






  2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。

  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  1.What will the man do next Thursday?

  A.Have an interview. B.Start his new job. C.Meet Professor Green.

  2.How much did the man spend altogether fixing his computer?

  A.. B.. C..

  3.What do we know about the woman?

  A.She only ate vegetables last week.

  B.She doesn’t like eating meat.

  C.She is now on a diet.

  4.What are the speakers mai nly talking about?

  A.A vacation. B.The big bills. C.Payment methods.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.The corner is a better place for the plants.

  B.The man should water the plants less.

  C.The plants may need more light.




  6.Where is the girl going?

  A.The Christmas party. B:The schoo1. C.The cinema.

  7.When will the man pick up the girl?

  A.At 8:10. B.At 8:00. C.At 6:00.


  8.When does the man have trouble seeing?

  A.During the day. B.All the time. C.At night.

  9.What does the woman tell the man to do?

  A.Have his eyes checked. B.Drive more slowly. C.Use her glasses.


  10.What’s the purpose of the man’s call?

  A.To Visit Tony Parker. B.To book a room. C.To confirm his reservation.

  11.What kind o f rooms does the woman handle?

  A.Standard rooms. B.Special suites. C.Double moms.

  12.When will Tony call the man back?

  A.This evening. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow afternoon.


  13.When did the woman join the club?

  A.Two weeks ago. B.One month ago. C.Two months ago.

  14.How often do the meetings take place?

  A.Once a week. B.Once a month. C.Twice a month.

  15.What is discussed at the meetings?

  A.A11 the latest books.

  B.A new book every month.

  C.The best books of the year

  16.Why does the woman talk with the man?

  A.To ask his opinions about a book.

  B.To borrow a book from him.

  C.To invite him to the club.


  17.What does the speaker say about the Ice Hotel?

  A.It is far from the airport.

  B.It has to be rebuilt every year.

  C.It is perfect for all types of guests.

  18.When is the Ice Hotel completely finished?

  A.In late December. B.In early January. C.In mid-January.

  19.What do we know about the ice-sculpture classes?

  A.Students must speak English or Swedish.

  B.Students can have it every afternoon.

  C.Students needn’t bring any tools.

  20.What does the speaker think of the trips offered by the hotel?

  A.Popular. B.Challenging. C.Expensive.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  The Grand Canyon’S Hermit Trail Needs Your Help

  Few hiking paths offer such great views as the Grand Canyon’s Hermit Trail.This splendid path stretches from the canyon rim to the Colorado River,with a nearly 2,000-foot drop in the first 2.5 miles.

  During its glorious times in the early 1900s,the impressive Hermit Trail led to a large number of campsites for tourists.Now a“shadow of its former self”due to time and natural damage,the nearly 10-mile hike is reserved only for experienced backpackers,according to the National Park Service.It’s not nearly as accessible as it used to be.

  That’s because the Hermit Trail is in desperate need of repairs.Rockslides and wild plants have overtaken some sections of the path,leading hikers off-route where they damage other plants.Weather has washed out some areas of the trail,making it unsafe for inexperienced hikers.

  But things may soon turn around,and you can help:Grand Canyon Association(GCA),a non-profit ass ociation,is making a huge push to repair the Hermit Trail.In 2017,the organization will use traveller donations to restore(修复)this trail to its former glory.

  The association is an independent fundraising group that works directly with the National Park Service to restore trails in need.Starting now and through 2017,every donation made to“trail restoration”on the association’s website will go toward the Hermit Trail.If you’ve been looking to make a difference while you travel,consider this an excellent way to do so next year.See you on the trail! ‘

  21.Why is the Hermit Trail less accessible?

  A.It’s hard to find.

  B.It’s in bad condition.

  C.It’s not open to visitors.

  D.It’s now a nature reserve.

  22.What is the GCA going to do in 2017?

  A.Make more profits.

  B.Attract more tourists.

  C.Set up a new website.

  D.Repair the Hermit Trail.

  23.What’s the purpose of the text?

