




  During the Spring Festival, all the families of the family are beaming with joy. This year's Spring Festival, I had a very interesting time. To this day, I still remember.

  In the morning, our family was busy. Mother put spring couplets on the front door. What I saw in my eyes was "the people of the sun and the spring. The family is peaceful and happy. I, then, put the word "fu" on the door. Mother hurriedly stop me and said, "" f" word should be negative, is the "f" to the harmonics, blessing to our family. Post during the Spring Festival couplets are festive, type, auspicious meaning." As soon as I heard it, I put the "fu" upside down. The father, too, was carefully prepared to hang a red lantern.

  In the evening, it's time to eat dinner. The smell was in the kitchen; There was a big dinner on the table, which made people look and drool. There is a fish in the middle of the table. The guests, too, sat in front of the table, enjoying the annual dinner with relish. Mom and dad greeted the guests with a big smile. The whole family was happy and the room was filled with happiness.

  After dinner, grandma came to the bonus bag. Our family had a small stipulation that the juniors had a double bonus. This year, I was judged "three good students". The grandfather gave me two red envelopes. In the New Year, I am encouraged to learn more. The children received red envelopes with a bright smile on their faces.

  At eight o 'clock in the evening, the whole family turned on the TV and watched the Spring Festival gala. The melodious song of the song; That graceful dance is full of praise; That wonderful cross talk sketch makes people laugh... Laughter rippling over the living room.

  This Spring Festival, I have made a lot of sense. I hope I will do better next Spring Festival!








  New Year's eve, what a busy day! People are so busy that they put up the couplet and hang New Year pictures; The sound of the pasting firecrackers is like stir-frying sesame seeds in a pot. Across the streets, through the skyscrapers, there was a jubilation.

  Night has fallen! The waiting sister happily brought out the kaleidoscope. I took the fireworks and lighters, and I was ready to implement my first plan for the night of New Year's eve -- to set off fireworks. The first shot we put was "a roar of the sky". With a loud bang, the sky looked like daylight. Then there is the "heavenly woman", the so-called "tianyin", as the name implies, it must be a very beautiful scene. You see, sure enough, the fairies have scattered a basket of flowers in the sky without pity. Those flowers are floating in the air, beautiful! On the brake, the air becomes a colorful world. My sister and I were dancing with joy. Sister feel good-looking, couldn't wait to picked up the "king" butterfly lit, grasp the in hand, 1 to "jump", fireworks upon a lightsome, butterfly dancing in the sky, finally "pa" 1, divided into many a spark, in the sky and fall to the ground slowly and gently. I took out another "golden jade" and held it in my hand. "boom, boom..." Ten gunshots rang out the night sky, symbolizing our good luck and happiness. Then we put down the parachute, the seven fairies and the flowers...

  The sky was getting dark, and our whole family went into the room to watch the Spring Festival gala, and tell us what a happy Spring Festival!


  夜幕降临了!等候多时的妹妹高兴地拿出了“万花筒”。我兴冲冲地拿了焰火和打火机,准备实施我除夕之夜的第一个计划——放焰火。我们放的第一炮是“一啸冲天”,随着一声巨响,天空顿时如同白昼,好壮观哦!紧接着是“天女散花”,所谓天女散花,顾名思义,那一定是非常漂亮的场面。你看,果真不出所料,仙女们在天空中把一篮子花毫不怜惜地撒向人间。那些花在空中飘飘悠悠,美丽极了!刹时,空中成了五彩缤纷的世界。我和姐姐高兴得手舞足蹈。妹妹觉得好看,就迫不及待地拿起了“蝴蝶王”点燃,抓在手上,“扑”地一声,烟花向一只轻盈的蝴蝶,在天空中翩翩起舞,最后“啪”地一声,分成了许多个火花,在天空中慢慢地、轻轻地飘落到地上。我又拿出一个“金玉满堂”,拿在手上,“砰、砰……”,十声炮响,响彻夜空,象征着我们吉祥如意、幸福美满。 随后,我们又放了 “降落伞”、“七仙女”、“百花奔放”……



  Looking forward to the stars, I hope the moon will finally be able to send this joyful festival to the hope of the Spring Festival. The New Year has come, and the past has flown away like the wind.

  New Year, new weather. Walk out of the house, and every household will make a lantern. The streets were filled with jubilation and laughter. In the spring, the scent of the flowers was reflected in the faces of the people.

  On New Year's eve, the firecrackers on the outside rang and hung again. Inside the house, everyone is talking and laughing, lively!

  In these days: in the morning, people usually watch TV and play computer. Only a few people are doing their homework. In the afternoon, a lot of people were playing in Chen yi square, and I went to fly the kite. First of all, I put the kite on the ground, and when the wind blew I started to run... However, I tried many times without success. In Chen yi square, there is also a merry-go-round, a small train, a plane, a pirate boat and a revolving chair. My brother and I played a lot of fun. In the evening, everyone came out to set off fireworks, and my sister and I were no exception. We played with the discoloration fireworks, whose appearance was red and green, and then lit up and started to be red, slowly turning green, but fun! We also played a lot of firework, among them, there is a kind of fireworks called "lucky seven color rain", lighted, there will be a lot of "rain" fly up the sky. Once, I put two "lucky seven color rain" together to light together, fly high!

  Look at the fireworks in the sky, and listen to the crackling firecrackers. This Spring Festival, it's really busy!









3.春节英语作文三篇 带翻译




