Miguel Bloombito has some travel advice for his 75,000-plus Twitter followers: “Los subwayofare hikeros esta too mucho expensivo. Take tu helicoptero to worko insteado!”
恶搞纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)的Twitter账户@ElBloombito,以“MiguelBloombito”的名义给75000多名粉丝提供了一些出行建议:“Los subwayo fare hikeros esta too muchoexpensivo. Take tu helicoptero to worko insteado!”(意:地铁票价涨得太厉害了,还是乘坐直升飞机上班吧!)
New Yorkers are having fun with their mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Spanish. The parody @ElBloombito account is one example. But Mr Bloomberg, whose Spanish announcementsduring last year’s Hurricane Sandy brought his heavily accented attempts to a worldwideYouTube audience, is not giving up.
纽约人喜欢揶揄他们市长的西班牙语水平,这个恶搞的山寨账户便是一例。去年飓风桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)来袭时,布隆伯格那带着浓重口音的西班牙语公告通过YouTube传遍了全世界。但他没有放弃学习。
He got a D in French at school and dropped plans to major in university physics because somuch of the literature was then in German, he told the New York Times recently.
近期,布隆伯格对《纽约时报》(New York Times)表示,他上学时的法语成绩为D,而在大学主修物理的计划也因当时多数文献系用德语写成而泡汤。
But he insisted he was getting better at his latest language. “I will not die until I can speakSpanish like a quasi-native,” he said.
Learning languages defeats less determined English-speakers, who reckon most business andtravel conversations take place in English anyway. Even those who know that their customerswould be impressed by an attempt to speak their language find it too daunting.
A few years ago, during a holiday in Spain, I put on a sample of a compact disc by MichelThomas and immediately felt I had found something different.
几年前在西班牙度假时,我听了米歇尔·托马斯(Michel Thomas)的光盘样品,立刻感到耳目一新。
I wasn’t alone. Woody Allen, Bob Dylan, Emma Thompson and executives of top companies paidThomas thousands of dollars for Spanish, French or German lessons.
我不是唯一的一个。伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)、鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)、艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)和顶级公司的高管都曾花费数千美元,购买托马斯的西班牙语、法语或德语课程。
Thomas died in 2005, aged 90, but his audio lessons are available, along with CDs by otherinstructors teaching languages such as Mandarin and Russian using his methods.
Thomas led an extraordinary life. Born Moniek Kroskof to a Jewish textile manufacturingfamily in Lodz, Poland, he studied in Germany and, when the Nazis tightened their grip, escaped to France. He fought with the resistance, escaped near death several times and tookseveral noms de guerre, ending with Michel Thomas.
托马斯的一生非同寻常。他原名莫涅克·克罗斯科夫(Moniek Kroskof),出生于波兰罗兹一个从事纺织制造业的犹太家庭,后来在德国学习。当纳粹加强控制时,他逃往法国。他与法国抵抗运动并肩作战,几度与死神擦肩而过,多次改名换姓,最后化名米歇尔·托马斯。
As the allies advanced across France, he linked up with American forces, using his perfectGerman to act as an interrogator, and then washed up, stateless, in the US, where he set up hislanguage-teaching business.
The publication in 1999 of Michel Thomas: The Test of Courage, an admiring biography byChristopher Robbins, led one writer to question Thomas’s wartime account. It is impossible foran outsider to judge the doubts, which Robbins rejected in detail in an afterword to hispaperback edition, and which the US army answered by decorating Thomas for bravery.
1999年克里斯托弗·罗宾斯(Christopher Robbins)所著的那部充满仰慕之情的传记《米歇尔·托马斯:勇气的考验》(Michel Thomas: The Test of Courage)出版后,托马斯对战时经历的叙述引起了一位作家的质疑。外人无从验证质疑的真伪,但罗宾斯在平装本的后记中详细反驳了这些质疑,美国军方的回应则是向托马斯发放奖章,以表彰他的英勇。
But we can, as students, evaluate his language teaching.
He promises a lot. Don’t try to memorise, he says. Don’t take notes or do any homework. Leaveall the hard work to him. Whether teaching celebrities or inner-city students, Thomas insistedthat failure to learn was the teacher’s fault.
Actually, Thomas is a demanding instructor. He works by building sentences with two studentsin his studio and you on your headphones. He says a sentence in English and then waits whileyou and one of the students translates into the language you are learning. He then provides theanswer. One of the students is quick, the other a little dim, leaving you pleased to be betterthan the slow one, but struggling to keep up with the smart linguist. There is no conjugatingof verbs but the attention to grammar is detailed. It is part of the process, seldom explicit. Thomas is an engaging audio presence. The hours in his company are hypnotic, and hugelyenjoyable. The sense of progress is gratifying. Within hours he has you compiling long, complex sentences in your new language. After 10 hours of his Spanish foundation course, Ifelt I was actually speaking.
I made a trip to Colombia – and found myself way behind Mr Bloomberg. It is not that Thomasis a bad teacher. In a lifetime of learning and trying to learn languages, I have neverencountered a better one.
It is just that the notion that you can leave it all to the teacher is nonsense. Learning alanguage requires effort, memorising vocabulary, looking over the grammar, watchingtelevision, reading newspapers and talking to real people rather than just two hiredparticipants. The learner has to take responsibility.
