




  一、 单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该题涂黑。(本大题共14分,每小题1分)

  ( )1.The mooncakes are delicious. I’d like to eat _______third one, because _______second one is too small.

  A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the

  ( )2. –--How about the book you are reading?

  ---Good indeed. It ____many problems we have come across in our study.

  A. says B. talks C. reports D. covers

  ( )3. ---Do you know the girl _________in red there?

  ---Of course. She is a friend of my _______

  A. wearing; sister’s B. is dressed; sister

  C. dressed; sister’s D. dressed; sister

  ( )4. _____of the building _____finished. Some workers can first move in soon.

  A. Two third; has B. Two thirds; has been

  C. Two thirds; have D. Two thirds; have been

  ( )5. ---Which of these two shirts will you take?

  ---I’ll take_________, to give me a change sometimes.

  A. all B. both C. either D. neither

  ( )6. ---Didn’t you finish your homework last night?

  ---_________, though I wasn’t feeling well.

  A. No, I hadn’t B. Yes, I had C. No, I didn’t D. Yes, I did.

  ( )7. ---Oh, you are here. I’m looking for you all the morning. _________?

  ---To the library.

  A. Where you have gone B. Where have you gone to

  C. Where have you been D. Where have you been to

  ( )8. There are no people in the hotel. It _________have the friendliest service.

  A. can’t B. must C. may D. needn’t

  ( )9. The number of people who _______English as a foreign language ________more than 750 million.

  A. learns; are B. learn; is C. learns; is D. learn; are

  ( )10. _____we are young ,we can still do something to protect the environment.

  A. If B. Since C. Because D. Though

  ( )11. Kate won the first prize in the sports meeting. _______great surprise she gave her classmates!

  A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

  ( )12. Could you please tell me ____________________________?

  A. what’s it like to be an astronaut

  B. what’s happened to the poor little girl

  C. what was the best way to learn English

  D. how long the building will be finished

  ( )13. The experiment he was devoted _________ a perfect success.

  A. to proved B. proved C. to prove D. to proving

  ( )14. ---All the teachers in our school are kind to us.

  ---___________they are.

  A. Of course B. Really C. In fact D. Indeed

  二、 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)

  In some areas of the world, the weather is very changeable and this fact plays an important part in the daily lives of the people. Farmers, fishermen and sailors(水手) 15 know ab out these changes ahead of time. Space scientists and airplane pilots(飞行员)especially need weather 16 .

  Since earlier time, men have watched the sky, the wind and the atmosphere, as well as a lot of 17 weather signs, in order to make weather forecasts, but often their weather forecasts have not been true. Now there are government stations in many place s 18 weather conditions very carefully. They use a lot of scientific ways to help them make their forecasts. For example, they have ways to know the speed and the 19 of the wind. And then they can forecast the path of a storm. They have special balloons, ships and airplanes to help them increase the possibility to be true, and they make use of radar(雷达), satellites and computers to collect 20 information.

  Today when a plane 21 from an airport, the pilot can know what kind of weather it will be like when he 22 the next stop. If there is 23 rain or snow in the mountains, we can know the day and even the hour that a river may rise many miles away. When a storm is coming in some direction, the people in that area can learn about it ahead of time and 24 for it. How useful the weather forecast is!

  ( ) 15. A. dare to B. can C. must D. need to

  ( ) 16. A. information B. fact C. advice D. result

  ( ) 17. A. another B. other C. the other D. others

  ( ) 18. A. searching B. studying C. learning D. writing

  ( ) 19. A. numbers B. weight C. direction D. length

  ( ) 20. A. necessary B. possible C. enjoyable D. popular

  ( ) 21. A. takes off B. takes in C. takes out D. takes away

  ( ) 2 2. A. arrives B. reaches C. gets D. comes

  ( ) 23. A. light B. large C. heavy D. high

  ( ) 24. A. leave B. change C. manage D. prepare

  三、 阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共26分,每小题2分) (A)

  Qian Xuesen (1911-2009), China

  Famous as the “Father of Chinese Rocketry”, he worked hard and made important contributions to the missile (导弹) and space programs of China.

  Gandhi (1869- 1948), India

  He gave up his rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. Indians called him the “Father of the nation”.

  Nelson Mandela (1918--), South Africa

  He fought for the black people and was in the prison for 30 years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people. In 1993, he was given Noble Peace for his devotion to his country.

  Norman Bethune (1890-1939), Canada

  He fought against the German Nazis (纳粹) and Japanese invaders during the World WarⅡ.He worked in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers.

  ( ) 25. Of the four persons, only worked in China.

  A. Qian Xuesen a nd Norman Bethune

  B. Qian Xuesen and Nelson Mandela

  C. Gandhi and Norman Bethune

  D. Nelson Mandela and Gandhi

  ( )26. Nelson Mandela fought for the black people and helped them to get_______ though once in prison for 30 years.

  A. space programs B. good treatment from Bethune

  C. some good ideas D. the same rights as white people

  ( )27.The underlined word “invaders” probably means __________in Chinese.

  A.政治家 B.科学家 C.叛国者 D.侵略者


  The Guidance Department (教导处)at Berryville High School has a staff of eleven teachers. Most of their work is done with the students. But the staff sees a lot of parents, too.

  “Parents meetings make clear monthly diagram(图表).”says Mildred Foreman, head of the Guidance. “This diagram stays much the same from year to year. The busy mo nths are October, March and May. ”

  September, the beginning of a new school year, starts rather slowly. Few parents come in. Most of these want to talk about the schedules. October brings many problems caused by some stude nts. Some parents are called in. Others come by themselves. Things quiet down in November. December is a quiet month. “It’s the holiday.” Ms Foreman says, “People want to come in, I know, but they decide to wait until after New Year’s Day.”

  Report cards go home just before Christmas holidays. Bad marks bring parents in as school opens again. This happens again in March, another report card month. May is always the year’s busiest month. That’s when parents begin to think that their children may be asked to stay in the same grade again. They come in to see if anything can be done before things are decided in June.

  ( )28. The teachers in the Guidance Department usually ______.

  A. do most of their work for the students

  B. answer all the questions from parents

  C. help other teachers get along with students and parents

  D. only bring report cards to students and parents

  ( )29. Why do some parents come to school in March? Because ______.

  A. they want to see their children’s teachers after Christmas holidays

  B. they are called by the teachers of Guidance Department

  C. bad marks have them do it

  D. it’s the beginning of a new school year

  ( )30. Which of the following is Right?

  A. In June the school decides who will stay in the same grade again.

  B. Almost all the parents come to meet Mildred Foreman every month.

  C. April is also the second busiest month for the staff.

  D. The parents help to do most of the work for the staff.


  The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England in a small single-engine airplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter failed.(The altimeter shows the height of the plane above the ground.) At night and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At times, her plane nearly plunged into the Atlantic Ocean.

  Just before daylight, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to keep going and to hope.

  Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and the rest of Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart became famous.

  What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she set a record of fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes.

  ( ) 31. Amelia's flight was important because __________.

  A. Amelia was a woman pilot

  B. She set a record for the flight

  C. Amelia was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic alone

  D. Amelia was able to overcome the difficulties during the flight

  ( ) 32. Amelia's successful flight proved that __________.

  A. women can do everything

  B. women can do tings that men have done

  C. men and women are equal now

  D. women pilots are more successful than men pilots
