






a. 理由要切题,不能和所讨论话题无关、或关联太小。


b. 理由不能过于道德低下,也不能过于高尚。

比如:用计算机打字好还是笔写好,有人说打字好,这样写恐吓信不会被警方识破。为钱工作还是为兴趣工作,有人说为兴趣工作,认为钱根本不重要,只要自己感兴趣,完全可以不要钱,"全心全意为人服务"了,好象连BASIC NECESSATIES 都不要,饿着肚皮就可以工作了。(应该说钱不是首要目的,有一些能够满足生活的基本需要就行了,不能成为工作的唯一目的。)

c. 理由不能违背话题的一般性

比如:图书馆投资书还是计算机话题, 有人说我们图书馆早已经配备好的全新的PII了,不用再投资计算机了,全部去买书吧。 这就违背了话题的愿意:把两种信息的媒介对比优胜劣汰。

d. 理由不要在政治上敏感。




例如:no pain, no gain 不劳无获;no sacrifice, no gain 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

这两个no…no…的成语很多人都知道,其含义可以被全世界人接受,所以在TOEFL的文章中被频繁使用。但是,no hunt, no bark这个成语,直译过来是说不去打猎就不需要听到狗叫了,成语里的典故讲的是韩信说过的一句话:鸟尽弓藏,兔死狗烹。这句话我们很容易理解,而因为文化背景的区别,从原文理解起来对西方逻辑有点困难,所以不建议各位在托福的写作中应用。

第二,学会灵活地运用谚语。挑选谚语是第一步,接下来的就是你如何去使用它了。比较常见的是作为主旨句出现在段落之中,这个前面提到了一些,例如:Knowledge will never lie和It’s delightful to have friends from distant lands. 表示友谊重要性的还有Friendship never sinks,即友谊之船永不沉没,等等。


Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

Patience is the road to understanding 理解万岁

All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马

Attitudes define everything 态度决定一切

Every coin has its two sides 有利有弊

One’s meat is another’s poison 己所不欲,勿施于人


In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer. When you write your answer, you are not limited to the examples listed in the prompt.

Although honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor are all worthwhile characteristics, I feel the most important one in life to have is sensitivity. A sensitive person is aware of him/herself and the way their actions affect others. A sensitive person knows the place of honesty, intelligence, and a sense of humor.

Honesty is not always the best policy. There is such a thing as a white lie. You don't want to insult someone by saying that their new dress doesn't fit properly or that you wouldn't live in their new house if they paid you. You must be sensitive to when it is necessary to tell the truth and when it is better to tell a white lie.

Intelligence is a wonderful thing to have, but not all intelligent people use their intelligence sensitively. You don't want to show off and make others feel stupid. You must be sensitive to the reactions of the people around you. It might be appropriate for you to admit that you have the right answer, but in some cases, you might have to say, "I think this is the answer, but we might want to check it." A sensitive person would not make someone else look dumb.

A sense of humor is always valued. Different people, however, laugh at different things. You don't want to make someone feel uncomfortable by laughing at his/her mistakes. A sensitive person would understand whether a person could be teased or whether a person would appreciate a certain joke.

A sensitive person would make everyone feel comfortable. A sensitive person understands that people are different and that the values of honesty, intelligence and humor can be applied differently.


When you write your answer, you are not limited to the examples listed in the question. It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

Artists and scientists both make valuable contributions to our society. It may seem sometimes that artists are more valued. That's because those artists who are famous make a lot of money.However, they are relatively few. The fact is that scientists are more valued. They get more respect from society for the work they do.

Artists reflect their times and their culture. A painter or a writer shows us in pictures and words what we're like as a people. They record our culture for future generations. Actors and other performers, like singers and dancers, entertain us. They take our minds off our troubles, and remind us how beautiful and exciting our imaginations can be. Artists also help keep their societies mentally and emotionally healthy. For example, children that participate in the arts, such as painting or music, in school do better in their other studies. Art of all types is necessary to the human spirit.

The contributions scientists make to society are more obvious. They include the cars we drive, the computers we use at home and at work, and the appliances that help us cook our meals and clean our houses. All of these come from the ideas and hard work of scientists. Because of scientific discoveries, we're living longer and more healthful lives. Scientists also contribute to the arts. Movies are the result of science. So are television, radio, and the recording of music on CDs.

Generally, scientists don't make as much money as famous artists like film stars, opera singers or successful painters. However, our society gives them more respect, and they generally make a good living. Scientists are considered to be serious professionals, while artists are sometimes viewed as flaky, irresponsible people. So overall, I'd have to conclude that we value scientists more.











