



  Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder. Your child will rise from bed and walk or engage in other activities that they would normally do when they are awake. Their eyes will be open but they will appear to be in a dream-like state, and will probably not answer when you talk to them, although they may carry out conversations. Sleepwalking can last a few

  seconds ,a few minutes, or more.

  Sleepwalking can be an indication that certain parts of the brain may not be relaxing properly at bedtime. It can be caused by illness or fever, tiredness, stress or anxiety. It is thought to occur in the beginning, slow-wave stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep before dream sleep. It may be related to the lack of magnesium (镁) , and it is very

  possible that hormonal(荷尔蒙的)changes in body could cause it.Certainly a child is more likely to be a sleepwalker if one of his parents suffered, too .

Sleepwalking itself is not dangerous and is generally not a sign of any more worrying problems. But if your child sleepwalks regularly, you have to take safety measures to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself while sleepwalking. Makes sure that any doors can't be opened by a child, and lock doors to the cellar, kitchen and other dangerous places.

  Check each night before lights go out for sharp objects or, indeed , anything on the floor which your child could trip over or hurt himself on.

  A child may sleepwalk once and never sleepwalk again. Others may sleepwalk once a month or so. Still others may sleepwalk almost nightly. If you are worried you should consult your doctor.

  33. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

  A. The concept of sleepwalking. B. The causes of sleepwalking.

  C. Some ways to help sleepwalking. D. The behaviors during sleepwalking.

  34. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A. Sleepwalking itself is not dangerous.

  B. Children who sleepwalk may answer when you talk to them.

  C. If your child sleepwalks regularly, you can just leave him alone.

  D. Sleepwalking is related to the lack of sleep.

  35.It can be inferred from the passage that____.

  A. sleepwalking may be passed down in a family

  B. drugs that could cure sleepwalking have been developed

  C. during a normal sleep, a person never opens his eyes

  D. most doctors consider sleepwalking as a serious problem



  Can't sleep? You turn all night never seeming to get comfortable, never seeming to feel like you are even close to sleep? I bet you've tried a few different solutions too, warm milk or maybe even sleeping pills. The reason why you can't sleep could be because of many different things. 36 However, if you want simple solutions to sleep better then the following steps can help you get that great night's sleep:

  1.Sleep on your side.

  Sleeping on your side is an acquired taste if all you have been doing is stomach sleeping. The side position is best for your neck and for improving breathing which is a common cause for frequently waking. 37

  2. Find the right pillow.

Finding the right pillow is vitally important. 38 In the side sleeping position the pillow should fill the entire space between your neck and the mattress(床垫).Your head should not be tipped up or down but be in line with your spine(脊椎).

  3. No digital entertainment before bed.

  Avoid any forms of digital entertainment at least one hour prior to bed. Digital entertainment means movies, TV, Xbox, computer/laptop use, even a kindle. 39 Trying reading a few pages of non-fiction instead.


  When you eat and got to bed shortly after what happens is that your stomach is still full of food. This prevents you from breathing properly and can lead to a very disturbed sleep.

  A. Having a sound sleep is my dream.

  B. Wait three hours after eating.

  C. There are five steps to have better sleep.

  D. Stay away from all forms.

  E. Always get a check from a health care provider if you have specific concerns.

  F. The best pillows are formed to support the neck.

  G. Try placing a pillow between your knees in order to prevent rolling onto your stomach.




  Plane travel can be tiring especially when the holiday is over. Three happy-go-lucky video makers decided to provide some 41 to passengers returning to San Francisco Airport in the U.S. and 42 “free hugs". The group, from Canada,43 in the“arrival" gate with the 44 “you deserve a hug" chalked up on a board. And their 45 act actually moved one man to tears after they played another by 46 "Happy Birthday".

  47_ ___smartly with the board in their hands, they seem to be 48 by the passengers. Passengers walk past, focusing on their mobiles, their 49 ,or friends waiting, to avoid being offered a(an) 50 .“Everyone thinks we're Uber drivers ,”says Thomas Brag.

