




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  1.When did Sue leave home?

  A.At 5:15. B.At 5:00. C.At 4:30.

  2.What does the man prefer?

  A.Foreign languages. B.Science. C.Politics.

  3.What are the speakers doing?

  A.Watching a movie. B.Enjoying a concert. C.Buying some tickets.

  4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A.On a train. B.On a ship. C.In a hotel.

  5.What will the speakers probably do during the holidays?

  A.Get away and have fun.B.Listen to some lectures. C.Write some essays.




  6.What happened to the speakers?

  A.They got lost in Stanton. B.Their car broke down. C.They got stuck in traffic.

  7.What do we know about the man’s phone?

  A.He forgot to charge the battery.B.It is out of service. C.It has no signal now.


  8.What does the woman want from the man?

  A.His signature. B.His phone number. C.A picture of the two of them.

  9.What will the woman do at the end of the conversation?

  A.Give the man a ticket.

  B.Let the man off with a warning.

  C.Take the man to the police station.


  10.Where will the man go first?

  A.To England. B.To Denmark. C.To Germany.

  11.Which instrument does Anna play?

  A.Guitar. B.Bass guitar. C.Drums.

  12.What do we know about Martin?

  A.He lives in Berlin.

  B.He will fly to Cairo later.

  C.He will ride a bus with the man.


  13.Why is the man sad?

  A.He lost his phone.

  B.He didn’t pass his test.

  C.He could not get past a level in a game.

  14.When does the woman usually play video games?

  A.At work. B.On her way to schoo1. C.At home with her friends.

  15.What game does the woman recommend to the man?

  A.Angry Birds. B.Super Mario Brothers. C.Pac-Man.

  16.How does the man feel about the woman’s recommendation?

  A.Uninterested. B.Excited. C.Annoyed.


  17.What will take place in the main theater next week?

  A.Some professors will give lectures there.

  B.A student film festival will be held there.

  C.There will be an art exhibition there.

  18.What is the collection in the Picture Gallery about?

  A.Life of local artists. B.History of the university.C.Students’social activities.

  19.What will the audience visit next?

  A.A museum. B.An art gallery. C.The entertainment building.

  20.How soon will everyone meet again?

  A.In half an hour. B.In an hour. C.In an hour and a half.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


  Up late with The Greats

  One of the most significant collections of old master paintings ever assembled(收集)in Australia is opening at the Art Galleries.So you can experience masterpieces from the National Galleries of Scotland.

  Wednesday to Friday nights.5—28 March 2017

  To celebrate summer,we’re hosting Up late with The Greats,and we’re open until 10 pm,a series of late openings with free events on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday nights throughout March.

  We’ll be pouring the latest creation from boutique brewers(精品啤酒商)Young Henqs—a limited edition beer inspired by The Greats.

  Free events

  Wednesday nights

  Join us for a special edition of Art After Hours with comedian Hannah Gadsby,live music from Monsieur Camembert Quartet,guided tours and films.

  Thursday nights

  The Gallery’s entrance court transforms into a grand drawing salon for beginners and experienced artists alike.Be inspired by a tour of the drawings in The Greats then drop in and sketch away to the sounds of classical music.

  Friday nights

  Take a musical journey through Europe as members of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra perform classical musical recitals(小型音乐会)inspired by artworks in The Greats.

  What’s open?


  The entire Gallery,including cafe and CHISWICK at th e Gallery


  The Greats exhibition plus all displays on ground level(except Asian gallery)and CHISWICK at the Gallery

  Bookings recommended for dinner at CHIS WICK at the Gallery

  Each night,a free bus runs every 15 minutes from 7 p.m.until closing from the Gallery to surrounding car parks and Martin Place

  21.What will Young Henrys provide for the events?

  A.Much beer to drink. B.Classical music recitals.

  C.Coffee and delicious food. D.Free bus service.

  22.For whom is the grand drawing salon on Thursday nights held?

  A.Experienced painters. B.Art lovers at different levels.

  C.Professional artists. D.Art students at college.

  23.What do we know about the Greats exhibition?

  A.The entire Gallery except cafe is open on Wednesdays.

  B.All displays of the Greats exhibition are on ground level.

  C.You may book in advance if you want to eat at CHISWICK.

  D.Free transport is provided all day between Martin Place and the Gallery.


  Weaving hammocks is an art that takes a sharp eye,a skilled hand and lots of patience.But in Lenwood Haddock’s case,being blind works to his advantage.His trained,sensitive hands are acute ly aware of every step of the process.Since beginning his craft in 1986,Lenwood has woven about 145,000 perfect hammocks.

