Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment.In the densecomplex world of a tropical forest, it is more important to see well than to develop an acutesense of smell. In the course of evolution members of the primate line have acquired largeeyes while the snout has shrunk to give the eye an unimpeded view. Of mammals only humansand some primates enjoy color vision.The red flag is black to the bull. Horses live in amonochrome world. Light visible to human eyes however occupies only a very narrow band inthe whole electromagnetic spectrum.Ultraviolet rays are invisible to humans though ants andhoneybees are sensitive to them. Humans have no direct perception of infrared rays unlikethe rattlesnake which has receptors tuned into wavelengths longer than 0.7 micron. The worldwould look eerily different if human eyes were sensitive to infrared radiation.Then instead ofthe darkness of night, we would be able to move easily in a strange shadowless world whereobjects glowed with varying degrees of intensity. But human eyes excel in other ways. Theyare in fact remarkably discerning in color gradation. The color sensitivity of normal humanvision is rarely surpassed even by sophisticated technical devices.
人类的视觉,和其它灵长目动物的一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。 在稠密、复杂的热带丛林里,好的视觉比灵敏的嗅觉更加重要。 在进化过程中,灵长目动物的眼睛变大,同时鼻子变小以使视野不受阻碍。 在哺乳类动物中,只有人和一些灵长目动物能够分辨颜色。 红旗在公牛看来是黑色的,马则生活在一个单色的世界里。 然而,人眼可见的光在整个光谱中只占一个非常狭窄的频段。人是看不到紫外线的,尽管蚂蚁和蜜蜂可以感觉到。与响尾蛇不同,人也不能直接感受到红外线。 响尾蛇的感觉器可以感受波长超过 0.7 微米的光线。 如果人能感受到红外线的话,这世界看上去将十分不同,而且恐怖。 到那时,将与夜的黑暗相反,我们能轻易地在一个奇异的没有阴影的世界里走动。 任何物体都强弱不等地闪着光。 然而,人眼在其它方面有优越之处。 事实上,人眼对颜色梯度具有非凡的分辨能力。 普通人类的视觉感受色彩的灵敏程度,甚至连精密的技术装备都很难超越。
Types of Speech
Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood,used,and accepted by amajority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. Assuch, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries.Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almostall speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not consideredappropriate for more formal situations.Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquiallanguage.Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number ofspeakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions andeven slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.Both colloquialusage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.
Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech.Some slang also passes into standardspeech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. Insome cases,the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains themin their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set of words todescribe familiar objects and events.
It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary forthe creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance ofnew objects and situations in the society;second, a diverse population with a large number ofsubgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.
Finally,it is worth noting that the terms "standard" "colloquial" and "slang"exist only asabstract labels for scholars who study language.Only a tiny number of the speakers of anylanguage will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions.Most speakers ofEnglish will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions.
标准用法包括那些为使用这种语言的大多数人在任何场合下理解、使用和接受的词和短语,而不论该场合是否正式。 这些词和短语的意义已很确定并被列入了标准词典中。 相反,俗语是指那些几乎所有讲这种语言的人都理解并在非正式的口头或书面中使用,却不适用于更正规的一些场合的词和短语。 几乎所有的习惯用语都属于俗语,而俚语指的是为很多讲这种语言的人理解但大多数人不把它们列入好的、正式用法之内的词和短语;俗语甚至俚语都可能在标准字典中查到,但是字典中会标明它们的性质。 俗语和俚语词汇的应用都是口头较多、笔头较少。俗语用法经常地被接受为标准用法。 一些俚语也变成了标准用法,但另外一些俚语只经历了短暂的流行,而后就被弃之不用了。 有时候,多数人从来不接受某些俚语,但是他们把这些俚语保存到集中记忆中。 每一代人似乎都需要独有的一套词汇来描述熟知的物体和事件。 很多语言学家指出,大量俚语的形成需要三个文化条件:第一,对社会中新事物的引入和接受;第二,一个由大量子群构成的多样化人口;第三,各子群与多数人口之间的联系。最后需要提到的是,"标准语"、"俗语"和"俚语"这些术语只是对研究语言的专家才有用的抽象标签。 不论何种语言,只会有很小一部分使用者能够意识到他们是在使用俗语或俚语。 讲英语的多数人能够在适当的场合中选择使用所有这三种语言类型。
Treasure in Sunken Ships
Of the tens of thousands of ships on the ocean bottom, only a handful, less than 1 percent,contain negotiable treasure, such as gold and jewels. Most give us a different pricelesstreasure -- history. A sunken ship lies in trust, preserved in the airless environment of thesea and those in deep water are especially well protected. No dry land sites anywhere -- exceptperhaps Egyptian tombs--are in a better state of preservation than a vessel deep in theocean.A sunken ship,therefore, can be a rare window through which a moment in time isglimpsed.
This is not to imply that sunken ships are always found intact. Most ships break up on the waydown, hit the bottom at about 100 miles per hour, and become a chaotic, confusing jumble. Irecall the chagrin of a novice diver who, after surfacing from an underwater tour of a 400-foot ship, asked his diving buddy, "Where was the wreck?" It takes experience to actually knowa sunken ship when one sees it.But no matter what its condition on the way down,a shipdeteriorates much more slowly as it sinks deeper into protective layers of sand and mud.Ancient vessels have been found in remarkably good condition. In 1977 a group of marinearchaeologists excavating a 900-year-old wreck recovered engraved glassware. Greek coins,bronze kettles, and amazingly, Greek jars containing seeds, almonds, and lentils -- even a platewith chicken bones.
在数以万计的海底沉船中,只有极少数,不到百分之一的沉船上有可流通的财富,如黄金和珠宝。 多数沉船提供给我们的是另一种无价的财富--历史。 沉船被海洋中没有空气的环境保管起来,躺在深水中的船只被保存得尤其完好。 大概除了埃及金字塔外,陆地上没有哪些遗迹比深海沉船保存得更完好了。 因此,每一只沉船便成为我们探视历史的一扇难得的窗户。 但这并不是说沉船被发现时都完好无损。 大多数船只在下沉过程中就已破碎,并以每小时 100 英里的速度撞击海底,因此成为乱糟糟的一团。 我至今仍记得一位潜水新手造访一艘400 英尺长的海底沉船后浮出水面时的懊丧神情。他问他的潜水伙伴:"沉船在哪儿?" 看到沉船时能知道这是一只沉船是需要经验的。 但不管船在下沉时状况如何,当它下沉到海底具有保护作用的泥沙层后,船体的朽烂速度比在陆地上要慢得多。人们曾在海底发现过保存异常完好的古船。 1977 年,一群海洋考古学家们在发掘一只有900年历史的沉船时,找到了雕花玻璃器皿、希腊硬币、青铜水壶,并令人吃惊地发现一些盛有种子、杏仁和扁豆等东西的希腊罐子,甚至找到一个盛有鸡骨的盘子。