英语演讲比赛中,最能区分选手能力的项目便是即兴演讲部分(impromptu speech)和回答问题部分(Q&A session),而prepared speech最多算是一个热身。原因在于,后者选手可以在参赛之前花费心机来准备,而前者却是临场的反应。下面是小编为您收集整理的雅思口语考试与英语演讲比赛之间的关系,供大家参考!
看过一次雅思口语考试,同理:part one 关于自我的介绍,进而由考官引导学生来对一些事物的进行评述。自我介绍部分是学生通常准备过的。平淡无奇,以至于很少有考官在这一个部分上花费精力,本来esol要求考官从考生的自我介绍中挖掘信息加以扩展,而现在中国区的考官却形成了另外一套体系,展示如下:
Examiner: May I have your name, please?
Examinee: My name is Li Hong.(通常学生在此处会停止,战略性的失误,因为将第一次主动权交给了考官。)
Examiner: Do you work or are you a student?
Examinee: I am a student.(第二次失误)
Examiner: So do you live in a dormitory or you live at home?
Examinee: dormitory
Examiner: Then would you please describe your dormitory to me?(题目出现了)
Examiner: May I have your name, please?
Examinee: yes of course, but which of my names would you like to know?(武侠小说中的乾坤挪移大法,雅思中称:反问回答法。目的是逼迫考官对你的姓名产生兴趣,此时菜鸟级的考官自然而然就会被考生引入到姓名题型中,如why your parents gave you such a name? 当然,考官中高手此时,会耸耸肩说:any name will do, OR the one on your passport, OR whatever.)
Examinee: My name is 刘洪, (千万不要停,但是也不要显出背诵的痕迹,眼睛向上看,做思考状)here 洪means the flooding water. My father gave me the name, because he wishes me to be a great person possessing the character of the water.
Examiner: do you work or are you a student?
Examinee: neither. (跳出考官的二选逻辑,给他一个小小的surprise), and I stay at home, for I think the best education that a person can receive is under one's own roof.(诱使考官对education类的题目进行提问,而这个也是考生事先有所涉及的题目类型)
而这些可以引起考官条件反射的词语可以从近年来口语考试的机经中总结出来。例如:single child, the gap between rich and poor等等,合理的去设计对于考官提出的前几个问题的回答,可以使考试变得简单一些。
Part two中cue card 的部分和演讲比赛中的impromptu speech很像。考生需要根据卡片上的文字作答。其实,我们可以将回答的句子分成两个部分:第一,直接从卡片上获取特殊疑问句,并将这特殊疑问句转化为陈述结构,补充其中的内容。第二, 填充部分有逻辑的论证。
What is your favorite sport?
Why do you like the sport?
What does this sport mean to you?
考生回答的第一句话一定要这样说:My favorite sport is… I like it because…
曾经我在参加世界英语演讲比赛之前,我的教练对我说:there is a magic formula that can help you to get your message across in an easy manner. Always remember three sentences in public speaking:
1. Tell them what you are going to tell.(开门见山)
2. Tell them.(论述)
3. Tell them what you have told them.(总结)
因而,很多考生说的,诸如I think, in my opinion的这些东西其实非常多余。而开篇的句子一定要扣题且简洁,故,将题目中的特殊疑问句变成陈述结构便是最简单最有效的方法。
同时,在回答问题的过程,加上,first, second, finally, 这样的signal words会使雅思的考官很好的理会考生的逻辑,而这也是雅思评分的重要细则。
在part three中,考官会就上一个部分的问题和考生进入深层次的探讨。而这个部分需要取得不错的成绩,要加强平时的积累。在这一部分中,雅思考官关注的重点在于学生的idea是否unique。当100个都在讲一样的话题时,分数高低便不再是谁的发音好了。更重要的是立意和buzzwords的选择。
例如:What is your point of view towards Chinese ancient buildings?
一个学生的回答中出现了这样几个单词,瞬间使他的分数提高不少:cultural heritage/UNESCO/Nostalgia/,而当他说出这样的quotation(大家可以去网上找到很多有震撼力了名人名言,去理解,去背诵)的时候,考官崩溃了:History is but the lamp that my feet are guided (by Patrick Henry in "Give me Liberty or Give me Death"). Protecting the past is cherishing the future, and therefore ancient buildings should deserve their due attention.
Bacon在他的论文集《论学习》中评价道:Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, conference a ready man. 作为雅思考生的诸位,也许要做的就是不要浪费时间去背诵一些所谓的万用套路,而应该去思考怎样能在和考官的较量中占得上风,怎样能用简单的词句获得较为满意的分数,怎样能利用平时的积累去冲击最后的胜利。
雅思口语话题之 创业篇
Describe a small business that you would like to own.
You should say:
what this business would be
how you would start/open this business
how you would run this business
and explain why you would like to run this kind of business.
What this business would be
I want to open a small business. It will be a place for kids to go after school, a kind of childcare centre in the neighborhood. My town desperately needs a place like this.
How you would start/open this business
Honestly, I have no idea how to go aboutmanage it yet. But common sense tells me that the key to starting a successful business is to develop a thoughtful business plan and then get the necessary financial support. But unlike other businesses, this caregivinger business would be a non-profit organization. So I would contact some local non-profit organizations and talk with them to see if they can help me in any way.
How you would run this business
There will be food, video games, pinball, and a dance floor. I will also have tutors there to help with homework and stuff. The business would operate on a membership scheme, I mean those who want to join us have to register and pay a small amount of fee first.
and explain why you would like to run this kind of business.
I would like to start this business because first of all, there's great demand around my neighborhood. A typical school day in China normally ends at 4p.m. but the working hours for most parents is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The centre will be a good place to the childchildren to stay in until their parents come to pick them up after work. Also I just love kids and enjoy seeing them grow. One of my friends works as a kindergarten teacher. She said that it was so much fun to working with children. They are cute, and very trusting....it is truelytruly a very promising and worthwhile career--very rewarding as well....
1.What kinds of small business are most popular in China?
One of the popular small businesses here in China is to set up an online companybusiness. You can sell anything from clothes, to antiques to used furniture. The investment cost is much lower and you could work anytime and anywhere if you have the internet connection. The process could also be fully automated as the technology is maturethere.
2.Why do some people open their own business?
The benefits are pretty obvious, such as ''being you own boss' and not having to answer report to someone for anyeverything you do. Your time is you own, though you will probably find having your own business takes far more of your time than if you were havworking a ''job'.
3.What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business?
There is the initial startup cost, but the biggest challenge is getting the public to believe in you and the quality of your product or service. Another challenge is proper use of your time. You can be very successful spending your time doing the right things, but most of us are not successful because we don't know whatich things to focus on and in what sequenceorder.
4.What do you think is the most important factor when choosing a job or career?
It depends on the individual circumstances. Interest is definitely important, however as you get older you will really see money plays a importantlarge rolefactor. For example, if you have a family to support,your salary pay becomes more important than the other factors. But for university graduates, the opportunity to learn and practice grow weighs more than things like salary or working hours.
5.Do you think it is good to change your job frequently?
I don't' think it's a good idea to make a general statement of saying it's good or it's bad. As an employer, I think that a person who changes jobs frequently is unstable and not responsiblegood for his/herthe team. However,I think a person who stays at the same job forever is fearful or unmotivated. I would like to see people who change their jobs until theyto find a better fit or for career advancement.