gre阅读一定有长文章吗?如何应对?gre阅读长文章究竟该怎么解决呢?其实,无论是长文章还是短文章,只要是学术文章,阅读方法都是一致的,那就是句间关系。接下来就一起来看看今天小编 为大家准备的GRE考试内容:gre阅读长文章究竟该怎么解决呢
? Objectively, of course, the various ecosystems that sustain life on the planet proceed independently of human agency, just as they operated before the hectic ascendancy of Homo sapiens. ? But it is also true that it is difficult to think of a single such system that has not, for better or worse, been substantially modified by human culture. ? Nor is this simply the work of the industrial centuries. ? It has been happening since the days of ancient Mesopotamia. ? It is coeval with the origins of writing, and has occurred throughout our social existence. ? And it is this irreversibly modified world, from the polar caps to the equatorial forests, that is all the nature we have.
-. But +. +. +. +. +.
在GRE考试中,长篇阅读的数量较少,基本上每个VERBAL SECTION都只会有一篇,而短阅读数量则相对较多,可能在3篇左右。而在具体题目数量上,一篇长阅读一般附带4道题,而短篇阅读则附带1-2道题,阅读部分题目数量占据GRE语文部分题数的一半左右。
1. 短篇阅读
2. 长篇阅读
1. 读了第一段,就应该知道作者说了什么。 是提出一种现象并解释;还是提出一个观点并举例说明;还是提出流行观点然后质疑,并提出新观点。如果是反驳,反驳的是理论还是支持此理论的事例或实验?作者对所提出的这些观点抱什么态度等等。
2. 在看完第二句和第三句后,考生就应该知道此段的结构,比如是举例说明作者观点,还是分别驳斥作者反对的理论或是观点。继续读的过程中,大家要很快地读细节,能做到读完知道细节是什么,是一个实验,还是一个人的观点以及此人是谁等等。
3. 最后一段一般都包括作者的态度变化或是理论的提出。要读懂内容,就需要找关键词。在阅读时,大家要注意对关键词的挑选:表示观点态度的副词和形容词、理论观点中的关键名词等。无论什么题型,答案都在关键词附近。所以对关键词的印象很重要。
GRE阅读真题之PP2-1 Passage 1
Passage 1
Even after numerous products made with artificial sweeteners became available, sugar consumption per capita continue to rise. Now manufactures are introducing fat-free versions of various foods that they claim have the taste and texture of the traditional high-fat versions. Even if the manufacturers’ claim is true, given that the availability of sugar-free foods did not reduce sugar consumption, it is unlikely that the availability of these fat-free foods will reduce fat consumption.
1. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A. Several kinds of fat substitute are available to manufacturers, each of which gives a noticeably different taste and texture to products that contain it.
B. The products made with artificial sweeteners did not taste like products made with sugar.
C. The foods brought out in sugar-free versions did not generally have reduced levels of fat, but many of the fat-free versions about to be introduced are low in sugar.
D. People who regularly consume products containing artificial sweeteners are more likely than others to consume fat-free foods.
E. Not all foods containing fat can be produced in fat-free versions.
PP2-1Passage 第一题
1 B