【口语高分】3个雅思口语陷阱 值得你注意
很多学生很喜欢在口语考试中给出一些stereotyped standard answers. 比如说,当学生一进门,考官说“How are you?”的时候, 而大多数考生都会习惯性的回答“Fine, thank you. And you?” “你喜欢什么运动?”“篮球”,这些都可能是学生们在考试中给出的答案。尽管老师们一再叮嘱不要在口语考试中给出这样的答案,但是在那种紧张的情况下,这可能是学生们脑子里所能想到的唯一的答案,也有学生们会认为这些都是正确的答案,从小英语老师们都是这么教的。但是我们需要非常清楚地了解雅思口语考试的本质就是人与人的交流。所以雅思口语考试的评分并不是完全的100%客观依照考生的英语水平来决定的。在评分过程中,整个交流过程肯定会将考生的交流技巧纳入考虑范围内。因此,我们可以想象,考官一个下午可能要面对二三十个学生,如果每个学生都给出同样的答案,那么考官肯定会很容易精神疲劳。所以,除了英文口语表达能力外,学生们还应该注重自己答案的originality, 要想方设法让考官对自己的答案感兴趣才是最重要的。
流利度一直以来是很多考生所存在的问题,而要解决这个问题,是需要时间的。很多学生看了一些美剧,在口语考试中经常会有意识的用到一些外国人讲话中的语句用来拖延时间以便让自己有更多的时间去整理思绪,不至于出现尴尬的“卡壳”情况,比如说“well, you know”等等。这样的语句偶尔使用是可以的,但是如果学生滥用的话,那必会适得其反。大多数学生认为说 “well”, 会显得非常的地道,因为外国人对话中经常说,但其实很多中国考生并不能正确的理解well的用法。当说话的人在想下句话该说什么的时候,会用到well,就好比中文当中的“那个,那个...”一样。或者well 在某些语境下表示既然这样的话,如何如何… 比如说“It’s going to rain. What am I supposed to do with my party tonight?” “Well, in that case, we will probably hold it indoors.” 而很多学生对“you know”的用法更是会让考官百思不得其解。比如说 “What’s your major?” “You know, international politics”. 如果考生之前没有跟考官提及过,考官又如何能够知道?建议考生应该慎用这些词组。
Part 2
A Good Service
Describe a good service you received from a company or business.
You should say:
1.what company or business it was
2.what the service was
3.where you received this good service
4.and explain why you think it was good service.
Part 3
1. What are some examples of jobs that include a lot of contact with the public?
2. When dealing with the public, what should a company employee pay particular attention to?
3. What's an example of a difficult situation involving the public that an employee might need to deal with?
4. What personal qualities do such employees who work with the public need to have?
5. Do you think people can be trained to have those qualities?
6. How can (or, could) a company or business (or government department) train employees for this?
Part 2
A Useful Website
Describe a useful website that you like to visit.
You should say:
1.what the website helps you to do
2.what the contents of the website are
3.how often you go to this website
4.and explain how this website helps you.
Part 3
1.Compared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?
2.What impact has the internet had on modern people’s lives?
3. What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?
4. How do you think children could be encouraged to (or, taught to) use the internet in positive ways?
5. Do you think online education is good?
6. Do you think the internet (or, computers) will ever replace teachers?
7. In what ways is the internet used for entertainment?
8. Do different age groups use it for entertainment in different ways?
Part 2
A Good News
Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.
You should say:
1.what the news was about
2.when you got this news
3.where you got this news from
4.and explain why you think it was a piece of good news.
Part 3
1. How do people in your country get news?
2. Do you think children should start watching news from a young age?
3. What kinds of news do Chinese like?
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