospital and the grocery store – 54 we may be. He’s also super 55 to other people’s feelings. Occasionally he will catch me 56 . He will put his little hands on my cheeks and 57 my tears and say: Mom, don’t cry, I just love you and I 58 be OK. Jason is very optimistic. He laughs a lot, 59 making jokes, loves to learn, and enjoys life. He is a very 60 kid, and has gone through so much.

  41. A. what B. when C. that D. who

  42. A. back B. hands C. cheeks D. tongue

  43. A. Occasionally B. Steadily C. Finally D. Immediately

  44. A. hearts B. confidence C. traditions D. promise

  45. A. fever B. burn C. mess D. pain

  46. A. because B. though C. when D. unless

  47. A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t D. needn’t

  48. A. adopted B. admitted C. invited D. deserted

  49. A. or B. and C. then D. but

  50. A. treatment B. invitation C. direction D. entertainment

  51. A. acquire B. limit C. improve D. lose

  52. A. Rather than B. In addition to C. as for D. In spite of

  53. A. take up B. put up C. light up D. clean up

  54. A. Wherever B. whoever C. whatever D. whenever

  55. A. careless B. aggressive C. sensitive D. loyal

  56. A. talking B. crying C. smoking D. smiling

  57. A. bring about B. dry up C. wipe away D. keep back

  58. A. seem to B. used to C. am able to D. am going to

  59. A. gradually B. frequently C. eventually D. actually

  60. A. strong-willed B. sad C. humorous D. kind


  第四部分 语法填空 (共10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共15分)


  When we arrived at Prinsengracht, we went quickly upstairs and into the hiding place. We closed the door behind us and we are alone. Margot had come 61.____________(fast) on her bike than us and was already waiting 62.____________ us. All the rooms were full of boxes 63.___________ lay on the floor and the beds. We had to start clearing up at once, 64.____________we wished to sleep in 65.____________ (comfort) beds that night. Mummy and Margot were not able to help. They were tired. But Daddy and I, the two helpers of the family, 66. ____________(start) at once.

  The whole day we 67. ___________ (pack) the boxes, filled the cupboards and tidied, until we were 68.____________(extreme) tired. We 69.____________ sleep in clean beds that night. We hadn’t had any warm food to eat all day. Mummy and Margot were 70. ____________ tired and worried to eat, so they went to sleep without eating anything.

  第五部分 写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(满分10)

  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处, 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


  修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

  注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词汇。

  2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处记)不计分。

  Nowadays more and more students are beginning to realize the important of learning English

  but some of them find them difficult to get a chance to speak English in their daily life. In order

  to improving the students’ speaking ability, the Students’ Union of our school has decided to

  hold oral English contest. It will be hold in the school meeting room from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  in Oct. 18. Three foreign teachers and seven English teachers would act as judge at the contest.

  The student whom wins the first prize will get a notebook computer.

  It is a good chance for all every student in the school. Please take an active part in it.

  The Students’ Union

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


  学校概况 新校园干净美丽,有大型操场和电子阅览室

  教师 介绍自己最喜欢的老师或者印象深刻的老师

  同学 友好、勤奋

  感受 高中新生活开始了,要积极上进


  2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。digital 电子的,数字的



  班级 考号 姓名

  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分 阅读理解 (共2节, 满分40分)

  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

  第三部分 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分30分)

  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

  51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

  第四部分 语法填空 (共10小题, 每小题1. 5分, 共15分)

  61 62 63 64

  65 66 67 68

  69 70

  第五部分 写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(满分10)

  Nowadays more and more students are beginning to realize the important of learning English

  but some of them find them difficult to get a chance to speak English in their daily life. In order

  to improving the students’ speaking ability, the Students’ Union of our school has decided to

  hold oral English contest. It will be hold in the school meeting room from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  in Oct. 18. Three foreign teachers and seven English teachers would act as judge at the contest.

  The student whom wins the first prize will get a notebook computer.

  It is a good chance for all every student in the school. Please take an active part in it.

  The Students’ Union

  第三节 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  Dear Wang Gang,

  Yours, Li Hua


  阅读:21-23BAD 24-27DCAC 28-31DCBA 32-35 CBAD

  七选五 36-40 ECBGD

  完形填空:41-45 CBCAD 46-50ACBDA 51-55BDCAC 56-60BCDBA

  语法填空:61. faster 62. for 63. which/that 64. if 65. comfortable

  66.started 67. unpacked 68. extremely 69. did 70. too


  Nowadays more and more students are beginning to realize the important of learning English,


  but some of them find them difficult to get a chance to speak English in their daily life. In order


  to improving the students’ speaking ability, the Students’ Union of our school has decided to


  hold oral English contest. It will be hold in the school meeting room from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  an held

  in Oct. 18. Three foreign teachers and seven English teachers would act as judge at the contest.

  On will judges

  The student whom wins the first prize will get a notebook computer.


  It is a good chance for all every student in the school. Please take an active part in it.

  The Students’ Union


  Dear Wang Gang,

  We haven’t seen each other for over two months. How are you doing? I’ll tell you something about my new school first.

  My new school is very clean and beautiful. There’s a large playground and a digital reading room. I like my English teacher best,who is my first man teacher of English. His teaching method is nothing like that of the others. What’s more,he never makes us embarrassed in class. All my classmates are friendly and hard¬working. We’re living a new life and trying to make greater progress in our lessons.

  Please tell me something about your new school and yourself.


  Li Hua




  1.What fruit does the woman use?

  A.Pears. B.Oranges. C.Bananas.

  2.What did the woman do today?

  A.She cleaned the car.

  B.She bought an umbrella.

  C.She listened to the weather forecast.

  3.When does the man usually do exercise?

  A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening.

  4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A.Father and daughter. B.Classmates. C.Teacher and student.

  5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A.Preparing for a test. B.Eating during an exam. C.Getting a medical exam.




  6.Who started to make birthdays important holidays?

  A.The woman’s grandparents.

  B.The man’s grandparents.

  C.The woman’s parents.

  7.What does the woman’s mother do for the woman’s birthday?

  A.She gives her a gift of jewelry.

  B.She cooks some special food.

  C.She makes some beautiful clothes.


  8.Why didn’t the man need to study the local language?

  A.He already spoke it well.

  B.He could communicate in English.

  C.He didn’t want to talk to local people.

  9.How did the baker feel about the man at first?

  A.Happy. B.Afraid. C.Angry.

  10.What was the result of the language problem?

  A.It became a funny story.

  B.It got the travelers into trouble.

  C.It encouraged the man to study more.