  Lenwood lost his sight in 1973,at age 18,during a hunting accident.“My whole working career has been blind,”he says.He first found a job as a woodworker, but when that organization closed,the North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind connected him with Hatte ras Hammocks.On his first day of work.“I did a total of one hammock,”Lenwood recalls,laughing.“And then I came home and lay down to sleep.I lift weights,but I wasn’t as tough as I thought until I started weaving.It takes a lot of energy,and you’re standing up all day.”

  In time,however,Lenwood found he had a knack(窍门)for the job.At first he worked on-site at the company,but after a year Lenwood moved his operation to the home workshop where he had worked for 10 years during his woodworking days.

  There,he creates dozens of hammocks each week from ropes in a variety of sizes.One day,he realized the step counter on his phone recorded him walking eight miles without ever leaving his shop.

  The process of weaving a hammock involves making and catching hundreds of loops(环).A single missed stitch(织针)creates a hole that can widen and make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.Experienced weavers miss loops sometimes,but to his company’s knowledge,Lenwood has never turned in a hammock with even one dropped stitch.Lenwood’s skilled fingers are quick to catch and fix any mistakes.

  The company has acquired other brands and changed its name to The Hammock Source.Today,it is the world’s largest maker and seller of hammocks,all built by hand.

  However,Lenwood’s routine has changed little.He works his fingers back and forth across the rows,looping the rope and pulling it.With every hammock,Lenwood presents himself a perfect product.“I'm not sure how sighted people do it,”he admits.

  24.Lenwood stopped doing his first job because_________.

  A.the company failed to go on with its business

  B.it was for people with good eyesight only

  C.the company didn’t produce hammocks

  D.he was not skilled at doing woodwork

  25.It can be learned from the passage that Lenwood_________.

  A.has been blind all through his life B.used to work as a hunter to support his family

  C.was born in the 1950s with good eyesight D.has worked as a hammock weaver for 10 years

  26.What do we know about Lenwood from the 4th paragraph?

  A.He moved very often while he was working on a hammock.

  B.He had to make different ropes before he wove a hammock.

  C.He had to stay 8 miles away from the worksite to complete it.

  D.He needed ropes of about 8 miles long to complete a hammock.

  27.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

  A.Lenwood was very skilled with his hands.

  B.Lenwood was very careful with his work.

  C.Lenwood refused to hand in incomplete hammocks.

  D.Lenwood dropped his stitch only once while working.


  The most popular PE class at Waukegan High School in Illinois,US,takes place in a basement field house.

  It is the school’s version of CrossFit,the difficult physical exercise that has exploded in popularity over the last 16 years at thousands of gyms.It has more than one million devotees and a professional competition shown on ESPN.

  Schools around the Chicago area ha ve adopted CrossFit to interest students at a time of a rising weight problem among young people,and most say it really works compared with traditional gym classes.

  “I think it’s a great way to teach kids lifelong fitness,especially those kids who aren’t interested in hockey,soccer or basketball,”said the teacher,Tracy Haraf from Illinois’Stony Creek Elementary, which devotes half of its PE days to CrossFit exercises.“They think it's tough,but I think they have a lot of fun doing it.”

  Senior Alexus Wiltz,18,said the workout had improved her performance on the basketball court.“I noticed I was faster.I paid more attention on the court,my defending was better,”she said after a recent class.“It just really helped me.”

  But some doctors and researchers advise caution,saying the exercises that involve lifting weights can lead to injuries,particularly when performed by few inexperienced people.

  Doctor Craig Finlayson at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago said he was worried that while strength training is fine for kids,heavy weights could be trouble for teenagers who might hurt themselves by trying to do too much or using poor form.

  CrossFit Inc.,the company that certifies trainers and licenses gyms,disagrees that its program is more dangerous than other fitness routines.Gym teachers in Waukegan’s Greg Moisio,whose two-campus school has about 73%kids taking CrossFit each day,also say the risk of injury can be reduced with proper teaching and CrossFit’s flexibility.

  28.Why have schools around the Chicago area adopted CrossFit?

  A.To improve students’performance in competitive sports.

  B.To introduce something more challenging to the students.

  C.To make traditional gym classes more attractive.

  D.To help solve the students’weight problem.

  29.How do the students react to the strength training?

  A.73%agree it has a bad influence. B.They show little interest in it.

  C.The majority believe it’s effective. D.Most of them think it’s of no use.

  30.What does the underlined word“workout”in Paragraph 5 refer to?