Successful language acquirers do something else: they don’t worry about getting things wrongor making fools of themselves. In that sense, New York’s mayor is the perfect student.
U.S. business schools have spent years courting international students. Now that they'vearrived─more than a third of M.B.A. students at many top schools hail from overseas─theinstitutions are struggling to keep up with their diverse demands.
It's a daunting task: Some international students have never participated in a classroomdiscussion, while others may have outsize expectations about job opportunities in the U.S.
Many schools already invest heavily in preterm orientation programs for internationalstudents, which can include help with a housing search, opening a local bank account orobtaining a cellphone. Some match foreign students with faculty mentors to tacklehomesickness and offer academic advice throughout their time on campus.
But some students may need more time to adjust. Ivan Kerbel, former director of the careerdevelopment office at Yale School of Management, is betting that a three-week pre-orientationpreparation program can minimize the burden placed on school administrators and helpstudents get settled just a little earlier.
但有些学生可能需要更长的适应时间。曾担任耶鲁管理学院(Yale School of Management)职业发展处主任的伊万?科贝尔(Ivan Kerbel)正在筹备一个为期三周的适应项目前的预备计划,他认为这一计划能够将学校行政管理者承受的负担减到最轻,能帮助国际学生提前一些适应下来。
'Even if there's boot-camp training at Marine Corps orientation, you don't want to arrivehaving never done a push-up,' says Mr. Kerbel.
Starting in July, Mr. Kerbel's new company, Practice LLC, will offer courses in five areas: academic preparation, career development, language and cultural orientation, software andlibrary research skills and personal performance.
从今年7月份开始,科贝尔新成立的公司Practice LLC将为MBA新生提供五个方面的课程,分别是:学业准备、职业发展、语言与文化适应、软件与图书馆资料检索技能,个人绩效。
The Practice M.B.A. classes, which will meet at the University of Washington in Seattle, are opento international students and those with nonbusiness backgrounds. Students are expected tosign up for at least three of those five subjects, with a price tag of class="con">
Practice提供的这些课程将在西雅图的华盛顿大学(University of Washington)推出,面向国际学生以及无商科背景的学生。每名学生最少要申请其中三个方面的课程,每门课程的收费为1,580美元。
Jasmine He, a second-year M.B.A. student at Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business, saysshe would have liked more than just a few days to adjust, as she struggled to join in classroomexchanges and conduct small talk with recruiters.
Jasmine He是达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business)的MBA二年级生,她说她当初就没指望自己在短短几天时间内就能适应下来,因为她在参与课堂交流以及与招聘者闲聊时都有些吃力。
Professional networking is of particular concern for many foreign nationals.
During orientation, Tuck's career-services office advises international students on whichcompanies might hire visa-dependent students, and provides pointers on happy hour minglingand the importance of a firm handshake.
Ms. He, who lived exclusively in China before starting at Tuck the fall of 2011, found apreterm sailing trip with other domestic and international students useful for practicingEnglish and learning cultural quirks, but she said 'one week is definitely not enough.' She didn'tattend the optional five-day session for students without prior experience in North America.
Not all students need the extra help. While an increasing share of students hold foreignpassports, many also have prior school or work experience in the U.S. And schools are beefingup their foundational courses in finance and operations to bring nontraditional students up tospeed, too.
As a result, Mr. Kerbel's venture caters to a relatively small portion of the M.B.A. population. But he says he's not concerned, since many business students are keen for a competitiveadvantage.
Attendance at Columbia Business School's daylong, optional orientation for internationalstudents suggests he is right. Though many foreign students have studied or worked in theU.S., about 90% still show up for the dedicated programming, says Megan Carley, seniorassociate dean of student life.
从哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)面向国际学生的时间为一整天的可选适应项目的出勤率看来,他的看法是对的。该学院负责学生生活事务的高级副院长梅根?卡利(Megan Carley)称,尽管许多外籍学生曾在美国学习或工作,仍然有90%左右的学生参加了这个项目。
Duke University's Fuqua School of Business also sees significant demand for its three-weeklanguage and culture primer. That school, where 40% of the daytime M.B.A. class isinternational, hosts 80 to 100 foreign students each July to help them refresh their Englishcommunication skills and prepare for life in North Carolina. The language program costsstudents an additional ,065─slightly less than three courses at Practice M.B.A.
杜克大学(Duke University)福库商学院(Fuqua School of Business)为期三周的语言与文化初级课程需求量也非常地大。该商学院40%的全日制班学生为国际学生,学院每年7月集合80名至100名国际学生帮助他们提高英语沟通技能并为接下来在北卡罗来纳的生活做好准备。语言项目另外收取4,065美元学费,比Practice的三门课程的费用略低一些。
'We don't want them to fail for lack of a few days' attention, or a few weeks' attention, on thefront end,' says Russ Morgan, associate dean for the daytime M.B.A.
福库商学院负责全日制MBA班的副院长拉斯?摩根(Russ Morgan)说:“我们不希望看到他们因为错过这几天或是几星期时间的帮助而在起跑线上就落后了。”