  11.What kind of food does the woman cook?

  A.Thai. B.Chinese. C.Vietnamese.

  12.What does the man think of the new Chinese market?

  A.It’s too big.

  B.It has good deals.

  C.It has few foreign products.

  13.When is the best time to visit the market according to the man?

  A.Saturday. B.Sunday. C.Monday.


  14.Where does the conversation take place?

  A.At a store. B.At schoo1. C.At home.

  15.How did the man get the mud?

  A.He dug it up from the backyard.

  B.He brought it from the Dead Sea.

  C.He bought it from an online company.

  16.What is the main color of the mud in the backyard?

  A.Brown. B.Grey. C.Black.

  17.Why does the girl agree to use the mud?

  A.She wants her skin to feel younger.

  B.She has some skin problems.

  C.She is starting to get wrinkles.


  18.What classes can visitors take in Bali according to the speaker?

  A.Diving. B.Swimming. C.Fishing.

  19.Why do some scientists come to Bali?

  A.To study volcanoes.

  B.To study the sea creatures.

  C.To study traditional artworks.

  20.What does the speaker think is good to do during Chinese New Year?

  A.Drink traditional coffee. B.Do some shopping. C.Visit Buddhist temples.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  In recent years,Myanmar has opened its doors to western tourism.This once-closed state in Southeast Asia is a gold mine for those who enjoy the ancient Buddhist culture of the region.Compared to its neighbors,the landscape of Myanmar has been left largely undamaged.There are so many reasons why Myanmar is amazing and has been rated one of the top Asian tourist destinations for 2019.Here are some of its scenic spots:

  Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon

  As far as pagodas are concerned,this is one of the most respected in Myanmar.This massive325-foot Buddhist pagoda is surrounded by smaller shiny-gold pagodas.It is believed that some of the hairs of Gautama Buddha are well-preserved in here.The Shwedagon Pagoda is a must-see destination on your traveling schedule.

  Long Neck Tribe of the Hill Country

  These women—who are identified by their long necks that are stretched by brass neck coils(项圈)from an early age—have become world-famous.You’ll find this tribe in the mountainous north of the country,especially in Chin state.This custom dates back to ancient times when tribesmen—who were always at war with neighboring tribes—put neck coils on their women to prevent them from being taken as prisoners of war.These days,the long-necked women are used to seeing foreigners,who make the long journey to this isolated region of Myanmar for the purpose of seeing them.

  Mandalay City

  This dusty,hot center of trading and commerce for Myanmar is both fascinating and exciting.You’11 never find a shortage of things to do here.Temples.Medieval-era castles.Buildings from the country’s colonial British past.There are over 600 monasteries and nunneries in the Holy Hills of Sagaing,which overlook Mandalay.The city also has an exciting nightlife which will be an attraction for many.

  21.What does the writer intend to tell in the passage?

  A.Life styles people in Myanmar have.

  B.Activities tourists can attend in Myanmar.

  C.Reasons why Myanmar is suddenly popular.

  D.Information about some attractions in Myanmar.

  22.For what purpose were the neck coils initially used?

  A.To protect women’s necks.

  B.To frighten the enemies away.

  C.To make women more attractive.

  D.To stop women being victims of war.

  23.What will impress travelers to Mandalay City most?

  A.Promising commercial future. B.Architecture of different styles.

  C.Shiny-gold pagodas. D.Abundance of goods in night markets.


  Few writers have had such an impact on the thinking of the modem world as British writer George Orwell(1903—1950).Orwell wrote many things on a variety of topics,for example,poverty in England in the 1930s during the Great Depression and his experience in the Spanish Civil War(1936—1939).

  But he is most famous for his works of fiction,Animal Farm(1945)and,especially,Nineteen Eighty-Four(1949).These last books became especially influential in the West in the 1950s during the early Cold War years.

  In Nineteen Eighty-Four,Orwell imagined a Britain of the future,modeled on the Soviet union(苏联).His frightening tale of Winston Smith,a regular man who comes into conflict with the government,was close to the fears of many people of the time.Ideas from the novel soon entered everyday culture,and are still in use today.“Big Brother”,for example,is a phrase from the book that refers to how authority is always looking over one’s shoulder. Other phrases used in the novel,1ike“War is Peace”and “Freedom is slavery”are also still used now.Indeed,many people see Orwell’s book as a warning about what might happen if those in power become corrupted.

  Even today,Orwell remains an influential voice. Often,writers achieve great fame and popularity,but they don’t affect how people live their everyday lives.UNESCO’S Memory of the World Programme recently decided to include a collection of Orwell’s writings on its register.

  The Memory of the World register is similar to UNESCO’s world heritage site program,which protects places and buildings natural features in the world.According to its website,the idea behind the body is“that the world’s documentary evidence belongs to all”and should be “accessible forever to all”.

  University College London,which proposed the idea to UNESCO,said in its application that Orwell’s work“had a great influence on human thought in all parts of the world,an influence that remain powerful today”.

  24.What do we know about Orwell?

  A.He only wrote about imaginary worlds.

  B.He liked to follow the style of other writers.

  C.His works were based on his own experience.

  D.His books were well-received during the Cold War.

  25.Orwell wrote the novel Nineteen eight-Four to_______.

  A.warn people of the dangers of corruption

  B.present various conflicts with the government

  C.expose the cruelty of the war in the 20th century

  D.describe the serious effects of poverty in England

  26.The passage mentioned some phrases from Orwell’s books mainly to__________.

  A.stress his ideas are still popular today

  B.share some of his ideas with leaders

  C.show how he used language in a creative way

  D.explain how he described the dark side of society

  27.Why would the Memory of the Word register include Orwell’s writings?

  A.They are a huge literary success.

  B.They introduced a new way of writing.

  C.They shaped political systems in Western countries.

  D.They continue to have a great effect on human thought.


  The Iroquois named the great waterfall Niagara,which means “thunder of waters”.For people living near the falls in New York State or Canada,the thunder of falling water never stops—well,almost never.

  On March 29,1848,the usually early signs of spring were coming to the Niagara Falls area.Snow was beginning to melt,and the air was losing its chilly bite .In the late afternoon,however,people began looking at each other as if to ask,“Something’s different.What is it?”Then they realized.The air was strangely silent;the thunder of the falls had stopped.

  The people had been used to that dull roar(轰鸣)all their lives.They ran to the falls to see what had happened.To their astonishment,they found the riverbed above the falls empty.The bottom of Niagara River lay exposed,with just a few trickles and puddles of water remaining among the rocks and mud.As word of the mysterious event spread,hundreds of people flocked to the scene—then thousands.After nightfall countless lanterns could be seen shining along the banks as New Yorkers and Canadians camped at the river’s edge,waiting to see the unusual sight at dawn.