  A.The physical exercise. B.The basketball court.

  C.Wiltz’s performance. D.A lot of fun.

  31.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A.CrossFit is more dangerous than other fitness routines.

  B.The number of the injured in CrossFit classes is rising.

  C.Kids may protect themselves if they’re trained properly.

  D.A great number of kids taking CrossFit lack flexibility.


  Sweden is so good at recycling that,for several years,i t has imported rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going.Less than I percent of Swedish household waste was sent to landfill last year or any year since 2011.

  We can only dream of such an effective system in the UK,which is why we end up paying expensive transport costs to send rubbish to be recycled overseas rather than paying fines to send it to landfill under The Landfill Tax of 1996.

  Why are we sending waste to Sweden? Their system is so far ahead because of a culture of looking after the environment.Sweden was one of the first countries to carry out a heavy tax on fossil fuels in 1991 and now sources almost half its electricity from renewables.

  “Swedish people are quite keen on being out in nature and they are aware of what we need do on nature and environmental issues.We worked on communications for a long time to make people aware not to throw things outdoors so that we can recycle and reuse,”says Anna-Carin Gripwall,director of communications for Avfall Sverige,the Swedish Waste Management’s recycling association.

  Over time,Sweden has performed a related national recycling policy so that even though private companies undertake most of the business of importing and burning waste,the energy goes into a national heating network to heat homes through the freezing Swedish winter.

  “That’s a key reason that we have this district network,so we can make use of the heating from the waste plants.In the southern part of Europe they don’t make use of the heating from the waste,it just goes out the chimney.Here we use it as a substitute for fossil fuel,”Ms Gripwall says.

  32.What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?

  A.The residents are too lazy to send their rubbish to the landfill.

  B.Most of the household rubbish is sent to recycling plants in Sweden.

  C.The Swedish government refused to buy rubbish from other countries.

  D.There isn’t much household waste in Sweden because of its population.

  33.In Paragraph 2 the author expresses that_______.

  A.UK is a country that exports its rubbish

  B.UK has paid a lot of fines under the Landfill Tax

  C.Expensive transport cost in UK has been already ended up

  D.Expenses on the transport of rubbish in England are too high

  34.According to Ms Gripwall,Sweden set up the recycling network in order to_______.

  A.change the life style of the Swedish people

  B.reduce the amount of rubbish in the landfill

  C.make good use of the energy from the waste

  D.increase the income of the private companies

  35.Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

  A.Landfills in Sweden. B.Rubbish from abroad.

  C.Fight against pollution. D.Successful recycling system.



  Listening to others requires entering actively and imaginatively into the situation and trying to understand a frame of reference different from your own,and yet so many of us don’t listen properly as we should. 36 It means trying to see the problem the way the speaker sees it.

  Here are some ways to become a better listener.

  37 Make sure you actually hear fully what your friend is saying,and you can’t cut your friend off verbally carelessly.While you might intend to help move the conversation along,your friend might feel as if what he has said need to be continually talked over or sound anything but interesting.

  Nod to encourage the conversation along.A better option to let your friend know you’re interested in what he says is just to nod along from time to time.Sometimes you nod along but then start thinking about something unrelated to what he could say. 38

  Tune out background noise.If you’re easily distracted by laughter,glasses clinking,children crying,you might need to work extra hard to focus only on your friend. 39 Don’t hesitate to tell them that the background noises are getting in the way.If you can’t focus,try moving to another area.

  No texting or looking at your phone ! 40 For you see,when you’re sitting in front of someone,he is the most important person in your world at that moment.

  A.Practice silence when someone else is talking.

  B.If necessary,ask your friend to repeat himself.

  C.Listening is more than just sitting silently while someone else talks.

  D.Whoever is calling or texting can wait until you’re done with your conversation.

  E.Questions you raise must clearly be motivated by curiosity about the speaker’s views.

  F.In this case,try to push away your thoughts until you’re absorbed in what your friend is saying.

  G.Remembering ideas from previous conversations proves that your attention is kept and encourages your friend to continue.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  I had never had a birthday party before,so at my“ripe old”age,I decided to throw one for myself.About 20 people 41 that they were coming.I don’t have a lot of money,but I spent more than 42 in the $l store to buy decorations and plates.I had a tiny 43 in order to feed all of them.

  I sat,I 44 ,and,although all of my“friends”had said they were coming,no one 45 !The celebration was supposed to 46 at 12 noon.Here it was,4:00 pm,and 47 ,no one was here.The ice-cream cake was 48 ,the food on the barbecue was burnt beyond 49 .I tried really hard not to cry.

