




  Deborah Brown-Volkman, a certified3 professional coach, says, "What's great about the new year is that it's like a do-over. You've completed the last year, and now you can start all over again." 有专业认证的职业培训师Deborah Brown-Volkman说:“新年的好处就是可以从头再来;去年已经过完,现在你又能重新开始。”

  Regain4 Your Focus


  The first step in reviving a stagnant5 career is to regain your focus. Finding it begins with identifying what you want, according to Brown-Volkman, who's been coaching clients for almost 10 years. 要使停滞不前的事业重获生机,第一步是重新找到你的重心。具有10年职业训练经验的 Brown-Volkman说,这要从决定你想要什么开始。

  "Ask yourself what you want, what you want to be different this year. Start listening to yourself. Do you want a better relationship with your boss? A leadership role at your company? A new job altogether? You have to get clear on what you want," she counsels. 她说:“问自己你想要什么,希望自己08年有什么不同。倾听自己的内心。是希望改善和老板的关系,还是在公司担任某个领导角色,还是彻底找一份新工作?你必须清楚地知道你想要什么。”

  If identifying what you want is too intimidating6 or overwhelming, Brown-Volkman suggests figuring out what you don't want as a way of backing into your professional desires. Ultimately, knowing what you want, she says, "will give you focus." 如果确定想要什么是一件太令人生畏或困难的事,Brown-Volkman建议可以想想自己不想要什么,用这种方式确定你对职业的希求。知道自己想要什么可以帮你找到应该关注的重心。


  Make an Action Plan


  Next, you must formulate2 an action plan and follow through it. Don't wait for opportunity to knock on your door, warns Brown-Volkman. "People wait for it to come to them, but they have to start moving toward it. Action is what builds momentum3." 接下来,你必须制定出一个行动计划,并坚持下去。Brown-Volkman的忠告是不要等机会来敲门,“人们总是等机会来找他们,其实他们应该朝着机会前进。行动才能带来动力。”

  As you move toward your big picture goals, there are small actions that can help you move forward. "Changing your attitude will make a big difference. If you focus on the bad, it will be bad for you. Focus on the positive and that will give you energy." 当你朝总目标努力时,有一些小的行动会起到一臂之力的作用。Brown-Volkman说:“改变态度能起到很大作用。把注意力放在不好的事情上对你没什么好处。去关注积极的事情,这会给你带来活力。”

  Eliminate Clutter2


  "Clean your desk," she adds. "That's such a big thing in terms of helping3 folks focus and get clear." Brown-Volkman说:“把你的桌子整理干净。这是很重要的一点,能帮助人们集中注意力,保持头脑清晰。”

  Brown-Volkman also believes professionals can change the way they work. "Stop answering emails one by one -- set up specific times during the day to address them. Also, if you're on a roll, don't answer the phone every time it rings, unless it's your boss. The constant interruptions will derail your focus and make you feel less efficient." 另外Brown-Volkman还认为职业人士们可以改变他们的工作方式。“不要一有电子邮件就回复——一天中安排几个时段集中处理;此外如果你非常忙的话,不要电话铃一响就接,除非是老板打来的。不停被打断会让你分心、感到效率低下。”


  Get the Necessary Support


  If your plan for advancement2 involves your boss, be sure you position it properly to her. Coach Brown-Volkman reveals, "When enlisting4 your supervisor's support, you have to make sure you focus on what's important to your boss and the company. If it's all about you, it won't work." If you feel isolated5 in your job or your quest for change, enlist3 the people around you. "Reach out to your colleagues for support," she says. 如果你的发展计划涉及到你的老板,那么确保以正确的方式把计划呈现给她。 Brown-Volkman培训师说:“当你向上级寻求帮助时,你要把重点放在那些对老板、对公司重要的事情上。如果关系到的只有你一个人,那么就行不通。”如果在工作中或请求改变中感到孤立无援,可以让周围的人们来帮助你。她建议“从你的同事们那里获得支持”。

  Brown-Volkman urges everyone to start the New Year with a new plan for their career. "People who are unhappy are people who feel trapped, who haven't created a game plan for what's next. Any time you don't have a bigger picture in mind, the day-to-day gets to you, and your career can come to a standstill." Brown-Volkman鼓励每个人用新的职业计划来开始新的一年。“不快乐的是那些感到难以前进的人们,是还没有对未来做好打算的人们。任何时候如果脑子里没有一个总体计划,就只是做一天和尚撞一天钟,你的事业也会停止发展。”