  Most who lived or came there were merely curious,but others felt a deep fear.Something unknown had upset the unchanging order of nature.What might happen next?

  By the next day,5,000 people were there.Those who were brave began walking into the riverbed and to the base of the falls. They found arrowheads and other objects that had lain there for years—perhaps for ages.

  For 30 hours the Niagara Rivet lay dry.Then came a distant roar,growing louder.People scrambled up the banks.The waters rushed back,and all was as it had been.What had caused the river and the falls to stop? Only later did the people learn that a huge ice jam upstream had temporarily dammed the Niagara River.The fears were gone,but no one would forget the day the fails stopped.

  28.What does the underlined words in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.The air was no longer able to bite. B.The air was even colder than ever.

  C.It was getting warmer. D.It was not as cloudy as before.

  29.Which of the following did people see at the riverbed and the base of the falls?

  A.Remains of war. B.Dead fish.

  C.Large blocks of ice. D.Strange animals.

  30.What caused the falls to stop?

  A.A newly man—made dam. B.The ice that had piled up.

  C.The rocks in upstream water. D.The melting snow along the river.

  31.It can be inferred from the passage that__________.

  A.people living near the falls were used to the silence

  B.the stop of the falls resulted from climate change

  C.mysterious power may lie somewhere in the world

  D.Niagara falls has never stopped since it came into being


  When a laptop or smartphone battery starts losing its power,the only options are to buy an expensive replacement,or just keep it plugged in all the time.But a woman Mya Le Thai may have found the answer to this problem.

  Thai was frustrated that the batteries for her wireless devices degraded(降级)over time,until they failed to charge fully.She did not like having to keep her laptop connected to an electrical outlet to keep it powered on.So,she decided to do something about that problem.At first,she and her team at UC Irvine thought about inventing a new battery.But as they experimented,Thai discovered something that might permit lithium—ion(锂离子)batteries to last forever.

  Lithium-ion batteries power most wireless devices.Over time,the batteries lose the ability to hold a charge.Most of these batteries have a life span of about 7,000 charging cycles before they die.One of the reasons lithium—ion batteries degrade is their use of nanowires to carry electricity.Nanowires are extremely thin.A human hair is thousands of times thicker,for example.Nanowires are extremely efficient carriers of electricity,which makes them useful in batteries.

  But,Thai had a theory—the nanowires might last longer if covered with a gel(凝胶).She and her team tested this theory.“It was a long process and a lot of work,”Thai said.The team tried many coverings for the wires.PMMA,a type of plastic,was one of them.The nanowires were coated with PMMA and cycled through charges 200,000 times.The PMMA-coated nanowires showed no evidence of damage.The results suggest that batteries could last forever,without losing charging ability.

  Thai hopes to continue her research to understand why this gel works so well and to see if any other gel could create better results and she is enjoying the publicity about her discovery.She said she never expected her research to get media coverage.“It’s kind of cool,”she said.“I'm really glad people are showing interest in my work and not just in the work itself,but also in technology and energy.”

  32.Why did Mya Le Thai work on lithium-ion batteries?

  A.She disliked the batteries for her laptop.

  B.Her team were assigned to invent a new battery.

  C.Many people thought batteries were too expensive.

  D.The batteries would soon lose the function to charge fully.

  33.What can we infer about nanowires?

  A.They last only 7,000 charging cycles.

  B.They are too weak to carry electricity.

  C.They are not suitable to use in batteries.

  D.Their thinness is a cause of batteries degrade.

  34.What might be Thai and her team’s breakthrough?

  A.Coating nanowires in gel. B.A new kind of battery.

  C.New materials for batteries. D.A new way of charging batteries.

  35.What may be the best title for the passage?

  A.The options of batteries for wireless devices B.A woman invents a life—long battery.

  C.Mya Le Thai discovered Nanowires D.The reasons for batteries degrading



  Many people might feel lost during a major transition(转折)in life.Life coaching,however,is the best choice for anyone who is looking for ways to get through the tough path of life. 36 Some life coaches might focus only on certain types of situations,like advancing careers,while others may be willing to help with nearly any life transition.

  A life coach will often act as an advisor for his clients(客户). 37 Many times,he will also be able to look at a client’s life with a fair eye and offer fresh ideas on certain situations.In doing so,the life coach will usually be able to help his client work through any problems he may face.

  38 During this interview,the life coach should find out what the client’s wants,needs and goals are in life.

  How to help each client is different to everyone,and it is a very individualized process. 39 Because of this,a life coach must develop plans based on each client’s strengths,weaknesses,abilities and so on.A life coach will also usually take each client’s morals and values into consideration.

  Some life coaches may be able to find employment with a few select universities and corporations.There are also a handful of large life coaching firms that hire life coaches as well.The majority of life coaches,however,work for themselves,opening their own life coaching practices. 40

  A.Methods that work for one client may not work for another.

  B.A good life coach should try to satisfy all the needs of his clients.

  C.He is often expected to listen closely to theft concerns and problems.

  D.Before a life coach can help a client,he first needs an in-depth interview.

  E.Life coaches offer guidance to all types of people in different stages of their lives.

  F.Generally,there are no strict education requirements for starting a life coaching career.

  G.In some cases,two or more life coaches may work together and offer a wider range of services.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  In October,I told the eight-year-olds in my class about my plan.“I'd like all of you to do extra jobs around the house to earn some money,”I said.“Then we’11 41 food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner 42 .”

  Early in Thanksgiving week,the boys and girls arrived in class with their hard-earned money.They had set tables, 43 dishes and helped with baby-sitting.And now they couldn’t wait to go 44 .

  I watched while they dashed up and down the supermarket aisles(过道).At last we headed toward the 45 ,pushing a cart filled with turkey and an the items needed.Much to my 46 .I saw a pot of purple chrysanthemums(菊花)on top of the cart.“You can’t 47 flowers.”I pronounced.“But Mrs.Sherlock,” 48 the children,“we want flowers.”

  We finally 49 in front of a small house in the woods.A slightly built woman with a(an) 50 face came to the door to welcome us.

  As my little group carried the boxes in,the old woman 51 and nodded.But when Amy put the chrysanthemums on the counter,the woman 52 .In the following ten minutes,she happily talked with the children.Then,we returned to the car.As we 53 our seat belts.We could see the kitchen window.The woman inside 54 goodbye,then turned and walked across the room,past the turkey, 55 to the chrysanthemums.She put her 56 in their petals.When she 57 her head,there was a smile on her lips,and tears in her eyes.