  I decided to sit back and relax,reflecting on the 50 moments that I did have.All of a sudden, I heard a roar of an engine,just outside my front door.Mr.Kenny,apparently, did 51 he could to show up.I cried in his 52 ,saying,“I'm not worth anything!”He wiped away my tears,53 me tight,and said the 54 word s:“I will always be your friend!”The dark clouds in my mind cleared away at once.

  He had had so many challenges and difficulties over his past couple of weeks,but he 55 to come.As we sat outside under a blanket of clear blue skies,laughing and 56 ,I felt that I was 57 .He appeared just before I wanted to give up on this 58 world.

  Yes,life is beautiful.Yes,there are some people who love each other for over 50 years,59 there are some of us who do not have those luxuries(福气).However,never give up the 60 —maybe it is round the corner.

  41.A.applied B.pretended C.confirmed D.required

  42.A.1ast B.usual C.first D.forever

  43.A.budget B.plan C.destination D.purpose

  44.A.doubted B.hesitated C.intended D.waited

  45.A.hanged out B.turned around C.checked in D.showed up

  46.A.open B.start C.1aunch D.close

  47.A.still B.also C.ever D.too

  48.A.freezing B.melting C.hardening D.breaking

  49.A.imagination B.control C.recognition D.repair

  50.A.wonderful B.terrible C.different D.similar

  51.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

  52.A.clothes B.aims C.shoulders D.hands

  53.A.patted B.dragged C.struck D.held

  54.A.magical B.practical C.familiar D.thoughtful

  55.A.expected B.managed C.promised D.meant

  56.A.thinking B.talking C.fighting D.crying

  57.A.betrayed B.forgotten C.respected D.blessed

  58.A.risky B.kind C.mean D.bright

  59.A.though B.while C.when D.because

  60.A.chance B.dream C.hope D.idea



  Every country has 61 (it)own banknotes,so it is hard to say which is the most beautiful one.However,the International Bank Note Society named New Zealand’s note the 62 (good)banknote of 2015 on April 25.

  The International Bank Note Society, 63 awards the honor every year,praised it as the“clear winner”among n early 40 designs from a record 20 countries.

  “The note 64 (beautiful)shows off New Zealand’s history,culture and traditions,”Geoff Bascand,manager of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, 65 (tell)The Guardian.

  The orange and brown note features 66 face of New Zealand mountain climber Sir Edmund Hillary.He became famous all over the world in 1953 as the first man 67(climb) Mount Qomolangma.

  Also 68 the note is his favorite mountain,Mount Cook,the highest mountain in New Zealand,which is 3,754 meters high.The design on the back 69 (show)the yellow-eyed penguin,one of the world’s rarest penguins.The scene also shows local 70 (plant)such as the silver fern(蕨类植物)leaf.

  第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)



  删除:把多余的 词用(\)划掉。




  Dear Jack,

  How are you?

  I'm writing to ask for your help.As you know it,English reading is difficult for foreign language learners and it takes time.Many students in our class are weak on English reading comprehension.Although I have tried every means improve it,like expanding my vocabulary and do a large number of exercises,so far all my efforts have ended up in failure.To make things bad,reading will make up a higher percentage this year than ever before in the coming College Entrance Examination.Now with the important exam drew near,I feel more and more stressing and worded.It will ruin my college dream unless I do not take action.

  I’II appreciate it very much if you can give me some advices on how to improve my reading ability effective.I’m looking forward to your early reply.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  1-5 CACAA 6-10 BBAAB 11-15 CCCBC 16-20 BBBAC

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


  21-25 ABCAC 26-30 ABDCA 31-35 CBACD

  第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)

  36-40 CAFBD

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  41-45 CBADD 46-50 BABCA 51-55 DBDAB 56-60 BDCBC


  61. its 62. best 63. which 64. beautifully 65. told

  66. the 67. to climb 68. on 69. shows 70. plants

  第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  One possible version:

  Dear Peter,

  I think I need your help. Last Friday I placed an order for a laptop on line, and it is estimated to arrive to your address this Sunday. But you know I’m out with my parents, and we are going for a trip to London this weekend. So I’m writing to let you know that it’s not convenient for me to go back to receive the laptop at home. Can you do me the favor, please?

  It’s a Lenovo laptop made in China. Please give it a careful checkup and make sure the package is well preserved and the machine operates well. Don’t hesitate to contact the seller if you find any damage. Thank you very much.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua






