




  第I卷 (共103分)

  Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension

  Section A Short Conversations

  Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  1. A. 20 pounds. B. 60 pounds. C. 30 pounds. D. 40 pounds.

  2. A. At 7:10. B. At 8:00. C. At 7:50. D. At 7:30.

  3. A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A lawyer. D. A friend.

  4. A. Because there was a heavy traffic.

  B. Because he has been somewhere else.

  C. Because he was caught by the police.

  D. Because he doesn’t like going to school.

  5. A. Looking for a timetable. B. Buying some furniture.

  C. Reserving a table. D. Window shopping.

  6. A. Henry doesn’t like the color. B. Someone else painted the house.

  C. There was no ladder in the house. D. Henry painted the house himself.

  7. A. She doesn’t spend much time with her friends.

  B. She doesn’t like her new school.

  C. She has adapted easily to her new school.

  D. She spends most of her free time at school.

  8. A. Jim is very interesting. B. Jim hasn’t found anything.

  C. Jim has got a new job. D. Jim is very lazy.

  9. A. They are disappointed in the recent changes.

  B. They are delighted at the taste of the Italian food.

  C. They are not happy with the price.

  D. They are satisfied with the chef newly employed.

  10. A. She would rather invite more people to come.

  B. They would prepare more food and drinks.

  C. There was too much food at the previous meeting.

  D. The family members always eat a lot.

  Section B

  Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

  11. A. In a library. B. In a classroom.

  C. In a laboratory. D. In a computer room.

  12. A. Reading and writing. B. Grammar and computer.

  C. Listening and speaking. D. Pronunciation and self-study.

  13. A. A book review. B. A classroom rule.

  C. A visit plan. D. A weekly timetable.

  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

  14. A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In fall. D. In winter.

  15. A. Confusing. B. Innovative. C. Amusing. D. Wasteful.

  16. A. To standardize daylight savings time.

  B. To establish year-round daylight savings time.

  C. To end daylight savings time.

  D. To shorten daylight savings time.

  Section C

  Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

  Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

  Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

  The Suggestions Box

  The first suggestion: Change morning tea break to __17__.

  The second suggestion: Reducing the __18__ of the printer.

  The third suggestion: Adopting __19__ working hours.

  The attitude of the man: He __20__ with the Managing Director about the third suggestion.

  Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

  Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  What is Harrods, the biggest department store in the UK famous for? Its __21__ and Egyptian Hall.

  How do people feel when they are in the Egyptian Hall? They feel they are __22__.

  How does Harrods get most of its power? By __23__ itself.

  How is the business during the January sales? There is an increase in __24__.

  II. Grammar and Vocabulary

  Section A

  Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


  One of my favourite moments as a physician occurs when, with a very somber look, I inform patients that there’s one thing they absolutely (25) _______ do in order to make a successful recovery after a cardiac event: Go home and laugh until they cry.

  You see, we now know that there’s far more to maintaining heart health and reversing heart disease (26) _______ diet, exercise, and cholesterol level. The latest research indicates that stress, and an inability (27) __________(deal with) it, is a direct contributor to heart disease. For example, a study involving nearly 250,000 people found that anxiety (28) _________ (associate) with a 26 percent increase in coronary heart disease over an 11-year period.

  Anger and hostility rank at the top of the list of heart-harmful emotions. Harvard Medical School researchers recently found that 40 percent of patients (29) ________suffered a heart attack reported significant anger within the previous year, and roughly 8 percent of that group reported that they felt rage within two hours of heart attack symptoms.

  But (30) ________ studies reveal a great deal about the harm that negative emotions deliver to the heart, they also clearly demonstrate the amazing healing power of positive emotions. In my 25 years as a cardiologist (31) _______(perform) clinical trials and treating patients, I’ve seen firsthand (32) ________ we can harness optimism, confidence, laughter, social connections, and relaxation to help our hearts get and stay healthy.


  Why Finnish Babies Don’t Sleep in Cribs.

  For expectant parents in Finland, their “bundle of joy” isn’t just the baby. Since 1938, new mothers and fathers have received a cardboard box, often (33) _______(use) as the baby’s first crib, filled with a small mattress, blankets, infant clothes, outerwear, toiletries, and more.

  The Finnish government supplies the boxes, (34) _______(say) the gift encourages good parenting habits and aims to give all the children (35) _______ equal start.

  Some experts think that the start kit has even helped Finland achieve one of the world’s (36) _______(low) infant-mortality rates.

