



  一放弃索赔We'll have to waive the claim

  AMr. Brown, I'd like to talk with you about something that is getting to be a problem. I'd like, if possible, to see it settled at this meeting.


  BWhat is it, Mrs. Wang?


  AIt's about the quality of 300 cartons of dried mushrooms. They reached us two weeks ago, and were immediately examined after they arrived. To our astonishment, about 20% of them were moldy and in many cartons there were even small brownish bugs crawling in and out of the half eaten mushrooms. We can't accept them in this state. They are unfit for human consumption. And the Medical Officer of Health has issued a Stop Notice on them.


  BIs that so? So far we haven't had any complaint of this kind. Our mushrooms have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years. We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and wormeaten. Have you any evidence?


  ACertainly. Here's a survey report by a well-known lab in London, whose testimony is absolutely reliable.


  BThough everything may be as you say, there are many factors involved. What's more, your surveyors have not mentioned any cause for the damage.


  AThe mushrooms were packed in small one pound plastic bags, sixty of these bags to a carton. It is stated on the surveyor?s report that external conditions of goods at the time of survey are all sound and intact. So it is obvious the cause of the damage is that the mushrooms were not completely dried before packing.


  BAs you know, before shipment, the Commodity InspectionBureau inspected the goods in question. They concluded that the goods were well dehydrated from fresh and choice material and up to standard for export.


  AI think the Inspection Bureau at your end, when effecting inspection, only selected a few package at random these happened to be up to the standard. The part that was not dried properly, most probably, escaped their attention. As the amount in question is only 20% of the whole shipment, I think it is only reasonable that you should compensate us for the loss.


  BThe inspection certificate, which is based on a random selection of 20% of the consignment as we've agreed on beforehand, is considered final and binding upon both parties. We do not accept any claims for compensation for loss incurred in transit, because you bought the goods F.O.B. Houston and on shipping quality, not on landed quality. Your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to the insurance company, as the mishap occurred after shipment.

  我们事前已有协议,任意抽取整批货的20%进行检验,其检验证明 最终对双方都具有约束力。因为你买的这批货是休斯顿港船上交货价,以装船质量而不是以到岸质量为准,任何运输途中产生的损失 要求赔偿,我们都不予接受。我们认为,你们应该要求保险公司索赔,因为损失发生在装船后。

  AWe've already got in touch with the underwriter. But they have refused to accept any liability. They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.


  BThat's a matter over which we could exercise no control, then. I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement, that is, if you have covered this risk in your coverage.


  ATo my regret, we failed to cover contamination. This is an unfortunate oversight on our part and a lesson to us.


  BOtherwise the insurance company would no doubt have entertained your case.


  AWell, live and learn. It seems we'll have to waive the claim.



  AAre the expressions of sight draft, time draft , usance draft and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment?


  BNo. These terms need to be amplified.


  AWhat if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft?


  BThen the shipping documents have to be attached. That way, both parties confirm the documents that will accompany the draft and constitute evidence of shipment in compliance with the contract terms.


  ATherefore, we must be very careful in building up clear expressions and complete understanding on both sides of trade.


  BYes, that's very important.


  ASandrawu Chunk International.

  Sandrawu Chunk 国际公司.

  BHello, Miss Wu, This is Dan Robson calling from OTC limited. I'd like to check my last order. When exactly was it sent out?

  你好,吴小姐. 我是OTC有限公司的Alex Robson. 我要查最近我这次的订单,货是什么时候送出的?

  AI can check that for you right now. Would you mind holding?

  我现在就帮你查, 可以请你稍候吗?

  BSure. No problem.

  可以, 没问题.

  AMr. Robson, I'm sorry. Our computer system is down. Could I call you back later?

  Robson 先生, 对不起. 我们的电脑系统当机. 我可以等一下再给你回电吗?

  BSure. Do you have my number?

  可以, 你有我的电话吗?

  AYes, I have it right here. I'm so sorry about this.

  有,就在我手上. 真抱歉.

  BNo problem. I'll wait for your call.

  没关系. 我会等你的电话.






