




  SCENE① A 加州的资讯王达康办公室


  Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle.

  戴夫: 欢迎来到资讯王。我是戴夫。看来你已经接管了鲍伯的办公室隔间。

  Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob?

  吉娜: 我是吉娜萝美洛。业务员。谁是鲍伯?

  Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer.

  戴夫: 鲍伯是个彻头彻尾的壮男程序设计师。

  Zina: Studly?

  吉娜: 壮男?

  Dave: You know. Big brain.

  戴夫: 你知道嘛,就是头好壮壮。

  Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry?

  吉娜: 他的东西还钉在墙上。他走得很匆忙吗?

  Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.

  戴夫: 压力让他崩溃了。加上他又想拿到薪水。


  A: Sitting in a cubicle all day. 整天坐在隔间里。

  B: What do you hate most about working in an office? 你最恨在办公室工作的哪一点。

  【get to 影响,左右】

  get to在对话中是指“影响,左右”,多半是指负面的情况:

  A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately. 我最近真的被压力压得喘不过气来。

  B:Maybe you should take a vacation. 或许你该去度个假。

  get to的另一个常见用法是“抵达”,这个短语在问路时很好用,相信大家也都不陌生:

  A:How can I get to the train station? 我要怎么才能到火车站?

  B:It's around the corner and to the left. 它就在转角那边靠左侧。

  get to还有一个常见用法,意思是“得以,才能够”:

  A:How did you get to be a politician? 你是如何才得以当政治人物的?

  B:Many years of hard work. 多年的苦功。

  1) inherit (v.) 继承 2) cubicle (n.) (办公室)隔间 3) studly 健壮帅气的,“猛男”是stud 4) programmer (n.) 程序设计师 5) tack (v.) (用大头针)钉上


  Zina: How do you get paid? 1) If you don't mind my asking.

  吉娜: 你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。

  Dave: Not cash. But if our 2) launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.

  戴夫: 不是现金。但要是我们上市的情况很好,我的股票期权可就值大钱了。

  Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent?

  吉娜: 那这段期间你要怎么付房租?

  Dave: I don't have to worry about rent. I live right here.

  戴夫: 我不用担心房租。我就住在这里。

  Zina: What? In your cubicle?

  吉娜: 什么?在你的隔间里?

  Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home.

  戴夫: 就在这。我和我的个人电脑。甜蜜的家庭。


  A: We're launched a new website.


  B: That's great. What's the address?


  【big time 超级,非常】

  big time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度的高,意即“超级,非常”,可以当做副词用:

  A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!


  B:There's a toilet over there. Why don't you go?



  A:She is a big-time movie producer!


  B:Really? Why haven't I heard of her before then?


  1) If you don't mind my asking. 若你不介意我问起的话。这是客气的询问句。要注意的是,mind 的后面要接动名词;而若提到是谁问的,则要用所有格。

  2) launch (n., v.) 事业登场,投入市场

  SCENE② A 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他


  Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been 1) raking it in.

  吉娜: 此话怎讲?若他是个好的程序设计师,他应该早就发了。

  Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with 2) stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again.

  戴夫: 老板想用认股权当作薪水付给鲍伯。可是鲍伯不想再次玩那种游戏了。

  Zina: Again?

  吉娜: 再次?

  Dave: At his last 3) start-up, Bob worked for stock and no salary. They 4) folded and he made 5) zip.

  戴夫: 鲍伯上回参与的创业公司,他工作的酬劳是股票,不拿薪水。他们的公司倒闭,他半毛也没拿到。

  Zina: Ouch.

  吉娜: 真惨。

  Dave: Now he only works 6) freelance. Hundred 7) bucks an hour.

  戴夫: 现在他只接个案做。时薪一百美元。


  A: Their business folded last week.


  B: No, I can't believe it! That was my favorite bookshop.


  【What do you mean?这话怎讲?】

  这是谈话时较随便的讲法,照说应该是What do you mean by that? 另一个类似句型是What does the word mean?这个字作何解释?mean 在这两个句型的“意思、意表”解。

  mean 也作“打算”解,须要注意的是后面只能接不定词,不可接-ing式,例如:

  Paul means to go to Taipei next week.


  A: What do you mean by sayingJudy is leaving the country.?