  A.To introduce a tourist attraction.

  B.To make an appeal for donations.

  C.To found a none-profit organization.

  D.To advocate environmental protection.


  My main career has been in information technology:I was“the computer guy”.Where I live in remote northern Minnesota,good tech jobs were rare.

  Then I got divorced and found myself a single mother with two sons in schoo1.Without a permanent job working on computers,I was concerned about my family’s future.So I sat down with my sons to discuss whether we should move to where the higher-paying jobs are.But we decided to stay and I'd go back to college for more training,even though it meant we’d be living on less.

  While I work toward an education degree,I have become what’s called a Promise Fellow in a local middle schoo1.Among the“promises”we make at the start of each school year is that the students will have a caring adult in their life.no matter what.My fellow“Fellows”and I don’t teach.We do what’s called“whole-life support”because our students need more than just academics to succeed.

  Why? Their lives aren’t easy.The remote counties I live and work in have experienced a h uge downturn in the primary-industry of iron mining.The poverty(贫困)experienced by my students and their families is often worsened by mental health problems,plus drug and alcohol abuse.

  With our attention,the students feel supported.Most of the kids have a lot of abilities and are smarter than they give themselves credit for.We take them to college campuses and get them to visualize their future.

  I had worked with two students in our 2016 graduating class at Northern Lights Community Schoo1.Both are going to college this fall.These are the same kids who laughed at me when I first mentioned college to them.So I know I’ve played a role in their lives.

  24.What is the topic of the text?

  A.The life of a computer guy.

  B.The life of a single mother.

  C.The experience with kids.

  D.The experience with Promise Fellow.

  25.Why did the author want to leave northern Minnesota at first?

  A.To repair her marriage.

  B.To comfort her children.

  C.To seek higher-paying jobs.

  D.To teach courses at a local college.

  26.What does the author stress in Paragraph 4?

  A.Why Promise Fellow is in great need.

  B.Why iron mining industry has declined.

  C.Why the remote counties suffer from poverty.

  D.Why families are addicted to drugs and alcoho1.

  27.How do the kids benefit from Promise Fellow?

  A.They are physically helped.

  B.They are financially supported.

  C.They receive aid from colleges.

  D.They get cared for in life and academics.


  My favorite mo vie of all time is Cool Runnings.It is silly,but also inspirational.It is loosely based on the true story about the 1988 Jamaican Bobsled team who competed in the Calgary Winter Olympics.After they qualified for the Olympics,they got three runs on three separate days.

  In the Jamaican’s first run,they copied the Swiss team style and technique.They ended up in last place after the first day.After some reflection and pep talks,the team went back to their roots.They were true to themselves and 100%prepared for the second run.Everything clicked and they moved into 8 th place.The final run they once again were true to themselves and more than prepared.Their starting push time was incredible.The announcer even went as far as calling them“champs”during that run.Unfortunately,that rickety old sled(雪撬)they used couldn’t hold up and they crashed.They picked up the sled and finished the race.

  I think you can use the three runs they had and make them relate to your lives.

  You can be like the first run and try to be someone else.You can be jealous of other people.You call go off course and not be true to yourself.You may also see yourself finishing in last.

  You can be like the second run and be true to yourself.God gives us all so many special and unique gifts,something that makes you who you are.When you realize what you can offer and use them for good,you will see the fruits of your labor.

  The third run is the true reality of life.Sometimes you can go into a situation or relationship with a11 of the best intentions in the world.Sometimes you can be the best“you”possible,but something will still go wrong.That is life.However,just like those four Jamaicans who cr ashed the sled,you can get up and finish the race.Always finish the race.

  28.What is Cool Runnings based on?

  A.A short story with the same name.

  B.A true happening in an Olympic competition.

  C.A match in the 1988 Summer Olympic Games.

  D.A journal of a famous Jamaican Bobsled player.

  29.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase“pep talks”in Paragraph 2?

  A.Annoying words.

  B.Satisfying lectures.

  C.Encouraging remarks.

  D.Disappointing reports.

  30.What made the Jamaican Bobsled move into 8 th place in the second run?

  A.Depending on good luck.

  B.Following others’example.

  C.Attaching value to team work.

  D.Making the most of their talents.

  31.In what way is the third run true to real life?

  A.Still waters run deep.

  B.Every coin has two sides.

  C.Life is not a bed of roses.

  D.Two heads are better than one.


  “If you just go in and say,‘Let’s lower your carbon footprint’,it's a nonstarter,”Slater says.“You have to go in with other motivators.”She says people are looking for socia l connection.meaning,purpose,safety and effectiveness.

  Slater is director of the Cool City,Challenge,a consulting and training organization that aims to reduce the carbon footprint of cities.The group also runs Cool Block,an initiative that helps neighbors connect with each other,share resources,and team up on climate and post-disaster reconstruction projects.

  A Cool Block project starts with the simple act of someone paying personal visits to his or her neighbors.“We say this is the most revolutionary ever designed knock on your neighbor’s door,and get involved with them in a family way,”says Slater,explaining that in most cases,people are glad they’ve been asked to participate.“People are afraid of rejection,that they’11 be seen as pushy or that they always want something.We talk about these things openly because these are all beliefs people have that stop them from doing it.”

  In addition to creating a critical mass of awareness about climate and disaster solutions,Cool Block creates local networks that go beyond disaster planning and carbon reduction.

  “All of a sudden the participants are excited and they’re doing things,”Slater says.One group wanted a speed bump(减速带),another identified two elderly people and decided to connect with them—not only in case of a disaster,but to have the occasional cup of tea.When a power failure fried all the appliances(电器)on its block,one group organized to get discounts at the appliance store and take charge of the process of replacing the appliances.Groups set up informal sharing systems by creating a document of goods and tools that are available.

  “There are always ways to deepen your practice.”Slater says.

  32.What is Cool City Challenge set up for?

  A.To share resources.

  B.To keep people safe.

  C.To help neighbors connect.

  D.To protect the environment.

  33.What is the vital act of a Cool Block project?

  A.Reaching out to their neighbors.

  B.Overcoming the fear of being refused.

  C.Encouraging neighbors to speak openly.

  D.Changing the old beliefs of the neighbors.

  34.How did Cool Block help neighbors in the power failure?

  A.By connecting the elderly.

  B.By building a speed bump.

  C.By creating a document of goods and tools.

  D.By getting appliances and service with less money.

  35.What may be the best title for the text?

  A.Lower your carbon footprint!

  B.Be an environmentalist like Slater!

  C.Cool Block:Have neighbors talk!

  D.Social connection:Just knock on doors!

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Temper tantrums(发怒)range from crying to screaming,kicking,hitting,and breath holding.They’re equally common in boys and girls and mostly happen between the ages of one to three.

  36 ,and others have them rarely.Tantrums are a normal part of child development.They are the way young children show they’re upset or frustrated(沮丧的).Tantrums may happen when kids are tired,hungry,or uncomfortable;or because they can’t get s omething(for example,an object or a parent)to do what they want. 37.

  Tantrums are common during the second year of life,a time when language skills are starting to develop.Because young children at this age can’t yet say what they want,feel,or need,a frustrating experience may cause a tantrum. 38 .

  39—more than they may be able to han dle.This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks“I can do it myself”or“I want it,give it to me.”When kids discover that they can’t do it and can’t have everything they want,they may have a tantrum.

  So try to prevent tantrums from happening in the first place,whenever possible.Give plenty of positive attention.Get in the habit of catching your child being good.Reward your little one with praise and attention for positive behaviors.Most important,keep your cool when responding to a tantrum.Don’t complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger.40 .So you need to be calm,too.