  The children were 58 .In that one brief moment,they had seen for themselves the 59 they possessed to make another’s life better.The children had 60 that sometimes a person needs a pot of funny purple flowers on a dark November day.

  41.A.make B.prepare C.buy D.send

  42.A.otherwise B.besides C.therefore D.afterwards

  43.A.made B.washed C.ordered D.sold

  44.A.camping B.traveling C.climbing D.shopping

  45.A.entrance B.checkout C.guide D.manager

  46.A.joy B.disappointment C.surprise D.disgust

  47.A.enjoy B.appreciate C.taste D.eat

  48.A.argued B.announced C.predicted D.complained

  49.A.put up B.pulled up C.settled down D.set off

  50.A.pale B.annoyed C.scary D.disappointed

  51.A.coughed B.smiled C.1aughed D.cried

  52.A.hardened B.darkened C.brightened D.softened

  53.A.fastened B.1oosened C.removed D.wrapped

  54.A.signed B.waved C.kissed D.shouted

  55.A.straight B.gradually C.hurriedly D.firmly

  56.A.head B.mouth C.face D.ears

  57.A.shook B.nodded C.dropped D.raised

  58.A.confused B.silent C.crazy D.frightened

  59.A.strength B.energy C.effort D.power

  60.A.worked B.sensed C.remembered D.picked



  Shenquan Guyu,a large-scale health and leisure village club,covers 61 area of more than 4,000 acres in Yanggao County,Datong city in North China’s Shanxi Province,and is home to one of the 62 (1arge)hot spring bases in North China.

  The club offers a variety of leisure activities,including paying a visit to Xujiayao Culture Zone, 63 visitors can get a better understanding of Xujiayao people,riding the horse,or taking a bite of authentic local cuisines.

  It is worth 64 (note)that hot spring industry has gained fame in Datong city thanks to its rich hot spring resources in the surrounding counties.And the local government also 65 (take) the hot spring industry as the driver to boost economic and tourism 66 (grow).The village club takes advantage of hot spring as the theme in hotel building.The water here is collected from mineral hot springs,and the temperature of the water can be as high as 63.5℃; 67 ,visitors can also enjoy outdoor hot springs in winter.The village club 68 (active)develops green agriculture industry and has invested more than 200 million yuan in the botanical gardens for people 69 (appreciate),which acts as a place for visitors to embrace nature.The club call receive more than 6,000 tourists at the same time and 70 (award)as the national—level cultural tourism project in 2017.

  第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)







  I'm a music addict.Music is such important part in my life that I listen to it whenever I can.I listen to music on the bus to school. I even played music while doing my homework at home.I have an MP3 in which I have stored hundreds of piece of music and songs downloading from the Internet.Pop music is my favorite,and Britney Spears is the singer I like better.

  My parents feel a little of upset about my being crazily about music.They are afraid if it will affect my studies.In fact,listening to music marks them relaxed and remaining good spirits,which in turn help me learn efficiently.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)









  第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

  1—5 CAACB 6—10 ABBBA 11—15 CBACC 16—20 ABACC

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


  21-25 DDBDA 26-30 ADCAB 31-35 BDDAB

  第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)

  36-40 ECDAG

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  41-45 CABDB 46-50 CDABA 51-55 BCABA 56-60 CDBDB


  61. an 62. largest 63. where 64. noting 65. has taken

  66. growth 67. therefore 68. actively 69. to appreciate 70. was awarded

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10处错误;每处1分,满分10分)

  I’m a music addict. Music is such∧important part in my life that I listen to it whenever I can. I listen to


  music on the bus to school. I even played music while doing my homework at home. I have an MP3 in which I


  have stored hundreds of piece of music and songs downloading from the Internet. Pop music is my favorite, and

  pieces downloaded

  Britney Spears is the singer I like better.


  My parents feel a little of upset about my being crazily about music. They are afraid if it will affect my

  crazy 删掉或者改为that

  studies. In fact, listening to music makes them relaxed and remain in good spirits, which in turn help me learn

  me helps


  第二节 书面表达

  One Possible Version:

  Dear Alice,

  How are you? Winter vacation is coming soon, and I’m planning to make a tour to Sydney. What a good chance it is to see you in your home town!

  Since it’s my first visit to Sydney, I really need your advice. What are the best places of interest, the beach, the castles or museums? And I’m told that it’s summer now in Australia, and I wonder how hot it is and what I should wear. And the seafood…there are so many things to ask, and I’m so curious about them, so be sure to write back soon, so that I can make good preparations for it.

  Looking earnestly forward to your reply!


  Li Hua


  Text 1

  M: What’s that smell? Are you making a chocolate cake? I smell something different…pears?

  W: No, I’m making chocolate banana cookies. (1) At first, I was going to use the oranges, but I think these will taste better.

  Text 2

  M: I saw you washed the car today. (2) I guess I’ll bring my umbrella to work.

  W: Why would you do that?

  M: It always rains right after you wash the car.

  Text 3

  M: I usually work out at 6:00 in the morning. (3) But sometimes, I go after dinner around 7:00. When do you go to the gym?

  W: My mornings are too busy. I have to wait until I get off work at 3:00 p.m.

  Text 4

  W: This piece is too difficult for me. Can I practice an easier one at home?

  M: Your piano playing will improve a lot if you try to master this song.

  W: OK. I hope my parents won’t get tired of hearing the same thing all week! (4)

  Text 5

  W: Can we eat food during the test?

  M: Only drinks are allowed, unless you have a medical excuse.

  W: I need to eat every hour, or my blood pressure will drop. (5)

  Text 6

  M: What is the biggest holiday that your family celebrates? For my family, it’s the New Year.

  W: That is a big one for us, too. But even more important are birthdays. (6)

  M: Oh, why is that?

  W: I think my grandparents started the tradition. (6) They met and got married when they were older. They thought they would not be able to have children. When their first baby was born, they were so happy! They decided that every birthday for their children would be a big event.

  M: So that tradition passed on to your parents?

  W: Right. Even now, my parents take the day off work to celebrate my birthday with me. My mother cooks a special dinner, (7) and my father gives me beautiful clothes or jewelry.

  Text 7

  W: How was your summer trip?

  M: It was great! My friend and I traveled throughout India.

  W: Sounds hot. How did you get along without studying the local language? (8)

  M: Most people there speak English. (8) But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually, it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread, and I said “I want money” instead of “I want bread”. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up.

  W: How did the baker react?

