




  For college students, graduation signals an exciting new beginning. 16 Many students wonder: What do I do now? What career is best for me? Most expert advice on choosing careers boils down to the following points.

  Knowing Yourself

  What are your interests? Abilities? Skills? 17 The results may surprise you! These can be useful, but they’re not the last word.


  Investigating occupations is much more difficult. For most people, there isn’t just one ‘right’ job, but several that could be satisfying. 18 Talk to people who have occupations that interest you. Find out what they like and dislike about their job.


  Many people choose their careers because they believe strongly in a particular cause. Some might choose to work in areas like medicine, charity or environmental protection. Some have a strong interest in history or a love for the arts. 20 So in cases like these, the field is often chosen first, rather than the occupation itself. So if you’ve chosen a field, self-assessment will help you find your place in it. Invest some time and effort, and find the right career for you.

  A. Try a self-assessment quiz.

  B. Search through books and Web sites.

  C. Finding your place.

  D. But it can also bring a lot of uncertainty and confusion.

  E. Serious research helps narrow the possibilities

  F. Research your chosen field carefully. What work needs to be done? What training is needed?

  G. Then they might think about education, museums or art production.

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  I made a name for myself when I was about 26.

It never means anything 21 to me, but of course I can’t say I am free from vanity(虚荣). When a signing event was organized for my book at its 22 sale or when I was invited to deliver a speech at a meeting, I would be 23 and cheerful, especially if there were lots of participants.

  24 , I have never been controlled by such 25 , for I have my own idea of it. To me, a(n) 26 remains popular only for three seconds. This morning somebody 27 me on the way and said, “Ah, that’s Zhu Deyong!” I was glad to be 28 by a stranger and enjoyed myself, “ 29 , I am famous!” But such enjoyments 30 only three seconds. He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?” No 31 of me any longer. Shall I 32 my life cherishing those three seconds? Is it necessary to make efforts to 33 such three-second enjoyments? No, I don’t want to.

  As life is 34 and only comes around once, it is of great value to the person himself, but of no value to others. For most people, one’s name remains 35 only for three generations: one’s 36 generation, the second (your son may say “Ah, it’s my dad.”) and the third (your grandson may still 37 , “Ah, it’s my grandpa.”) If a member of the fourth generation is asked about you, he might be 38 , “Who is it?” If he is shown a picture of you, he might give it a glance, put it aside and 39 forget it. It amounts to nothing more than a 40 with an unknown name.

  21. A. impressive B. reasonable C. appropriate D. important

  22. A. unique B. first C. best D. final

  23. A. happy B. upset C. hesitant D. nervous

  24. A. Likewise B. Therefore C. However D. Meanwhile

  25. A. discouragements B. embarrassments C. excitements D. disappointments

  26. A. speech B. name C. book D. event

  27. A. saw B. hit C. patted D. introduced

  28. A. spotted B. recognized C. noticed D. liked

  29. A. Totally B. Above all C. Finally D. After all

  30. A. maintained B. stayed C. lasted D. remained

  31. A. mind B. idea C. thought D. memory

  32. A. waste B. spare C. devote D. afford

  33. A. reach B. acquire C. offer D. honor

  34. A. easy B. ordinary C. tough D. short

  35. A. welcome B. personal C. respectable D. known

  36. A. past B. own C. future D. new

  37. A. remember B. memorize C. remind D. believe

  38. A. annoyed B. interested C. puzzled D. frightened

  39. A. quickly B. seldom C. deliberately D. otherwise

  40. A. friend B. writer C. grandpa D. stranger

  第二节 (共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante, one of great singers. 41 (ask)to be a part of a show for some old World WarⅡsoldiers, he told them he was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes, 42 he would come if they wouldn’t mind his singing one short song and immediately leaving for his next appointment. Of course, the show’s director agreed 43 (happy).

  But when Jimmy got on stage, something surprising happened. He went through 44 short song and then stayed. The applause grew louder and louder and he kept 45 (stay). Pretty soon, he had been on stage 46 fifteen, twenty, and then thirty minutes. One of his 47 (assist) behind the stage stopped him and said, “I thought you had to go after a few minutes. What happened?”

  Jimmy answered, “I did have to go, but I can show you the reason why I stayed. You can see for 48 (you) if you look at the front row.” In the front row were two men, both of 49 had lost an arm in the war. One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left. Together, they were able to clap, and that was exactly what they 50 (do) , loudly and cheerfully.

  第三部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)






  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从 第11处起)不计分。

  I always have a dream to be a fluency speaker. Therefore, I am too shy to say a word in public. What is just beyond my wildest imagination is fortune should bless me with a chance to realize my dream. One day, my English teacher asked me to go to her office and told us that I was given an opportunity to participate in an English speaking competition. Hear this, I could hardly hide my excitement. When making preparation for the competition, I write my speech heart and soul. After I finished the composition, I discussed it with my teacher and got many advice on how to improve it. Under the help of my English teacher, I made a great progress.











  Dear Tom,

  You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals._______________________________________________________________________


  We are looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua




  1-5 ADCDA 6-10 CDDCA 11-15 BADBC


  16-20 DAECG

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


  21-25 DBACC 26-20 BABDC 31-35 CABDD 36- 40 BACAD





  41. Asked 42. but 43. happily 44. the 45. staying

  46. for 47. assistants 48. yourself 49. whom 50. were doing

  第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



  Dear Tom,

You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals. With the Spring Festival approaching, I would like to invite you to join us in the celebration in our school. A variety of activities will be included at the celebration, such as performances, games and gift-exchanging, which will surely enable you to know better about our culture. To get fully involved, I, together with my classmates, hope that you can put on a performance with us. And I think it will be a good combination of both our culture and yours. By the way, the celebration will take place in the school lecture hall from 7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. on December 30, 2015, according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

  We are looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua






