Lucky Lou
Lucky Lou was luckier
than anyone the world over.
Lou had ninety rabbits' feet,
his lawn was made of four-leafed clover.
Lou had lots of lucky bracelets
all adorned with lucky charms;
some he wore around his ankles,
others jingled on his arms.
Lou would keep his lucky hat on
even while he took a bath.
Black cats always walked behind him
so they wouldn't cross his path.
Never walked beneath a ladder.
Never wore a stitch of black.
Never broke a single mirror.
Never stepped upon a crack.
Lucky Lou was luckier
than anybody else, it's said.
Till the day that grand piano
fell and landed on his head.
My Brother Wants to Be a Chef
My brother wants to be a chef
to cook a lot of food,
regardless if it's grilled or fried,
or poached or steamed or stewed.
He wants to bake and barbecue,
he'll scald, saut?Rnd roast.
He'll flame, flamb?Rnd fricassee,
he'll microwave and toast.
But even with these kitchen skills
my brother has no taste.
You see, the only thing he really
likes to eat is paste.
Swinging From the Lights
We're swinging from the lights.
We're standing on our chairs.
We're bouncing off the walls.
We're sliding down the stairs.
We're running in the halls.
We're slamming all the doors.
We're jumping off our desks.
We're skidding on the floors.
We'd rather use the swings.
We'd rather use the slide.
Except today it's raining
and recess is inside.
My Sister's Name is "Seven"
My sister's name is "Seven"
and my brother's name is "Eight."
My parents gave them freaky names
I'm sure they thought were great.
They could have named him "Michael"
and they could have named her "Sue."
Instead they both decided that
no normal names would do.
My brother could be "Brandon."
Maybe "Benjamin" or "Bill."
They could have named him "William"
and then simply called him "Will."
My sister could be "Sarah."
Maybe "Kimberly" or "Kelsey."
They could have named her "Caroline"
or "Katherine" or "Chelsea."
My brother could be "Steven"
or they could have named him "Todd."
But instead, his name is even
and my sister's name is odd.