



  We all know the saying“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, and the fact that there are a whole lot of strange—looking people out there happily loved up would suggest that it’s true.But scientists have now performed the biggest test so far,analyzing the preferences of more than 35,000 people,and have shown that we really do all have a unique “type”.

  In fact,the study showed that even identical twins,who share nearly l00 percent of their DNA, aren’t attracted to the same people,suggesting that it’s our experiences,more than our genes,that determine whether we find someone hot or not.

  “We estimate that an individual’s aesthetic(审美的)preferences for faces agree about 50 percent,and disagree about 50 percent,with others,’’explained Laura Germine from Harvard University,and Jeremy Wilmer of Wellesley College,lead researchers of the project.

  “This fits with the phenomenon that on one hand,fashion models can make a fortune with their good looks,while on the other hand,friends can endlessly debate about who is attractive and who is not,”they added.“Of course,there are some things that people seem to find pretty much universally pleasant to look at,eg,most people prefer faces that are symmetric(对称的).”But after analyzing the facial preferences of more than 35,000 volunteers, the researchers found that,it was experiences that seemed to be what shape the “eye of the beholder”.And those experiences are highly specific to each individual.

  So in other words,it’s not your family,where you grew up,or how much money your parents make that shape who you’re attracted to,it’s things like the magazines you read, the social activities you’ve take part in,and even your first boyfriend or girlfriend,that determine these preferences.

  32.What does the underlined word “identical” in Para 2 mean?

  A.unique B.same

  C.distinguishing D.considerate

  33.Why does the writer talk about the “fashion model”?

  A.To tell us they own beautiful faces which help them earn money.

  B.To emphasize they have symmetric faces which people widely enjoy.

  C.To show people’s preference for faces partly agree and disagree.

  D.To explain the role genes play in people’s preference.

  34.Which of the following statements agrees with the theme of the passage?

  A.Symmetric faces look beautiful in eastern culture but not in western culture.

  B.The more beautiful a person looks,the more likely he is to get a success.

  C.A person’s aesthetic preferences for beauty will remain the same in the future.

  D.Some think the movie star Huang Xiaoming handsome while some don’t think so.

  35.What is the title of the passage?

  A.Gene preference or social preference? B.Difficult to meet every taste.

  C.Beauty is in the eye of beholder. D.Love me,love my dog?

  25.We learn from the ads that the Sierra Company needs a person who .

  A.has years’ experiences in working for a big company

  B.is well-organized and good at problem solving

  C.enjoys working with strangers in different companies

  D.can help to write and edit vehicle advertising

  26.Which position can be taken as a part—time job according to the ads?

  A.Key Performance Indicator.

  B.Media Planner,Online Display—Social Emphasis.

  C.Vehicle advertising driver.

  D.Manager,Online Organizing Special Projects.

  27.Which requirement is NOT included for the applicants by Home Depot?

  A.Strong MS Excel skills. B.Being friendly and cooperative.

  C.Good written skills. D.Expertly mastering a foreign language.



  Sunglasses are an essential item for everyday use but also for specialized sports and activities.Sunglasses protect the eyes from harmful UV rays(紫外线),which occur even when it is cloudy,which is why wearing sunglasses at all times outside and while driving is an important concept to remember.36 .There are a few ways to go about choosing the best type of sunglasses.

  Proper Fit

  First of all,you want to pick a pair of sunglasses which fit your face and head region properly.After all,sunglasses that are ill fitting will not adequately protect your eyes from the sun and will be an annoyance to wear.37 .Make sure that they cover the eyes completely and fit on the facial area.

  UV Ray Protection

  When you’re driving or in sunlight bright enough to make you squint(眯眼),you should wear glasses.They will help you block at least 60 percent of UV rays.You should be aware of the UV ray protection listed on the pair of sunglasses. 38 .

  Style of Sunglasses

  It is also important to consider the style of sunglasses.You want to pick a style which is fashionable and suits your individual tastes the best.You will have your choice of brand name fashion sunglasses,sport sunglasses or those of the general,everyday wear variety. 39 .

  Reasonable Cost

  Most individuals want to purchase sunglasses within a set budget.If you find a pair of sunglasses,you shouldn’t end the shopping trip right then and there.40 .In this way,even if you are shopping with cost in mind,you will be sure to find a pair of sunglasses which not only strike your fancy but suit your wallet as well.

  A.The best way to achieve proper fitting sunglasses is to try them on.

  B.Make sure the sunglasses cover your eyes and nobody will recognize you.