  M: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. (9) We ended up becoming friends with the guy, and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh. (10)

  Text 8

  M: Have you been to the new Chinese market?

  W: No, I only shop at small, local stores. That place looks huge.

  M: You should really go. It has everything you could need to make your Vietnamese food, too. (11) They have imported items from several countries. The vegetables are pretty fresh, and the meat is of good quality.

  W: But how are the prices?

  M: There are great deals, especially for dried foods. (12) I bought a 10-pound bag of rice for five dollars. And I found two pounds of special noodles for a dollar. There are hundreds of sauces in jars. I even found a Thai sauce there that I couldn’t find anywhere else. I think you’ll be very happy with what you find at this market.

  W: Well, I will check it out on Monday. I wonder if they have the pho noodles that I like a lot.

  M: Probably. You should go on Saturday instead. That’s when they have the best deals. (13)

  W: I hate crowds. Everyone will be going at that time.

  M: Then try Sunday morning. But I don’t think the sales last all weekend.

  ★ pho:越南河粉;越南米粉

  Text 9

  W: What’s that on your face, Dad? You scared me! I thought you were someone who broke into the house! (14)

  M: It’s mud. It’s good for your skin.

  W: You mean, you just went out in the backyard and picked up some mud from the ground, and then put it on your face? (14)

  M: No. I bought some mud online. (15) It comes from the Dead Sea in the Middle East. Do you see the color? It’s a beautiful grey color because of its many minerals. The mud in the backyard is mainly brown. (16) And the soil is black. The Dead Sea is famous for its health benefits. People go there from all over the world to swim in its water. Many companies ship the mud to people like me, who can’t take a trip there.

  W: Does your face really feel different after you take the mud off?

  M: Yes, it feels my skin is many years younger. Some of my wrinkles are even going away. Do you want to try it?

  W: Well, I’m only sixteen years old. I don’t think I need to feel younger.

  M: But I’ve noticed your face is very oily sometimes, and that other times it’s very dry. This mud is sure to help you with that. It clears up your skin and leaves your face looking bright and fresh.

  W: I’ll try it. I’ve been feeling bad about my looks lately. Maybe this will help! (17)

  Text 10

  One destination that is becoming popular with Chinese tourists is Bali. It is a beautiful island of Indonesia. There is a rainy season that is perfect for swimming. One of the main attractions is Bali’s diverse sea life. There are some creatures that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. Visitors who don’t know how to dive can take classes while they’re on vacation here. (18) The island is also home to several active volcanoes. Many scientific groups come to study them. (19) Even though tourism is on the rise, most of the population still works in agriculture and the fishing industry. Bali also has many traditional artworks. Some popular products for sale include clothing with special designs, wood sculptures, and organic coffee. A great time to visit the island is during one of its many festivals. Since ancient times, the culture of Bali has had a lot of influence from not only Indian but also Chinese culture. Chinese New Year is widely celebrated by Indonesians who are of Chinese origin. The island of Bali has many ancient Chinese Buddhist temples that are especially good to visit during the holiday. (20)


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1、What does the man think the woman should do?

  A、Talk to her husband. B、Get an eye operation. C、Buy a new pair of glasses.

  2、What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A、Family members. B、Classmates. C、Co-workers.

  3、Where does the conversation take place?

  A、In the kitchen. B、In the bedroom. C、Outside the house.

  4、What are the speakers talking about?

  A、Moving to New York. B、Holiday plans. C、The weather.

  5、What does the man think of the movie?

  A、Exciting. B、Boring. C、Just so-so.




  6、Who will pay for the lunch?

  A、The man. B、The woman. C、The man’s boss.

  7、How will the speakers go for the lunch?

  A、On foot. B、By car. C、By taxi.


  8、How long will the trip take?

  A、Four days. B、Five days. C、Nine days.

  9、What is the woman especially interested in about Thailand?

  A、The national park. B、The climate. C、The food.


  10、How does the woman feel about going back to school?

  A、Nervous. B、Happy. C、Excited.

  11、What did the school do over the summer?

  A、They bought new computers.

  B、They improved the playground.

  C、They built a swimming pool.

  12、What course will the woman probably choose?

  A、Drawing. B、Dancing. C、Acting.


  13、What will the woman do when the summer vacation starts?

  A、Go on a trip. B、Work. C、 Buy a truck.

  14、How long will the speakers stay at college?

  A、One year. B、Two years. C、Three years.

  15、What can the woman enjoy in July?

  A、A comedy show. B、A sports match. C、A concert.

  16、Where did the woman get her tickets from?

  A、A radio show. B、The ticket office. C、A friend.


  17、How did the speaker feel at the first interview?

  A、Too confident. B、Very nervous. C、A little impolite.

  18、When did the speaker get his first job?

  A、In middle school. B、In high school. C、In college.

  19、What made the speaker want to be an engineer?

  A、Helping at McDonald’s.

  B、Serving at a coffee shop.

  C、Working at a building company.

  20、What is the speaker’s secret to success?

  A、He studied hard. B、He met lots of people. C、He had work experience.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 :(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  The new Jitterbug Smart

  an easy and affordable way to call, text and email

  The Jitterbug Smart is the simple Smartphone with our biggest screen ever, now with our exclusive (独有的) health and safety apps. It’s a brand created by GreatCall that is intended to help the elderly with their Smartphone needs.

  EASY With a new, 35% bigger screen, it's even easier to stay connected. Everything you want to do, from texting and taking pictures to emailing and surfing the Internet, is organized in a single list on one screen with large, clear letters. And now, new Voice Typing makes writing emails and texts effortless.

  SMART Turn your easy-to-use Jitterbug Smart into a personal safety device with GreatCall's award-winning health and safety apps, like 5Star in any uncertain or unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.

  AFFORDABLE GreatCall provides a variety of data plans for as low as $2. 49 per month. Compared to other cell phone companies, you could save over $ 300 per year, making the Jitterbug Smart phone plans the most affordable on the market.

  To order or learn more, call 1-866-412-0911 or visit us at greatcall. Com

  Buy today and get a FREE Car Charger, a $25 value!

  Built-in 5- megapixel (百万像素) camera.

  Full-size keyboard and Voice Typing new, bigger screen

  Powered by the nation's largest and most dependable wireless network.

  Available at:

  Plans and Services may require purchase of a GreatCall device and a one-time setup fee of $35. 5Star or 9-1-1 calls can only be made when mobile phone service is available. 5Star Service will be able to track an approximate location when your device is turned on, but cannot guarantee an exact location. Jitterbug, GreatCall and 5Star are registered trademarks of GreatCall, Inc.