  After the “awkward beginning", 5 1 ,things take a 52 turn. Their first hug comes from a woman in a yellow jacket. Passengers began to____53 the group with smiles, although some appear still puzzled. One female passenger appears 54 to be offered a free hug, jumping over to the three men, and being raised into the air. 55

passengers became more receptive. Family members waiting for their loved ones to 56 began directing the group to greet incoming passengers. A tender 57 is then shown as the men greet one man, who is called Ani, with a(an) 58 performance of “Happy Birthday". "This week we were lucky to be flown out to San Francisco," reads the video description on the group's YouTube channel. “We realized how 59 we were to be together and have someone greet us.”

  “So we decided we'd try and make some lone travelers' days 60 welcoming them like they were part of our big happy family.”

  41.A.memory B. happiness C. trouble D. candy

  42.A.show B. have C. prepare D. offer

  43.A.waited B. stood C. sang D. danced

  44.A.slogan B. advertisement C. suggestion D. message

  45.A.awkward B. strange C. kind D. interesting

  46.A.singing B. writing C. delivering D. performing

  47.A.Satisfied B. Pretended C. Faced D. Dressed

  48.A.avoided B. ignored C. watched D. called

  49.A.ticket B. children C. wallet D. luggage

  50.A.smile B. hug C. bargain D. instruction

  51.A.anyway B. moreover C. however D. whatever

  52.A.sudden B. active C. positive D. negative

  53.A.watch B. guide C .show D. greet

  54.A.ashamed B. angry C. embarrassed D. delighted

  55.A.Carefully B. Finally C. Truly D. Sadly

  56.A.arrive B. leave C. study D. follow

  57.A.way B. action C. moment D. man

  58.A.traditional B. excellent C. special D. short

  59.A.fortunate B. funny C. troublesome D. busy

  60.A.as B.by C.for D.in





  A great man died today. He wasn't a world leader or a big figure. He was one of the 61 (great) men who ever lived. He was Joy's father. I guess you might say he was a person 62 was never interested in getting credit or 63( receive) honors. He did tiny things like pay his bills on time, go to church on Sunday and serve as an officer in the P.

T.A. He 64 (help) his kids with their homework and drove his wife to do the grocery shopping on Thursday 65 (night). He got a great kick out of taking his teenagers and their friends to and 66 football games.

  Tonight is Joy's first night 67 him. He doesn't know what to do with 68 (he). He's thankful that God let him have his father for 15 years. That wonderful man died 69 (peace) with a smile on his face and fulfillment in his heart. He knew that he was a great success as a husband and a father, a brother ,a son 70 a friend .

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  Li Hua and Wang Hai are students of Senior Three. They all work hard but have different learning methods. Li Hua listens to her teachers attentive and tries to catch everything the teachers say. She spends more time doing her homework.

  It is certain what she can go to bed earlier and always keeps energetic in the day.

However, Wang Hai had a different way of learning. He likes to stay up late at the night, so he often feels sleepy in class. Thus, he misses lots of key point and it usually spends him more time to finish his homework, that makes it difficult for him to concentrate what he is doing. I prefer Li Hua's learning method.


  假如你是李华,你的美国中学生网友( Nick)来信询问你春节期间在家乡当导游的打工经历。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:








  Dear Nick,

  Best wishes !

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua



  01-05 BBCCA 06-10 CABAB 11-15 CAAAB 16-20 BBCAC 21-25 CDABA

  26 - 30 BADCA 31- 35 CBBAA 36 -40 EGFDB 41- 45 BDADC 46 - 50 ADADB

  51-55 CCDDB 56-60 ACCAB


  61. greatest 62.who 63.receiving 64.helped 65.nights

  66. from 67.without 68.himself 69.peacefully 70.and


  all改为both attentive改为attentively more改为less what改为that had改为has 去掉at后面的the point改为points spends改为takes that改为which what前加on


  One possible version:

  Dear Nick,

  I'm glad to receive your letter asking me about my experience as a guide during the Spring Festival.

I worked as a guide during the Spring Festival in my hometown. My hometown is known for many national tourist attractions, which attract a large number of tourists, especially in holidays. I'm an expert about those places and I always do well in communicating with people from different places. I gained much experience as well as some money from it. In short, I think it's a job worth doing.

  With this e-mail, I'd like to share with you several pictures of the scenery in my hometown. I'm sure you'll like them very much! (111 words)

  Best wishes!

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua