




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  例如:How much is the shirt?

  A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.


  1. What does the man think of the book?

  A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple.

  2. Where are the speakers?

  A. At a bus stop. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.

  3. How will they go to the theatre?

  A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By subway.

  4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. A teacher and a student. B. A doctor and a patient. C. A waiter and a customer.

  5. Why did the man apologize to the woman?

  A. He didn’t visit her in the hospital.

  B. He forgot to tell her Bill’s news.

  C. He told lies to her.



  请听第6段材料,回答第6、 7题。

  6.What happened to the boy at the basketball match?

  A. Heinjured his leg.

  B. He quit the match halfway.

  C. He failed to score a goal.

  7.What was the boy disappointed at?

  A. The result of the match.

  B. His performance in the match.

  C. His teammates’ behavior after the match.


  8. When does the man want to come back from London?

  A. At about 5:00 pm. B. At about 7:00 pm. C. At about 8:00 pm.

  9. Where does the woman probably work?

  A. At an airport. B. At a post office. C. At a train station.


  10. How soon will the taxi get to the museum?

  A. Within 10 minutes. B. Within 12 minutes. C. Within 20 minutes.

  11. How much will the woman pay if she doesn’t tip the man?

  A. Only 8 dollars. B. Less than 18 dollars. C. More than 20 dollars.

  12. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. The traffic is too heavy now.

  B. The woman won’t tip the man.

  C. The museum will close at about 6:00.


  13. What can we learn about the mother?

  A. She was busy at work.

  B. She didn’t like cooking.

  C. She didn’t feel well.

  14. What was the main problem about the man’s cooking?

  A. He didn’t follow the recipe completely.

  B. He missed putting sugar to it.

  C. He used the directions for a pie to make a pizza.

  15. How did the girl learn her father didn’t like the pizza he prepared?

  A. He told her honestly what he thought about it.

  B. She could tell by his facial expressions.

  C. He threw it away after tasting it.

  16. What problem did the girl NOT mention about the pizza?

  A. It was too salty. B. It was burned. C. It was too sweet.


  17. Who is the speaker?

  A. A student. B. An editor. C. A journalist.

  18. What skills should the volunteers have?

  A. Writing and typing skills. B. Speaking skills. C. Listening skills.

  19. How many days a week does Campus Daily come out?

  A. 4. B. 5. C. 7.

  20. What is most likely to be the best reason for joining the staff?

  A. To make a great deal of money.

  B. To become a best salesman.

  C. To get some interesting experiences.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  Weird Homes We All Wish We Live in

  Your home is one of the biggest purchases you’re going to make in your entire life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live somewhere you enjoy. If you’re looking for the weird, the wonderful, or just odd, then these houses are the top of the list.

  Upside Down

  Like the previous upside down home, this is the type of concrete house that is more interesting to really see from the outside than it is to actually live there. The door is near the top. If you want to live here, you are going to have to deal with the crowds exploring daily.

  Satellite Home

  Having an entire side of your house made of glass is just asking for a rock to be thrown by the local children. However, it also offers the best view surrounding the scenic home. The inside appeared to be separated into multiple tiers, with each tier broken down into various rooms.

  UFO House

  This home is located within Taiwan at present. For those who have wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped by aliens and forced to live within their ship for a few years, this house should offer some similar experience.

  New Age Tree Fort

  If you grew up a flower child, then chances are you either adapted that lifestyle into your own or would prefer to forget it. If it’s the former, then the tree fort-style home would be perfect to live within. It’s centered perfectly in the middle of a forested area, supported by metal beams, and built from strong wood.

  21. Why can Satellite Home offer the best view around itself?

  A. Because its outside is very interesting.

  B. Because one side of this house is made of glass.

  C. Because viewers can stand on its door near the top of the house.

  D. Because it is centered in the middle of a forest.

  22. The underlined word “kidnapped” probably refers to “___________”.

  A. taken away B. let down C. helped out D. brought up

  23. What building materials are used for these weird homes according to this passage?

  ① Concrete ② Rock ③ Metal ④ Wood

  A. ①②③. B. ①③④. C. ②③④. D. ①②④.


  When I spent the summer with my grandmother, she always set me down to the general store with a list. Behind the counter was a lady like no one I’d ever seen.

  “Excuse me,” I said. She looked up and said, “I’m Miss Bee.”

  “I need to get these.” I said, holding up my list. “So? Go get them. ” Miss Bee pointed to a sign. “There’s no one here except you and me and I’m not your servant, so get yourself a basket from that pile.”

I visited Miss Bee twice a week that summer. Sometimes she shortchanged me. Other times she overcharged. Going to the store was like going into battle. All summer long she found ways to trick me. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce “bicarbonate of soda” and memorized its location on the shelves than she made me hunt for it all over again. But by summer’s end the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes. The morning I was to return home, I stopped in to get some run.

  “All right, little girl,” she said. “What did you learn this summer?” “That you’re a meanie!” I replied. Miss Bee just laughed and said, “I know what you think of me. Well, I don’t care! My job is to teach every child I meet life lessons. When you get older you’ll be glad!” Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! The idea was absurd…

  Until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles. “It’s too hard,” she said. “Could you finish my math problems for me?”

  “If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?” I said. Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way to add up my bill by myself. Had I ever been overcharged since?