  Before the tradition began, when many Finnish babies slept in their parents’ beds, 65 out of 1,000 babies died each year. (37) _______ the introduction of the box—and the custom of having babies sleep separately from their parents—Finland’s infant-mortality rate has plummeted to only 3.4 deaths of for every 1,000 babies.

  Over the years, the box’s contents (38) _________(often reflect) historical trends. Until 1957, the kids contained plain fabric that mothers would use to sew the baby’s clothes. Stretchy fabrics appeared in the 1960s; disposable diapers debuted in 1969. As more women began careers in the 1970s, the layette came in easy-to-clean stretch cotton. In 2006, cloth diapers reappeared for environmental reasons, and bottles were removed to promote breast-feeding.

  “It’s easy to know when babies were born (39) _______ the box changes a little each year,” Titta Vayrynen, 35 and the mother of two young boys, told a reporter for the BBC. “It’s nice to compare clothes and think, That kid was born the same year as (40) _______.”

  Section B

  Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

  A. blamed B. predicted C. demanding D. measures E. improve

  F. influences G. extinct H. similar I. lose J. consequences k. individually

  The next generation may lose the opportunity to swim over coral reefs (珊瑚礁) or eat certain species of fish, scientists have warned, as the world’s oceans move into a stage of widespread extinction because of human 41 such as overfishing and climate change.

  A report from an international group of marine experts said that the condition of the world’s seas was worsening more quickly than had been 42 . The scientists, who gathered at Oxford University, warned that we would 43 the whole ecosystems, such as coral reefs in a generation. Already the number of fish is dropping, leading to risk of rising food prices and even starvation in some parts of the world.

  The experts 44 the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for pushing up ocean temperature, the increased algae (海藻) concentration in the water, which made the water have less oxygen. The conditions are 45 to every previous mass extinction event in the Earth’s history.

  Dr Alex Rogers, scientific director of the International Programme on the State of the Ocean said the next generation would suffer if species are allowed to go 46 . “As we considered the cumulative (积累的) effect of what humankind had done to the ocean were far worse than we had ___47___ realized,” he said. “This is a very serious situation 48

  quick and effective action at every level. We are looking at 49 for humankind that will influence in our lifetime and, worse, our children’s and generations beyond that.”

  The marine scientists called for a range of urgent 50 to cut carbon emissions (排放), reduce overfishing, create protected areas in the seas and cut pollution.

  III. Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

  People on a college campus were more likely to give money to the March of Dimes if they were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in a wheelchair than if asked by a nondisabled woman. In another _ 51_ , subway riders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble(绊脚) and fall to the floor. Sometimes the victim had a large red birthmark on his _ 52_ ;

sometimes he did not. In this situation, the victim was more likely to _53 _ aid if his face was spotless than if he had an unattractive birthmark. In _54_ these and other research findings, two themes are _55_ : we are more willing to help people we like for some reason and people we think _ 56 _ assistance.

  In some situations, those who are physically attractive are more likely to receive aid. _57_ , in a field study researchers placed a completed application to graduate school in a telephone box at the airport. The application was ready to be _58_, but had apparently been "lost". The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very _59 _ person and sometimes that of a less attractive person. The measure of helping was whether the individual who found the envelope actually mailed it or not. Results showed that people were more likely to_ 60_ the application if the person in the photo was physically attractive.

  The degree of _ 61_ between the potential helper and the person in need is also important.

  For example, people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner. In one study, shoppers on a busy street in Scotland were more likely to help a person wearing a(n) _62_ T-shirt than a person wearing a T-shirt printed with offensive words.

  Whether a person receives help depends in part on the "worth" of the case. For example, shoppers in a supermarket were more likely to give someone _63 _ to buy milk rather than to buy cookies, probably because milk is thought more essential for _64_ than cookies. Passengers on a New York subway were more likely to help a man who fell to the ground if he appeared to be _65_ rather than drunk.

  51. A. study B. way C. word D. college

  52. A. hand B. arm C. face D. back

  53. A. refuse B. beg C. lose D. receive

  54. A. challenging B. recording C. understanding D. publishing

  55. A. important B. possible C. amusing D. missing

  56. A. seek B. deserve C. obtain D. accept

  57. A. At first B. Above all C. In addition D. For example

  58. A. printed B. mailed C. rewritten D. signed

  59. A. talented B. good-looking C. helpful D. hard-working

  60. A. send in B. throw away C. fill out D. turn down

  61. A. similarity B. friendship C. cooperation D. contact

  62. A. expensive B. plain C. cheap D. strange

  63. A. time B. instructions C. money D. chances

  64. A. shoppers B. research C. children D. health

  65. A. talkative B. handsome C. calm D. sick