出现: emergence
情况: circumstance/ condition
原因: causation/ cause/ matter/ reason
影响: infection/ influence/ impact
提供: provide/ supply/ furnish/ give/ render/ accommodate
思考: consider/ speculate/ ponder/ think
建议: propose/ suggest/ advance/ mention/ recommend/ advise/ offer/
吸引: engross/ absorb/ draw/ attract/ intoxicate/ lure/ entice/ tempt
揭示: reveal/ exhibit/ expose/ disclose/ unveil/ show/ transpire/ indicate/ denote
理解: understand/ comprehend
说明: illuminate/ clarify/ illustrate/ exemplify/ explain/ elaborate
暗示: imply / allude/ insinuate
停止: stop/ cease/ halt/ terminate/ end/ finish/ conclude
赞同: agree with/ applaud/ approve/ go along with
反对: oppose/ argue against/ combat
非常: very/ extraordinarily/ highly/ in the extreme/ extremely/ largely/ quite/ awfully/ considerably/ greatly
明显的: clearly/ obviously/ distinctly/ evidently/ markedly/ visibly, perfectly entirely increasingly totally authentically really truly
后来: afterward/ consequentially/ then
最后: finally/ eventually/ lastly/ in the end/ ultimately/ at length
因此: therefore/ thus/ consequently/ in result/ hence/ as a result
然而: however/ nevertheless/ whereas
开始: start/emerge/ launch/ start/ begin/ commence/ initiate
带来, 引起: generate/ produce/ give rise to/ engender