Describe someone you haven t seen before but you would like to know more (new)
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew about the person
What you want to know more about this person
Why you would like to know this person more
What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?
Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?
I want to describe a superstar,call Jackie Chan. He is a famous Chinese action star and also a person who won the Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award.
In my childhood, my father and I especially enjoyed watching Jackie Chan's movies.His films characters include a lot of elements of Kungfu and funny, not only to convey a strong fighting spirit, but also brought a lot of joy to our family. Nowadays, Jackie Chan still be active in film screen although his age is 64, and this spirit of persistence is admirable. And his works are still popular.
I wonder know if he will continue working in thefilmdom. Due to the growth of age Jackie Chan as an action star is very difficult to complete difficult moves.Therefore, I would like to know if he is interested to be a director.
First of all, Jackie Chan is my idol all the time. His strong character has always inspired me and made me stronger. Second, I enjoy watching Jackie Chan's movies. His personal style is particularly distinctive, and he always includes funny elements when fighting with others, making films tense and relaxed.
What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?
To be honest, my personality is introverted and less spoken. So my friend’s criteria are extroverted and cheerful. He could tell me a lot of interesting things I've never met before, and he could share a lot of interesting places such as skating rinksWhether the other person is in trouble or happy, I like my friends to share with me.
Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?
I prefer to expand my social circle. First, I could make more friends. They can bring me different information and views. Second, when I suffered trouble, I could ask for help from different friends. Third, I hate loneliness, so I hope to make more friends to chat.
雅思口语Part2新题范文:someone you met recently
Topic:Describe someone you met recently and would like to know more about.
You should say:
who this person is;
when and where you met;
what you did or talked about;
and explain why you would like to know more about this person.
Few weeks ago ,I surprisingly met one of my friends, Jie,whom I had not heard from him for years. It was a Friday night,I was jogging on my way home along the beach. Jie called my name and I was completely shocked because I never expected to see him again after heard the news about him studying aboard.
He told me that his family moved to the nearby city and he just came back for seemg his grandparents. We decided to have some beers so that we could relax ourselves and share some updates to each other. Jie told me that he picked information technology as his major in college because he thought it would be easier to find an intern or job opportunity in the U.S.I was a little bit surprised that he did not become a business student which he planned the high school.
At the same time,I shared some of my university life stories to him, which made him laughed for a while.I want to know more about Jie because we were really close in the high school. Even though we may change during the time we did not meet,I could still feel the brotherhood between us.
第一,没有统一要求的所谓"标准口音",考生没有必要非得去模仿标准的英国英语(the standard Queen's English)不可。
第二,雅思口语中使用的词语须自然易懂(natural and understandable)。
第三,雅思口语考试中语法并非绝对地重要(important but not the most important)。
在这一点上,母语为英语的人(native English speaker)与我们母语为汉语的人看法上有差异。讲英语时,前者关注的是语法错误对理解所产生的影响,信息交流是否受到阻碍;后者则更关心是否违反了英语的语法规则,关心语言形式的完整性。
事实上,用词失误比语法失误更能造成考官的理解障碍。因此,对词义的把握比对语法规则的把握更为重要。说话时尽量做到可理解、可接受以及不冒犯人。当然,重复最基本的语法错误也是不能容忍的,譬如"she"说成"he","I am"说"I is"等。我们往往对语法规则了然于心,然而出口便错,这不是说话时忘记了语法规则的问题,而是缺乏专门的、有针对性的训练。