




  How to live life to the fullest

  “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” But for those who take critical decisions, life can be different. How true that is! Stare life in the face as you experience it like a roller coaster ride. 36 Life is made up of choices and decision-making is critical as each choice has both consequences and benefits. Please weigh the latter and always choose life. Always ask what you can learn and how you can move forward, and stop yourself from blaming other people if things aren’t the way you would like them to be.

Seize the day. 37 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift—that’s why it’s called the present. Life presents us with a lifetime of opportunities, but the opportunities of a lifetime are got when right choices are followed. Be present to enjoy the moment. Each day is a fresh start with choices just waiting to be explored, so what are you waiting for?

  38 This is a great way to live life. It means accepting your present the way it is, and offering no resistance to it. However, it does not mean not trying to change it. It means being truly yourself, accepting the present around you, then trying to change it. Often ask yourself: “Has my resistance helped me in any way?” Remember: “Life goes on.”

  Accept yourself. Don’t judge yourself. This is the very first step you must take if you really want to live life to the fullest. Why? Because if you’re judging yourself or thinking part of you is wrong, you’ll limit yourself. 39

  40 No matter what the situation you find yourself in ,always be focused on what you can be learning from it, how you can be growing, and what you can be taking away from it ,so that you can respond to similar situations more effectively in the future.

  A. Always be learning.

  B. Fully accept the present.

  C. Go on enjoying your life.

  D. Show a positive attitude.

  E. Live each day as if it’s your last day.

  F. And if you limit yourself, you can’t live life to the fullest.

  G. The meaning of your life is something you create day after day with your own actions and thoughts.

  第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


  In Florida, one McDonald's customer started a pay-it-forward chain that 41 other 249 customers to be generous and do the same.

  ABC News reports the spirit of 42 is in the air as 250 drive-thru customers at a local McDonald's paid for the meals of the people next to them.

  When Torie Keene was paying for her food on Wednesday morning, it occurred to her to pay for the meal of the car next to her. Keene then 43 told McDonald's cashier Figueroa to greet the other customer "Merry Christmas". The next customer was 44 when Figueroa said her food was already paid by the 45 car. That's 46 she thought that she would love to do the same and the domino effect (多米诺效应) 47 .

  "It kept going and going" Figueroa told ABC news. "After the 15th car, I started 48 the number of people participating 49 a piece of paper."

  Figueroa said the chain 50 almost lasted for her entire shift. "I just kept giving everyone the same 51 , and they were all so astonished and so happy," she continued. "One lady 52 paid for the meals of the next three cars behind her."

  While people were amazed by how 53 they could get, Figueroa said she had "never experienced 54 like that before" in her 12 years of working for McDonald's. "I feel very 55 to have been a part of all that," the cashier said.

  Keene contacted Figueroa on Facebook when the pay-it-forward chain 56 in the local news. She revealed that she 57 the long chain of kindness, adding that she was 58 by the number of people who continued her good 59 when she was "only trying to 60 someone's day."

  41.A.invited B.instructed C.indicated D.inspired

  42.A.receiving B.gaining C.giving D.taking

  43.A.purposely B.particularly C.especially D.casually

  44.A.infected B.guided C.reminded D.affected

  45.A.unusual B.previous C.next D.familiar

  46.A.when B.where C.how D.what

  47.A.created B.disturbed C.made D.followed

  48.A.accounting B.marking C.estimating D.evaluating

  49.A.in B.under C.on D.at

  50.A.reception B.reaction C.reflection D.range

  51.A.order B.request C.message D.suggestion

  52.A.still B.also C.even D.merely

  53.A.mean B.generous C.lovely D.selfish

  54.A.something B.it C.everything D.all

  55.A.blessed B.helpful C.interested D.doubtful

  56.A.took out B.came out C.picked out D.stood out

  57.A.produced B.released C.started D.spread

  58.A.surprised B.puzzled C.confused D.delighted

  59.A.process B.idea C.decision D.deed

  60.A.strengthen B.loosen C.lengthen D.brighten



A group of frogs were travelling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw 61 deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs didn’t listen to the others and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept 62 (tell) them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs heard what the other frogs were saying and __63___ (give) up, so he died.

  The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could 64 (get) out. Once again, the other frogs cried at him and told him to stop and just allow 65 to die, but he jumped

  even 66 (hard) and finally made himself out. When he was out, the other frogs said, “Didn’t you hear us?” the frog explained to them that something was wrong with his 67 (hear). He thought they were encouraging him 68 whole time.

  There is power of life and death in the tongue. An 69 (inspire) word to someone who is down can lift him or her up and help them make it through the day, 70 bad words can rob another of the spirit to go on in difficult times. Be careful of what you say.



  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出改加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在改词下面写出修改后的词。注意:

  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Recently there had been many reports about teenagers’ safety, in which some of them got hurt and even lost their lives. Besides, it’s necessary for our teenagers to develop self-protection awareness and learn to protect ourselves. But how can we protect ourselves? First of all, we should make a rule to eat healthy food, in case unhealthy food does harm for our health. Second, we should be careful when made friends, especially online. Third, for the sake of our safety and the others’ safety, we should obey the traffic rules. Last but not least, if we are in dangers, we should call the police immediate. All in all, we must keep safety in mind, no matter when and where we are.










  It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.


  一.听力 1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ACBBB 11-15 BAACC 16-20 BCBBC

  二. 阅读 21-25 CDACD 26-30 CBCBD 31-35 DBDCB 36-40 GEBFA

  三.完型 41-45 DCADB 46-50 ADBCB 51-55 CCBAA 56-60 BCADD

  语法填空 61 how 62 telling 63 gave 64 to get 65 himself

  66 harder 67 hearing 68 the 69 inspiring 70 while

  四 短文改错

  第一句:had 改为have; and 改为or

  第二句:Besides改为Thus /Therefore; our改为us

  第四句:make 与a 中间加it; for 改为to


  第六句:去掉the others’的the

  第七句:dangers改为danger , immediate 改为 immediately


  It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. In reality, different students have different learning habits, which I think influence their learning efficiency greatly. Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the opposite.

Some students are good at concentrating on what the teachers teach in class. They think only in this way can they understand and memorize the teaching materials better. If we find those materials interesting, we’ll focus our attention on them for long. However, those dull lessons require our determination, self-controlling ability and confidence.

  My classmates always call me “Mr. Forgetful”, because I can not memorize those I have learnt. I know that it is because I don’t spend some time in memorizing them after class. My teachers advise me to repeat the materials several times and read them aloud, which they think will help improve my memory.