  21、Which is the advantage of the Jitterbug Smart?

  A、It can be used to track an exact location.

  B、It can be used to book a five-star hotel room.

  C、It can be used as a personal safety device.

  D、The Voice Typing makes writing emails difficult

  22、What makes it affordable to buy a Jitterbug Smart?

  A、You could save more than $ 300 every year.

  B、You will get a free Car Charger worth $ 25 anytime.

  C、5Star or 9-1-1 calls can be available everywhere.

  D、It is made by the nation’s largest wireless network.

  23、What is implied in the text?

  A、Jitterbug Smart will increase service of five-star hotels.

  B、 Those who send messages less will prefer to buy this product.

  C、Jitterbug Smart will gain popularity among elderly customers.

  D、People will live a healthier life with the help of Jitterbug Smart


  When he was young, Louis Armstrong was taking what was called Creole jazz, which was also called dance music, and combining it with trumpeter (小号手) Buddy Bolden, to create what would eventually become today's jazz.

  Armstrong accomplished this with almost no formal training. What little training he did have began when he was placed in the New Orleans Colored Waif's Home at the age of 12, after a run-in with the police. The punishment tuned out to be a mixed blessing, for he also had the opportunity to play in a real band.

  While at the Waif’s Home, Armstrong also got the chance to hear some of the city’s finest musicians. Cornetist Freddie Keppard performed in a nearby club. So did trumpeter and bandleader King Joe Oliver, who took the boy under his wing and taught him how to read music and work on his playing technique.

  When Oliver left for Chicago, Armstrong chose to stay in New Orleans and work with some of the other top musicians of the day. Some years later in Chicago, King Oliver offered him a place in his band in 1922. It became Armstrong’s biggest challenge yet --- the band had no parts written for trumpet, so he was forced to listen to King Oliver and improvise ( 即兴创作 ).

  Soon, Armstrong’s undeniable talent was getting notice.

  Lil Hardin, the band’s piano player and the future Mrs. Armstrong, explains that Oliver kept Armstrong in the second trumpet-chair so that Oliver would still be “King”. Hardin convinced him to leave the band.

  Armstrong recorded his first composition, Cornet Chop Suey, one of the most copied jazz solos of all time. This monumental 1928 recording mixes artistry, endurance and showmanship that has rarely, if ever, been matched in jazz.

  24、What does the underlined word “run-in” mean in the second paragraph?

  A、campaign B、tension C、exploration D、conflict

  25、 Who played a fundamental part in Armstrong’s achievements in music?

  A、Buddy Bolden. B、Lil Hardin.

  C、King Joe Oliver D、Cornetist Freddie Keppard.

  26、 Why did Louis Armstrong leave King Oliver’ s band?

  A、Because he wanted to get married in New York.

  B、Because his talent could not develop completely.

  C、Because he got a better opportunity in New York.

  D、Because the man forced him to leave the band.

  27、What's the main idea of the passage?

  A、It asks readers to know more about modern jazz.

  B、It introduces one of the greatest jazz musicians.

  C、It introduces the development of jazz.

  D、It describes the importance of talent in playing jazz.


  You may think that sailing is a difficult sport, but it is really not hard to learn it. You do not need to be strong. But you need to be quick. And you need to understand a few basic rules about the wind.

  First, you must ask yourself, “Where is the wind coming from? Is it coming from ahead or behind or from the side?” You must think about this all the time on the boat. The wind direction tells you what to do with the sail.

  Let’s start with the wind blowing from the behind. This means the wind and the boat are going in the same direction. Then you must always keep the sail outside the boat. It should be at a 90° angle to the boat. Then it will catch the wind best.

  If the wind is blowing from the side, it is blowing across the boat. In this case, you must keep the sail half way outside the boat. It should be at a 45° angle to the boat. It needs to be out far enough to catch the wind, but it shouldn’t flap (摆动). It shouldn’t look like on a flagpole. If it is flapping, it is probably out too far, and the boat will slow down.

  Sailing into the wind is not possible. If you try, the sail will flap and the boat will stop. You may want to go in that direction. It is possible, but you can’t go in a straight line. You must go first in one direction and then in another. This is called tacking. When you are tacking, you must always keep the sail inside the boat.

  28、What should you do when you are learning to sail ?

  A、Tell wind directions. B、Know wave levels.

  C、Consider the size of sails D、Know the position of your boat

  29、What does the word “It” underlined in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A、The boat. B、The wind. C、The angle. D、The sail.

  30、According to the passage, which of the following is right?

  A、Keep the sail inside when sailing with the wind blowing from the behind.

  B、Allow the sail to flap when sailing with the wind blowing from the side.

  C、Tack the boat when trying to sail against the wind.

  D、 Move in a straight line when sailing against the wind.

  31、Where can you probably find the text?

  A、 In a physics textbook. B、In a tourist guidebook.

  C、 In an official report. D、In an entertainment magazine.


  Have you ever looked at a fashionable item of clothing and felt confused? If so, your confusion may have made sense.

  Several months ago, high fashion brand Balenciaga released a "T-shirt shirt”, which is a shirt sewn on the front of a T-shirt. The unusual design has certainly confused a lot of people.

  But the “double shirt” isn’t fighting alone on the frontier of strange fashion. Ever since US shoe manufacturer Crocs released its famous hole-filled foam shoes, so-called “ ugly fashion” hasn’t showed any signs of slowing down, the Business of Fashion Website noted.

  British designer Paul Surridge believes that the rise of ugly fashion is a sign that people are bored of looking perfect all the time. “(Fashion) thrives on novelty”, he told the Financial Times.

  Indeed, fashion is all about changes. Something that’s considered uncool one minute can then turn out to be the latest must-have fashion item the next.

  And in the eyes of US fashion writer Megan Collins, ugly doesn’t necessarily mean the design of the item is ugly. After all, ugly is something subjective. “Ugly fashion means ‘not the mainstream’---- it’s not what everyone’s wearing; it’s not what the general population considers as ‘in’ right now,” she told style news site Fashionista.

  But throughout the history of fashion, when any new trend appears, most people tend to hate it, before it eventually becomes loved. As Italian designer Miuccia Prada told The New York Times, “ Maybe because it is newer, ugly is attractive. Ugly is exciting.”

  Meanwhile, popular social media fashion bloggers also help people to pick up new ugly fashion trends. These bloggers express themselves through their clothes, showing their unique personalities and making statements with their wardrobe choices. However, as Clever-ish Magazine noted, just being comfortable in your own skin could actually be "the best look”.

  “I personally love having a unique expression, because without ugly fashion and diversity, we'd all look the same,” Australian fashion influencer and model Zanita Whittington told Fahionista, “ I appreciate anything that’s out of the norm.”

  32、How does the author lead to the topic of the passage?

  A、By telling a funny story.

  B、By asking and answering questions

  C、By asking questions and giving examples

  D、By giving different remarks from different people.

  33.、What can we know from the writer Megan Collins?

  A、Ugly fashion has a standard criterion B、Ugly fashion varies from person to person

  C、Most people like ugly fashion D、Ugly fashion can be easily predicted

  34、What will some social media fashion bloggers do to show their personalities?

  A、They will dress themselves to look perfect.

  B、They will try some new and exciting clothes.

  C、They will make statements with others’ clothes choices.

  D、They will express themselves by wearing ugly clothes.

  35、Which may be the best title?

  A、Ugly fashion --- accept it or hate it B、Ugly fashion --- defend it or ban it

  C、Ugly fashion means a public trend D、Ugly fashion means a sign for perfection



  Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 36 Sleeping at 4 am and waking up at noon was a part of me. But after reading a subject on waking up early, I‘ve found that people waking up earlier are more productive and live happier. 37 I used to be a night owl, but now become the most productive person I've ever been. Would you like to become a morning person yourself ? Here are my tips.

  38 If you always wake up at 10 to 11 am., it isn’t too realistic to expect that you will immediately wake up at 5 am the next day. But you can try 9:45 first and, slowly build it up to your desired time. The gradual method might work much better for sleeping patterns are difficult to change. That goes for eating or exercise habits as well. Just make a change from advancing your waking time with 15 minutes each day. 39__

  Then sleep earlier. You can’t just wake up early and not sleep early. Staying up late and getting up early will eventually break you down. So if you’re setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual, make sure to sleep 15 minutes sooner as well.

  40 To wake up early, you need to have a strong motivation first. Once there's a forceful reason to do something the next morning, you will jump out of bed however sleepy you might be. For example, an extremely important and urgent task will wake you up early.

  Maybe, almost all attempts to wake up early will fail, but please don’t give up. So keep trying, and you’ll be a morning person.

  A、Have a compulsory reason.

  B、I’ d never been a morning person.

  C、Be possessed of strong determination.

  D、In this way, your goal will be reached in time.

  E、So I’ve started experimenting and received good results.

  F、In order to make a change, you need to make arrangements beforehand.

  G、The best method for changing your waking-up time is to do it gradually.

  第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  Bill Gates lives in an equal household. When it 41 parenting his three children, the billionaire admits his wife has done more than her 42 of the work raising the kids.

  Gates spent two years taking math and computer science courses, 43 never finishes his degree. " My eldest daughter graduates from Stanford in June, so I'm 44 she won't fall into my footsteps," Gates joked.

  Mr. and Mrs. Gates have been cautious about the model they've used to 45 their children. The couple 46 a 1970s " Love and Logic" parenting model. The philosophy(哲学) centers on the idea that taking emotional control, essentially 47 emotional reactions like shouting or blaming kids, is 48 for parents.

  "One of the greatest 49 of applying Love and Logic is that it helps us learn how to keep a tighter control on our emotions and on our 50 ," Gates said.

  Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at 51 the approach.

  " Can you get rid of the emotion? You can't 52 do it," he said.

  Besides, the Love and Logic model 53 the importance of not relying on rewards for kids, but showing unconditional love and praising kid 54 who they are, not what they do; furthermore, we are not supposed to scold kids just because of what they do (or don't) 55 , like a poor test score or a bad grade.

  "Actually many highly successful people 56 with grades when they were children," Gates said. " What's most important is that our children develop good character, curiosity, and problem-solving 57 . "

  The 58 is a bit like the Socratic (苏格拉底) method, 59 it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems, instead of 60 them answers.

  41、 A、comes to B、sticks to C、devotes to D、leads to

  42、 A、share B、sight C、reach D、power

  43、 A、however B、but C、so D、or

  44、 A、ashamed B、pessimistic C、optimistic D、curious

  45、 A、adopt B、support C、supply D、raise

  46、 A、evaluated B、followed C、generated D、adapted

  47、 A、shrinking B、snatching C、improving D、reducing

  48、 A、worthy B、immoral C、useful D、noble

  49、 A、motivations B、benefits C、regrets D、targets

  50、 A、tongues B、minds C、hands D、brains

  51、 A、believing in B、studying in C、carrying out D、working on

  52、 A、totally B、extremely C、roughly D、gradually

  53、 A、attracts B、stresses C、owes D、hides

  54、 A、about B、in C、for D、over

  55、 A、earn B、love C、overlook D、accomplish

  56、 A、smiled B、cried C、lunged D、struggled

  57、 A、intelligence B、suggestion C、reflection D、skills

  58、 A、opinion B、way C、model D、means

  59、 A、which B、where C、how D、when

  60、 A. feeding B、forgetting C、cheating D、treating


  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

  A video online showed that a Zhou 61 (occupy) a window seat on a train traveling from Hunan province to Shenzhen on Wednesday, when she should have sat by the aisle(过道). The woman 62 seat was near the window later boarded the train and found her seat 63 (take). She asked Zhou to move but Zhou refused, making a complaint to train attendants. Zhou occupied the window seat 64 she got off the train at Guangzhou station. On Thursday, the police in Hunan fined Zhou 200 yuan, and the Guangzhou rail authority make a statement saying that Zhou had been banned 65 taking trains in China for 180 days. Zhou was the second person in a month punished for such 66 (behave).

  Chinese netizens seem to have little patience for train passengers who take seats that don’t belong to them and then 67 (stubborn) refuse to admit they’re wrong. A Beijing News report suggests the punishment should come in time to prevent such incidents 68__ (happen) again. The railway police should take some 69 (effect) measures to deal with the passengers who disobey the order. After all, 70 is good virtues that better our society.


  66.__________67.___________ 68.___________ 69.__________70.__________

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)






  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

  This summer I took part in an really interesting project called One-Day Clean-up. Its aim is to rid the world’s natural environment rubbish. I heard of its work from my neighbors whom would take part some years before. I thought it would be fun and persuaded a couple of my cousin to come along with me. We had to pick up all the rubbish were found on the seaside. It had made me realize however important it is for everyone to be aware of the environment. I am determine now to get my family to recycle as many as possible.


  假如你是李华,当地时间2018年8月20日在雅加达(Djakarta)观看亚运会(Asian Games) 时遗失了一台相机,请你给雅加达体育馆管理部门写一封信,请他们帮你寻找遗失的相机,要点如下:




  注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I’m Li Hua from China._________________________________________________











  Yours truly,

  Li Hu


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

  1~5 BCBBC; 6~10 AACAA; 11~15 BCBAC; 16~20 AABCC

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)

  21-23CAC 24-27 DCBB 28-31 ADCD 32-35 CBDA

  第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

  36-40 BEGDA

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  41-45AABCD 46-50 BDCBA 51-55 CABCD 56-60 DDCBA

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  61.was occupying 62.whose 63.(had been)taken 64.until 65. from 66. behavio(u)r 67.stubbornly 68.happening 69.effective 70. it

  第四部分 写作(共两节满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(10分)

  This summer I took part in an really interesting project called One-Day


  Clean-up. Its aim is to rid the world’s natural environment∧rubbish. I heard of


  its work from my neighbors whom would take part some years before. I

  who/that ago

  thought it would be fun and persuaded a couple of my cousin to come along cousins

  with me. We had to pick up all the rubbish were found on the seaside. It had


  made me realize however important it is for everyone to be aware of the


  environment. I am determine now to get my family to recycle as many as determined much


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】

  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I’m Li Hua from China. I watched the18th Asian Games at the Stadium on August 20th, 2018. But when I came back to my hotel, I found my camera left in the stadium. I am writing to see if it is possible for you to help me find it .

  My camera is a black Canon digital camera, whose model is 700D. It is really important for me, because I have come all along to Djakarta to watch the Asian Games and all the pictures I took were stored in it. More importantly, it’s a birthday present from my father this year.

  I would really appreciate it if you can help me. I’m looking forward to receiving your earliest reply.

  Yours truly,

  Li Hua.



  Text 1

  W: Who’s there? I can’t see anything without my glasses.

  M: It’s me, your husband. You should consider getting an eye operation, because you always put your glasses in a wrong place!

  Text 2

  W: Where have you been recently? I remember I met you at the managers’ meeting last month. Have you been away on business?

  M: No, I’ve been away on holiday. I visited my grandma in the countryside.

  Text 3

  W: If your back is painful, maybe you shouldn’t get out of bed, dear. Don’t go to the kitchen. I’ll bring breakfast here.

  M: No, no. My back feels worse lying down. Help me get dressed, please. Then I’ll walk outside a little.

  Text 4

  M: Are you going anywhere for the Chinese New Year?

  W: I thought about going to visit my aunt in New York. How about you?

  M: I’ll probably just stay at home since it is not warm those days.

  Text 5

  W: How did you like the movie, John? Tom said it was boring. But I know you were excited to see it.

  M: I can’t decide. Some parts were all right, and others not so good.

  Text 6

  M: Do you want to get some lunch with me?

  W: Sure. You mean from the coffee shop in the mall?

  M: I eat there every day. Let’s eat somewhere else for a change. I was thinking of Romano’s. And don’t worry. Today it’s on me. I got a reward from my boss for my good work.

  W: Great. That’s very kind of you. We’ll take my car or at least let me pay for the taxi.

  M: There is no need. They just opened up a new one a couple of blocks away. I could use the fresh air, anyway.

  W: Sounds good.

  Text 7

  M: It’s our 10th anniversary. Where would you like to go this time? I can take five days off work. That will give us nine days in total, including the weekends before and after.

  W: Somewhere warm and full of sunshine. How about Bali?

  M: It’s close — only a two-hour flight from here. But that place is too expensive.

  W: Hmm… then how about Fiji?

  M: I don’t like long flights. It’s 12 hours from Beijing… What about Thailand? Six hours on the plane to Phuket isn’t that bad. And I always love Thai food.

  W: That would be a great place! Since we have so much time, maybe we can take a day trip to the Similan Islands. I’ve been wanting to visit that national park. The pictures look wonderful!

  Text 8

  M: Can you believe the school year is almost here?

  W: I know. Every time I walk by our new school, I get a little anxious.

  M: Why? Everything is going to be so much better.

  W: Really? I heard it is a lot of extra work…

  M: Relax. We’ll get used to it. Apparently there is a huge computer room we can study in. Also, they have just finished building a new running track and put in artificial grass.

  W: Cool. We’ll have lots of fun on the playground.

  M: You think that’s cool? There are two gyms and an indoor swimming pool! Anyway, we have to choose two arts courses this year. Any thoughts?

  W: At first I thought about dance and music, but I changed my mind. I think I’m going to try acting instead. And since I’m joining the school newspaper, I’ll take something related to that.

  M: Good for you. I’m going to improve my drawing, and learn how to play the drums.

  W: Hey, maybe if you become a famous musician, I can interview you!

  Text 9

  M: School is finally out! Do you have any plans this summer, Kate?

  W: Yes. In August I’m going on a two-week vacation to the Bahamas.

  M: Awesome! How much is that going to cost you?

  W: Don’t ask. I have to work every single day this month just to be able to pay for the vacation.

  M: I know what you mean. I’ve been saving up to buy a truck. I want to have one for the start of my last year of college.

  W: That would be nice.

  M: Well, it’s too bad you won’t be around in August. There’s a famous English soccer team coming to town.

  W: I heard. At least I’ll be able to see the Backstreet Boys in July. It’s my favorite band. They’re playing at the Victoria Theater.

  M: I’ve been there. I saw the Jim Jefferies comedy show there once.

  W: You saw that? How did you get tickets? I heard they were hard to get.

  M: My friend works at the ticket office. Do you want me to see if he can get you tickets as well?

  W: No need. I won mine on a radio show. I had to answer three questions about the band, and I got them all correct.

  M: A true fan! You deserve to go!

  Text 10

  When I showed up at my first job interview, it was my last year of middle school. I thought I knew everything back then. All my friends said how nervous they were for their interviews. I thought to myself, “If you look scared, it is a sign of weakness.” When I went to McDonald’s for the interview, I thought it would be a piece of cake. But my answer to every question was “I don’t know”. Not surprisingly, I didn’t get that part-time job. My parents weren’t happy at all. The following year I had a second chance at a gas station. This time I showed up in a nice shirt with a tie and answered every question politely. And you know what? I got the job. I learned how to deal with money, how to fix cars, and how to deal with people. Most importantly, I had learned a life skill. When I graduated from high school, and my friends were still working at coffee shops, I was working for a building company. I helped build the Westin Hotel and the Ocean View Apartments. It inspired me to become an engineer, and now I design and build airplanes. So how did I get to where I am? My teachers would say it sure wasn’t my study habits. In my case, I learned with my hands.






