



  △ 仔细记忆


  eg:W:Which one do you think is more difficult to learn ,chess or bridge ?

  M:They are just like apples and orange .


  ※ campus life 校园场景是听力对话的最大场景!



  eg:freshman 大一学生;sophomore 大二学生;junior 大三学生/儿子;senior 大四学生;


  (A little bit wise, a little bit stupid.)

  undergraduate student 本科生;postgraduate student 研究生;Ph .D student 博士生;professor 教授;tutor /mentor 导师;private tutor 家庭教师;dean 系主任;headmaster /principal 中小学校长;president 大学校长;staff /faculty 教职工;alumni / alumnus校友/校友们;


  eg:schedule card 选课卡;I’m going to take this course .(选课);I want to register for this course .(注册课程);sign up for the course 选课;It’s too much for me to handle it .于我来说太难了;I’m going to drop this course .(退课);requirement 必修课;selective 选修课;elective 选修课;optional course 选修课;credit 学分;introductory course 基础课;advanced course 高级课;do the homework 做作业;project 家庭作业;assignment 家庭作业;essay (小)论文;thesis 毕业论文;dessertation 博士论文;term paper 学期报告;reading list 阅读材料/书单;

  eg :W:How do you like Professor Bockman’s course on the History of Philosophy (哲学历史学) ? He is a distinguished scholar (卓越的学者;权威人士)on that subject.

  M:He is a great teacher ,but I’m having a hard time with the reading list .I think I can never finish it .


  eg:At the end of semester, you should take an exam(参加考试).quiz 小型考试;mid-term exam 期中考试;finals 期末考试;

  eg:(2003,1)W:Oh God !I’m afraid I’ll fail again in the national test .It’s the third time I took it.

  M:Don’t be too upset .I have the same fate .Let’s try a fourth time .


  eg:tuition 学费;fee 学杂费;scholarship 奖学金;fellowship 奖学金;loan 贷款;financial aid 财政资助;


  eg:Teaching Assistant 助教;Reseaching Assistant 助研;dish washer 刷盘工;waiter/waitress 服务员;


  eg:restaurant 餐馆;cafeteria 校园食堂;snack food 快餐;snack bar 快餐店;Pizza Hut 必胜客;steak 牛排;dessert 甜点;fried egg 煎蛋;sunny side up 单面煎蛋;sunny side down 双面煎蛋;Kongpao Chicken 宫保鸡丁;soft drink 饮料;tip 小费;keep the change 结账; go Dutch AA制;sperate the cheques AA制;split the bill AA制;Let me treat you /It’s my treat 请客;Don’t worry ,it’s on me .请客;I will pay /foot the bill .请客;

  eg:M:Come on ,let’s split the bill .

  W:Sperate the cheques .


  eg:stack 书库;shelf 书架;check out 借书;librarian 图书管理员;library card 图书卡;circulation desk 流通台;put on reserve 馆内收藏;reference book 参考书;magazine /journal periodical 杂志;I’m going to subscribe the engineering quarterly . (季刊);

  eg:This book has been put on reserve by Dr.Smith .Without his permission ,we can not let it out .

  eg:M:I’m sorry I lost your magazine .

  W:It’s ok ,it’s just a back number .(过期杂志)

  current issue 现刊;latest issue 最新期刊;overdue 图书超期;misplaced 放错位置;

  ㈣、复合式听写compound dictation (复合式听写)

  1、介绍:7 + 3题型:

  7个短空格 + 3个长空格 = 单词 + 短语


  ① 看: scan (浏览、略读),注意topic sentence (第一句话)

  ② 猜: “三前三后”原则

  a、听前听后 b、看前看后 c、空前空后

  ③ 听:

  ④ 记: “速记”原则