  B: Well, she means to accept a job offer in Singapore.


  1) rake in 发财,大捞一笔

  2) stock option 股票选择权,认股权

  3) start-up (n.) 开始(创业,工作,动工等)

  4) fold (v.) 关店,倒闭

  5) zip (n.) 零,乌有

  6) freelance (a.) 无约、自由工作的

  7) buck美元


  Zina: Hi, boss. You wanted to see me?

  吉娜: 嗨,老板。你说要见我?

  Vince: Zina. Look, I know when I 1) hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't.

  文斯: 吉娜。听着,我知道当我雇用你之时,我说过会付你薪水。可是我没办法。

  Zina: Excuse me? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard.

  吉娜: 你说什么?我希望我不是真的听到我以为我听到的。

  Vince: I know it's 2) awkward, but you're going to be thanking me later. I'm going to make you rich.

  文斯: 我知道这说来尴尬,不过你以后会感谢我的。我会让你发财。

  Zina: You're going to make me rich by not paying me?

  吉娜: 你要用不给我薪水的方法让我发财?


  A: How many people did the company hire this year?


  B: Over two hundred.




  A:Look, I'll give you ten dollars if you sweep the room for me.


  B:Sounds reasonable.


  1) hire (v.) 雇用

  2) awkward (a.) 令人尴尬的的,感到尴尬的


  Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock options.

  文斯: 我要提供你资讯王的认股权。

  Zina: When you hired me, you knew you were going to be low on cash, didn't you?

  吉娜: 你在雇用我的当时,就知道你会缺现金,对吧?

  Vince: Let me explain. To get more cash, I'll have to borrow more from Vikam, the 2) venture 3) capitalists.

  文斯: 容我解释。为了要有更多现金,我就得跟投资我们的维康创投借更多的钱。

  Zina: I know how it works. You don't want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have to.

  吉娜: 我知道这种运作方式。除非万不得已,你不会想把更多未来的利润拱手让人。

  Vince: Exactly. Instead of 5) increasing their 6) position, I want to increase yours.

  文斯: 正是。我不增加他们的股权,反倒要增加你的。


  A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales department.


  B: Thank you.


  【I know how it works. 我知道规矩。】


  A:I am afraid we are going to have to fire you.


  B:It's OK, I know how it works. You just don't like me.


  【give away 送掉】

  give away 这个短语看起来很简单,不过有许多常用的意思,对话中所用到的give away 是指“赠送”。

  A: Why did you give your bicycle away?


  B: It's too old. I want to get a new one anyway.


  1) offer (v.) 提供

  2) venture (n.) 具冒险性的事业

  3) capitalist (n.) 出资者,金主,capital 是“资金”。

  4) profit (n.) 利润

  5) increase (v.) 增加

  6) position (n.) 地位,此指“股权”。


  Zina: I'm not cheap.

  吉娜: 我可不便宜。

  Vince: I'm prepared to increase your 1) stake to three percent.

  文斯: 我准备把你的股份增加至百分之三。

  Zina: I've sold more 2) subscriptions to InfoKing in one week than you 3) expected me to sell in a month.

  吉娜: 我一星期内所卖出资讯王的订阅数,就比你期望的月业绩要高了。

  Vince: I know you're good, Zina. You know how much three percent could be 4) worth, don't you?

  文斯: 我知道你很厉害,吉娜。你知道百分之三值多少钱,对吧?

  Zina: Vince, I'm better than good. I'm the best. I want four percent.

  吉娜: 文斯,我比厉害还要厉害。我是最棒的。我要百分之四。

  Vince: Three-and-a-half.

  文斯: 百分之三点五。

  Zina: Done.

  吉娜: 成交。


  A: I expect you to follow all the rules.


  B: Yes, ma'am!


  【subscription to 订阅】

  subscription 或其动词subscribe 后面都要用介系词to才等于中文的订阅,例如:

  I renew my subscription to Time Express.


  A:Many of my friends subscribe to the evening newspaper.




  A:Only because they want the free Teddy Bear.


  1) stake (n.) 股份

  2) subscription (n.) 订阅

  3) expect (v.) 期待

  4) worth (a.) 值得的

  SCENE③ A 吉娜一早进公司