适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Social media manager 社交媒体经理
Median annual pay: $45,000
Introverts don't dislike people, they just get exhausted by constantly being around them. But since social media managers specialize in virtual interaction, their work is perfect for introverts. Social media managers interact with thousands of Twitter followers and Facebook fans without having too many people invade their bubble.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Small-engine mechanic 小型发动机机械师
Median annual pay: $30,100
It's hard to socialize when you have your head buried in an engine, so working as a small-engine mechanic deserves a spot on our list of best careers for introverts. This job requires very little interaction with others, but only pays about $30,000 a year, resulting in it coming in number nine on our list.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Forester 林务员
Median annual pay: $48,000
Foresters spend their time communing with nature instead of communicating with crowds, making it the perfect job for an outdoorsy introvert. This job, which is overwhelmingly held by men (92% of foresters are male), involves plenty of time alone while maintaining and studying parks, forests, lakes, and other nature-rich areas.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Archivist, curator, or museum technician 档案管理员,场馆管理员,或博物馆技术人员
Median annual pay: $38,300
If you'd rather spend your evenings holed up in a museum or library than at a party, you might just be an introvert. You also might just be an ideal archivist, curator, or museum technician. This job comes in number seven on our list of the top 10 jobs for introverts despite a low median salary.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Web developer 网页工程师
Median annual pay: $56,700
The internet is the introvert's dream —a virtual world where communication takes place via chat rather than in-person interaction. Is it any surprise then that web developers make our list of top jobs for introverts?
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业:Fine artist 艺术行业
Median annual pay: $42,100
Some artists are loud and brash, and live for getting their art in front of a crowd. Others are quiet loners who would rather spend hours in the studio than with a large group of people. If you are the quiet creative type, a career in fine art may be ideal for you.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业: Video game artist 电子游戏美术师
Median annual pay: $50,800
Gamers spend more time interacting with virtual friends and foes than they do with real-life counterparts. Video game artists help create virtual worlds to make these experiences come alive, and they do it mostly without having to interact with people.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业: Private chef 私人厨师
Median annual pay: $60,800
Private chefs provide a valuable service to their customers, and depending on the size of the meal they prepare, they can be feeding a very large audience. However, they spend most of their time with the food, not the people who eat it, making this a top job for introverts. It's also interesting that the majority of Private Chefs are female (62%), an anomaly for chefs, who are mostly male.
私人厨师给顾客提供优质的服务。根据宴席的大小,他们可以满足非常多的顾客。但是他们的时间都花在食物上而不是招呼食客上,所以这份工作十分适合内向的人。还有一个有趣的现象:大部分的私人厨师都是女性(62%),但餐厅主厨却大都是男性。2. Statistician
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业: 统计师
Median annual pay: $71,400
Statisticians let the numbers speak for themselves rather than rely on small talk. They spend their days immersed in spreadsheets and equations, which makes this a great job for introverts. They are also paid well for this work.
适合性格内向人的10大高薪职业: Petroleum geologist 石油地质学家
Median annual pay: $124,500
Petroleum geologists don't just make a healthy salary, but they earn it for doing work that soothes the introverted soul. They spend their days modeling large engineering projects and analyzing data.