  C.Keeping in mind where you want to wear your sunglasses will help you to pick the right pair.

  D.Keeping the level in mind will help you to choose the right pair with eye protection.

  E.It is true that sunglasses allow every woman to pretend she is a movie star.

  F.When buying sunglasses,you may wonder which suit you best and which are best for your eyes.

  G.Shop around to look for sunglasses which are on sale or are simply reasonably priced as they are.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


  It was a rainy day.I was riding on a bus downtown to go to work.With the depressing weather,everyone on the bus was in a bad 41.I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and didn’t pay much attention until we both got off at the same 42 and walked to the same newsstand to get a morning paper.

  The man 43 the stand was obviously having a bad day.He was 44 and unsmiling as we purchased our papers,which only 45 more gloom to my day.The businessman caught my 46.He,smiling brightly,47 the newsstand owner for being 48 on such a morning to make sure we were able to get our papers.In short,he expressed his 49 for something most of us would take for granted.

  The man running the newsstand 50 only with an unfriendly expression.The businessman then 51 him a pleasant day.As we turned away,I asked this man why he continued to be pleasant 52 the newsman obviously didn’t care about his expression of appreciation and 53 .The businessman smiled at me,saying,“Why would I let someone else 54 what I say or what kind of day I’m going to have?”

  We then separated and 55 our work places.I never saw that businessman again,even though I looked for him on the bus on other days.He appeared 56 in my life and disappeared just as quickly.But I’ve never forgotten the 57 he said or the way he or the way he smiled on a 58 day.

  We cannot control people and situations that come to us,but we can always control our response to them.And in such 59 decisions lie our control and personal power to make a positive difference,which can 60 both the present and the future.

  41.A.shape B.mood C.soul D.mind

  42.A.seat B.floor C.stop D.pace

  43.A.running B.renting C.collecting D.clearing

  44.A.scared B.polite C.kind D.rude

  45.A.added B.relieved C.changed D.passed

  46.A.hands B.eyes C.shoulder D.back

  47.A.thanked B.questioned C.criticized D.scolded

  48.A.patient B.absent C.capable D.available

  49.A.sympathy B.doubt C.appreciation D.regret

  50.A.neglected B.responded C.repeated D.explained

  51.A.made B.offered C.wished D.showed

  52.A.before B.unless C.until D.when

  53.A.belief B.friendliness C.forgiveness D.curiosity

  54.A.control B.replace C.judge D.reflect

  55.A.set off B.turned into C.went on D.headed for

  56.A.briefly B.calmly C.secretly D.openly

  57.A.promises B.ideas C.plans D.words

  58.A.pleasant B.sunny C.gloomy D.quiet

  59.A.tough B.positive C.cautious D.sensitive

  60.A.present B.predict C.impact D.compare





  Alice:George,why are you a vegetarian? Your whole family eats meat 61 you.I can’t imagine how you chose to live this way.

  George:Oh,it happened a long time ago when I was about ten years old.We had some friends living on a small farm.They had 62(chicken),goats,sheep,and a few cows.

  One time,we 63(invite)over for dinner.We came early so we could play 64 we ate.I was running around the yard with my friends when I saw the father 65(prepare) the meal.He had just caught a chicken and was cutting off its head.I felt very 66 (comfort).After that,I would think about the poor chicken every time I ate meat.I ate 67 (1ittle)meat until I stopped for good when I was twelve years old.

  Alice:I see.What did your parents think about your 68 (decide)?

  George:Well,since it didn’t happen all at once,they probably learned to accept that I would be 69 vegetarian.It wasn’t easy for them--especially for Morn,who had to cook 70 (different)for me.


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)







  I grew up in Westley,California.After graduating with high school.I went to Beijing and started teaching in a kindergarten.I had never been to a city big as Beijing before.I fall in love with Chinese food.I would eat out at the different restaurant every night and practice my Chinese with local citizen.I suppose the air was clean back home,but my life in China was much more interesting.My most favorite part about living in Beijing was nothing that many other foreigners didn’t like at all—the noise.I loved walking outside my door and hear the sounds of city life.Therefore,I’m back in Westley now,and all I hear is silence.I definitely miss Beijing.

  第二节 书面表达(25分)

  2015年10月,某中学校刊举办了一次“How do you use the Internet?”的问卷调查,全校2000多名学生参加了该调查。请你根据图表提示,用英文写一篇短文刊登在校报上,简要分析调查结果,发表自己的观点,并提出相应的建议。