  24. What did the author’s grandmother always ask her to do during her summer vacation?

  A. Make lists for her shopping.

  B. Buy something in the general store.

  C. Send lists to the lady in the general store.

  D. Go to see the lady in a store.

  25. How did the author first shop in the store?

  A. She shopped with her grandmother together.

  B. Miss Bee gave her a hand.

  C. She asked a servant to help her.

  D. She served herself.

  26. What can we infer about Miss Bee?

  A. Her tricks made the author finish shopping in a shorter time.

  B. She neither shortchanged the author nor overcharged her.

  C. Teaching kids lessons was Miss Bee’s job at that time.

  D. Miss Bee used to learn to pronounce the names of some goods in the store.

  27. The author mentioned her daughter to __________.

  A. show her satisfaction with her kid’s homework.

  B. tell readers Miss Bee’s influence on her.

  C. inform readers of her irresponsibility for her kid.

  D. express her opposition to Miss Bee.


  Ever since I started my freshman year in another state, I’ve realized that people make many assumptions about college students, many of which are based on partying. Even my sociology professor jokingly told our class: “If your motto isn’t ‘I am partying therefore I am,’ you’re college-ing wrong.”

  Whenever I say partying isn’t fun, I get the same response: wide-eyed stares, dropped jaws and a resounding “Seriously?”, which makes me feel like I’m being judged.

  Don’t get me wrong – I’ve tried to enjoy dancing in hot, crowded spaces to loud rap music. But at last, I’ve always escaped to an empty corner while trying to ignore rude, crazy people. I wondered if I was weird for wanting to stay in on a Friday night to read a book. I even questioned whether or not I was living the “authentic(真正的)” college experience.

  “Maybe you – a shy boy – just need to go out more.” Friends have said. Suggestions like these make me think about food. Have you ever tasted something that someone else really likes and you don’t? When that happens to me, I have a habit of eating more hoping that it will eventually taste good. Does that ever work? No.

  For me, partying is a lot like that. From what I can tell, I’m just not a fan. I’m not trying to set myself apart – I just have a different definition of fun.

  As you begin to think about your present college life, I hope this helps you realize that there isn’t just one way to experience college life. Some turn up at a party to relax. I turn to a good book. Which option have you made in college? And remember: college is a place where you can keep yourself originally. It means not going with the flow and means figuring out what you want for yourself, originating your own values and thinking a way towards your future success.

  28. What should college life be like in most people’s opinion?

  A. Making assumptions is part of college life.

  B. Everyone will do something wrong in college.

  C. College students are involved in partying.

  D. College professors seldom joke college students.

  29. What does the author think of college parties?

  A. Comfortable. B. Boring. C. Unavoidable. D. Exciting.

  30. The author talks about food in the fourth paragraph because _________.

  A. he likes eating tasty food at parties.

  B. there is much food at college parties.

  C. he wants to compare food to parties.

  D. he is really a food fan.

  31. What is the author’s purpose to write this passage?

  A. To remind college students of what college means.

B. To introduce what subject students can learn in college.

  C. To share some good choices most college students have made.

  D. To show his strong support to the present college life.


  Climate change, global warming, the greenhouse effect … these days nobody denies that there is something strange and worrying happening to the atmosphere. Scientists are puzzled by the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They are afraid that the world may be a short way from what they refer to as uncontrolled global warming.

  At Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, meteorologists(气象专家) have been carefully monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere for the past 50 years. Until recently, there has been a gradual increase of around 1.5 parts per million (ppm). In 2013 the figure rose to 2.08 ppm and in the following year they registered an increase of 2.54 ppm.

  Climate analysts feel that it is too soon to draw conclusions about the phenomenon although the public are concerned that the carbon dioxide emissions are getting out of control. Jason Samenow, the chief meteorologist in the American National Weather Service, thinks that instead of having decades to find a solution to the problem, people might have only a few years. He believes that the Earth’s natural systems for absorbing the gas are breaking down resulting in the uncontrolled greenhouse effect. He insists that this is something that could happen if the Earth’s temperatures rose to such a degree that it was unable to contain the heat.

  One interesting aspect of this climate change is that it is not happening in a uniform way around the world. Carbon dioxide levels in the South Pole are noticeably lower. This suggests that something has happened in the northern hemisphere that set off the rise. Forest fires in North America might hold the answer to the puzzle, along with very hot summers in Europe.

  The 2014 heat wave was certainly out of the ordinary. Statistics claim that more than 30,000 people lost their lives as a direct result of the high temperatures. Scientists are being cautious in their interpretations. Most feel that it is too soon to say that a new trend has been set. All agree that the phenomenon needs to be closely observed.

  32. What puzzles scientists according to Paragraph 1?

  A. Something strange and worrying in life.

  B. Uncontrolled global warming.

  C. The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  D. The effects of climate change on everybody.

  33. What opinion does Jason Samenow hold on the gradual increase of carbon dioxide?

  A. People still have decades to solve this problem.

  B. Uncontrolled greenhouse effect may happen in some situation.

  C. The Earth’s natural systems for absorbing the gas have completely broken down.

  D. The public shouldn’t be responsible for carbon dioxide emissions.

  34. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

  A. Forest fires in North America.

  B. Low temperatures in the South Pole.

  C. Hot summers in Europe.

  D. North and South differences in climate change.

  35. How will scientists deal with the high temperatures?

  A. By observing the phenomenon closely.

  B. By giving a solution directly.

  C. By experiencing high temperatures personally.

  D. By setting a new trend soon.