




I would like to describe an occasion when I picked up my old sister on the Korea airport. That happened three years ago. Three years ago I worked in Korea. My old sister wants to have a trip in Korea. She gave me a call, telling that her airplane would arrive at 5 o′clock p.m. in Korea Inchon Airport.(我想描述的是,3年前在韩国仁川机场接姐姐的事情,三年前我在韩国工作,姐姐想来韩国旅游,打电话告诉我,下午5点到达韩国仁川机场。)

On that day I arrived at the airport earlier. I noted with satisfaction that the plane would be punctual. But she did not show up. I think maybe she was busy with claiming the baggage, so I just played the phone game. But one hour passed I became a little worried. I determined to ask a help. Suddenly my old sister waved at me. Later I learned that she went to the bathroom and got a lost.(那一天我很早到了机场,没看到姐姐出来,觉得她在等自己的行李,但是一个小时过后,姐姐还是没有出来,我有些担心了,正当我要寻求帮助的时候,看到姐姐向我招手,原来姐姐下飞机去了卫生间,由于不会韩语所以有点儿迷路了。)


Describe an occasion that you waited for someone.

You should say:

who the person you waited for

when you waited for the person

where you waited for the person

and explain why you waited for the person.


Let me talk about an occasion I waited for my colleague in the airport, which happened in April. I was planning to take a business trip with a colleague. In that morning, I woke up early to get to the airport where we agreed to meet. I took a seat in the cafe bar in the airport and waited for him. One hour soon passed, but he didn’t show up. I was beginning to worry a bit then, hoping he would not forget the business trip or wake up late. I made a telephone call to him, but could not put through, which made me more depressed. I had no ideas but made another telephone call to my superior and told him about my current situation, he told me to fly alone if my colleague didn’t get to the airport in time in the end.

To my surprise, after I hung up the telephone, I saw him entering the gate of the airport slowly. I asked him why he came to airport so late. He just said he never hurried to catch the airplane, and told me that I should take easy. Oh, I doubted whether he lived near here. I really didn’t want to go on a trip with him next time


虽然是经历过的事情,要讲好可不容易。考生遇到此类话题,通常要么讲个三四句话就不知道再怎么继续,要么东拉西扯让考官听着完全不知所云。想要在描述此类话题时做到雅思口语要求的”speak at length without loss of coherence”(有条理地讲述一长段内容),我们必须研究下话题卡上相关的四个问题。先来看两个话题:

1.Describe an experience when you waited for someone.

You should say:

who you waited for

when you waited for him or her

where you waited for him or her

And explain what you felt when you were waiting.

2.Describe the time when others didn’t tell you the whole truth.

You should say:

when it happened

who told you the lie

what he/she said

And explain how you found out the truth.

从我用黑体字标出的疑问词就可以看出,考官无非是想让我们时间、地点、人物等要素加进来,完整地描述一件事情。如果你不知道自己必须回答话题卡上的四个问题,你可能会给出这样的答案:Yesterday I waited for David. He is always late. I waited for him for half an hour. He was caught in a traffic jam…Then…Er…Hmm…(然后就没有然后了)你也可能知道自己得回答给出的四个问题,但是给出的答案却是这样的:The person I waited for was David. I waited for him several days ago. I waited for him in a restaurant and I was really disappointed when I was waiting for him… Hmm…(又没有然后了)。



这个问题其实是要求考生描述一下与事件相关的人物。描述人物,无非外貌和性格。你等过的一个人可能是你的朋友,你们认识很久了。他很有趣、很聪明,但就是不守时。把上述内容转化成英文:The person I waited for was David, a friend of mine who I always turn to whenever I have trouble in life. He is a decent man with many creditable personal traits, like being humorous, sociable and intelligent, but constantly being late is not one of them. We’ve known each other for ten years, and not even once did he arrive early for our appointments.对你隐瞒真相的可能是一个商场售货员,把商品的优点吹的天花乱坠,却口不提它的缺陷。一个素昧平生的售货员,你不知道他性格如何,至少可以描述下外貌:I remember that he was a young man in his late 20s. He was tall and lean, just like a beanstalk. He was wearing a smart suit, and seemed to be quite professional. When he started talking, I assumed that he was smart and really knew a thing or two about laptops.


一件事情可能会发生在一个相对比较小的地方,比如这样一个餐馆:I waited for him in Coconut Paradise, a restaurant of note in this city serving Thai food. 请补充上它的地理位置:It is located on Changshu Road in Jing’an District, which is renowned for the long history and delicious cuisine restaurants lining the route.再顺便描述下它有何特色:This has long been my favorite restaurant in Shanghai because of the relaxing atmosphere, thoughtful waiters, as well as the authentic Thai flavor.

也可能在一个相对比较大的地方,比如下面这个小岛:The place I traveled to was Langkawi, an island of note in Malaysia.

It is located in western Malaysia, off the coast of Penang.

This has long been my favorite place to travel with my family because of the warm sunshine, hospitable local people and delicious tropical fruits.


事情可能发生在某一天,比如你的生日:It happened on my birthday. (你怎么庆祝你的生日?)I made reservation in my favorite restaurant beforehand and held a party there. (谁和你一起庆祝?)I invited ten of my classmates and two of our teachers to the party. 你甚至可以补充上你以前是怎么庆祝生日的:To tell the truth, I had never held a party for my birthday before. Usually I just bought a cake and shared it with my roommates.

但有些经历,比如旅游,可能发生在一段相对较长的时间时间,比如:The journey I want to talk about here happened last winter, November, to be exact. 此时不妨聊聊当时天气如何:The temperature here in Shanghai had dropped to below 10C by then, and the annoying haze had hovered over this city for several days. By contrast, the weather in Xiamen at that time was much better, mild temperature, always sunny, perfect for people seeking for relaxation.



例一:(Describe the time when others didn’t tell you the whole truth.)

Q: What he/she told you?

A: He told me various advantages of the laptop. For example, it is equipped with a powerful CPU. Besides, he said that the graphic card is amazing, perfect for online games. He also mentioned back-lit keyboard, which would be appreciated when the laptop was used at night.

例二:(Describe an experience of receiving good service.)

Q: what service you received?

A: I once went to the restaurant on a rainy day. When I arrived, a waiter came to greet me, helping me to hang the umbrella on the wall and then wiped the rain drops off my boots with a piece of cloth. Then he showed me to the waiting area where I could enjoy some snacks and drinks. When I was finally seated by the table, another waiter came to me with a small plastic bag to put my cell phone, and a piece of cloth to clean my eyeglasses.


1.雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题