  A.Some kids may smile all the day

  B.Some kids may have tantrums often

  C.You may wonder how long a tantrum will last

  D.As language skills improve,tantrums tend to decrease

  E.Kids want independence and control over their environment

  F.Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children gain over time

  G.Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  A middle-aged man named Douglas lives alone on the fourth floor of an apartment building.He keeps off his 41 ,never saying hello to anyone.He leaves his 42 out in the hallway.He 43 complains(抱怨)about all the inconvenience caused by his neighbours, even getting 44 when Catherine and David,the couple living next door,have a baby.Instead of saying 45 ,he 46 his concern about his own sleep.

  Then one day Mr.Douglas was surprised to see his garbage is 47 to be found.In its place is a note.“G1ad to clear up the garbage to 48 you a trip. Have a nice day,David.” 49 this kind act,Mr.Douglas begins thinking about the terrible traffic he will surely have to 50 on his way to work.But as time goes on,Mr.Douglas starts to feel a little 51 . Catherine and David always smile at him when they 52 in the hallway and politely say hello. 53 his reaction.One day,another note comes to him,apologizing for the baby 54 Mr.Douglas’ sleep.But the baby is little of a bother for him as he sleeps with his fan 55 because of the heat.

  Finally,the couple invite Mr.Douglas into their apartment for a cup of coffee. As they talk,he 56 that he and his wife got a divorce a year ago.He has been so heartbrok en that he has been 57 to everyone he knows.Feeling glad that his neighbours have treated him with so much 58 and friendliness,Mr.Douglas cannot help 59 and respecting them for it. Now he knows the 60 of treating other peop le as he would like to be treated.

  41.A.workers B.neighbors C.colleagues D.managers

  42.A.garbage B.garage C.1uggage D.lounge

  43.A.completely B.deliberately C.constantly D.eventually

  44.A.upset B.shocked C.disappointed D.excited

  45.A.yes B.no C.thanks D.congratulations

  46.A.shares B.avoids C.expresses D.expects

  47.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhere

  48.A.save B.make C.offer D.bring

  49.A.Cheering B.Ignoring C.Understanding D.Doubting

  50.A.deal with B.argue with C.mix with D.Provide with

  51.A.pleased B.silly C.comfortable D.curious

  52.A.sail B.rest C.walk D.meet

  53.A.whatever B.whichever C.wherever D.however

  54.A.interrupting B.suffering C.delaying D.robbing

  55.A.up B.down C.on D.off

  56.A.warn s B.declares C.insists D.admits

  57.A.strange B.rude C.normal D.polite

  58.A.tolerance B.reference C.confidence D.experience

  59.A.worrying B.adjusting C.appreciating D.blaming

  60.A.behavior B.failure C.difference D.importance




  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  All the parts of the human body work together,although each one has its special part to do.The stomach must have a time 61 (rest)between meals.The other parts of the body require rest,too.This they 62 (usual)get while we are asleep.We must not fail to give them enough rest,or they will soon get 63 (wear)out and give us trouble.

  Sometimes,when people are not well 64 tired out,they find they cannot sleep well 65 night.A number of little things can contribute to a good sleep.A hot foot bath, 66 draws the blood away from the brain,frequently will be found 67 (benefit).A glass of hot milk or cocoa, 68 (take)just before going to bed,often will have the same effect.If the sleeplessness is a result of indigestion(消化不良),a plain diet will relieve.Sleeping upon a hard bed without any pillow sometimes 69 (produce)the desired effect.

  Always have plenty of fresh air in the room.Keep the mind free from the cares of the day.Never take any 70 (sleep)tablets except upon the advice of a physician,for they usually contain drugs that will injure the heart.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分。满分10分)






  2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第l 1处起)不计分。

  Last weekend,I went to visit my English teacher,who was already in his fifty.He gives me a lot of help when I was a junior middle school student.Delighting to see me,he asked my senior middle school life.Then he advised me to make fully preparations for the coming entrance examination.It was so a pleasure to see him again that I didn’t notice it was pretty later.I had to say goodbye to each other.

  He is not only a good teacher but my close friend.Wherever I will go,I will always treasure a time that I spent with my teacher.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






  2.可以适当增加细节 ,以使行文连贯。






