1. 给自己定目标,一年,两年,五年,也许你出生不如别人好,通过努力,往往可以改变70%的命运。破罐子破摔只能和懦弱做朋友。
Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.
2. 不喜欢的人少接触,但别在背后说坏话,说是非之人,必定是是非之人,谨记,祸从口出。
Don't become part of a workplace clique. As much as you might like some coworkers, you should maintain professional boundaries. Don't get drawn into gossiping, and don't take on other people's workplace battles just because you consider them friends.
3. 是人都有惰性,这是与生俱来的,但是我们后天可以改变这种惰性,因为有很多人正在改变。对于某种事物或是生意不要等别人做到了,我才想到。不要等别人已经赚到钱了,我才想去做。没有人相信的是市场和机遇,大家都相信的叫做膨胀。
Many 20-somethings don't know what they want to do, so they hang around the house or in low-level jobs waiting for the spirit to move them. Not making a choice is a choice. These 20-somethings think they are keeping their options open, but they are actually closing doors. Resumes start look thin, their peers begin surpassing them and they may get stuck in underemployment.
4. 空闲时间不要经常上网做无聊的事和玩一些没有意义的游戏,读点文学作品,学习一些经营流程,管理规范,国际时事,法律常识。这能保证你在任何聚会都有谈资。
To sum up, often the hardest thing about combining work with study is making the decision to do it in the first place. Once you get started you will probably find that it’s not as difficult as you’d imagined. Studying doesn’t have to take over your life: just a few hours each week can make all the difference.
5. 要做一件事,成功之前,没有必要告诉其他人。成功之后不用你说,其他人都会知道的。这就是信息时代所带来的效应。
Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Once you cease dreaming, soon you will also lose your energy and be back to mediocrity.
6. 不要相信算卦星座命理,那是哄小朋友的,命运掌握在自己手中。
When we fail, we might be tempted to think that we have wasted our time and thus regret it. But that’s should not be the case. The fact that you have done something is much better than doing nothing. Rise up and move on. The regret lies not in doing, but in not doing.
7. 出路出路,走出去了,总是会有路的。困难苦难,困在家里就是难。
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ——Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel Company
8. 力求上进的人,不要总想着靠谁谁,人都是自私的,自己才是最靠得住的人。
When you live for others’ opinions, you are dead.
9. 面对失败,不要太计较,天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿起体肤……但要学会自责,找到原因,且改掉坏习惯。 二十岁没钱,那很正常;三十岁没钱,可能是没有好的家境,需要更大的努力;四十岁没钱,只能自己找原因。穷人变成富人是可能的,而且很可能。穷人能穷一辈子,也是必然的,存在就是理由,只是有所选择。
Failure is inevitable if we are to succeed in life. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to overcome failure, and they are stopped by it when they encounter one. The ability to overcome failure is one big difference between successful and mediocre people.
10. 每个人都有成功的机会!就看你给不给自己机会!
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.——Theodore Roosevelt