Looking very unhappy, a poor man entered a doctor's consulting-room.
"Doctor," he said, "you must help me. I swallowed a penny about a month ago."
"Good heavens, man!" said the doctor. "Why have you waited so long? Why don't you come to me on the day you swallowed it?"
"To tell you the truth, Doctor," the poor man replied, "I didn't need the money so badly then."
刚来加拿大的时候去买快餐,英文很烂我就说i want combo one,(大号的)后来那个人又说了一大堆英文问我要洋葱cheese(奶酪)么之类的?我听不懂就一个劲说i want combo one,
后来我看见那个人像中国人,我就直接问他Can you spell Chinese? (你能拼写中文吗?)
Do You Know Santa's True Profession?
Consider the following:
1. You never actually see Santa, only his "assistants."
2. Santa keeps his job until he decides to retire.
3. Santa doesn't really do the work; he directs a bunch of helpers to do all his work for him, but he's the one who everybody credits with the work.
4. Santa doesn't work a 40-hour week.
5. Santa travels a lot.
Santa is obviously a senior faculty member with tenure!
1. 你其实从来没见过圣诞老人,你看见的都是他得助手(他得助手真的好多,除了过圣诞节的所有父母外,还有职业“圣诞老人”)
2. 圣诞老人不想退休,就可以一直当他的圣诞老人。
3. 圣诞老人不会做实事,他都是指挥一堆帮手帮他做完所有的事情,但是事情做得好还是不好,功绩和责任都算圣诞老人的。
4. 圣诞老人实行的可不是朝九晚五双休制。
5. 圣诞老人经常旅行
圣诞老人显然是一个高级职员(please, 这世界上还有比他的工作更好的工作吗?)
A tourist was visiting New Mexico and was amazed at the dinosaur bones lying about.
"How old are these bones?" the tourist asked an elderly Native American, who served as a guide.
"Exactly one hundred million and three years old.
"How can you be so sure?" inquired the tourist.
"Well," replied the guide, " a geologist came by here and told me these bones were one hundred million years old, and that was exactly three years ago.
“整整十亿零三年了。” “你怎么这么肯定?”游客问道。 “哦,”向导回答道,“一个地质学家来过这儿,他告诉我说这些化石有十亿年了,再加上那是整整三年前的事了。”
An artist was part of an exhibition, and he asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings that were currently on display.
"I've got good news and bad news," the owner replied.
"Give me the good news first," the artist demanded.
"The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all 15 of your paintings."
"That's wonderful!" the artist exclaimed, "What could the bad news possibly be?"
With concern, the gallery owner replied, "The gentleman in question was your doctor."