A:There is a great Egyptian exhibit coming to town soon.
A:Yes, I have thought about getting tickets.
B:How much are they?
A:I don't know, but I can tell you when they come in
B:That would be nice.
A:If you like I can buy them and we can go together.
B:Good, I like to go with other people and get their perspective.
A:I've been waiting for an hour! Where have you been?
B:I got stuck in traffic on the way back from Joe's office.
A:Okay. Tell me exactly what Joe said. Don't beat around the bush. Give it to me straight.
B:Hold your horses! I'll tell you in a minute. Let me catch my breath. I just got here and I told you traffic was terrible.
A:You can do that later. Tell me. What did Joe say?
B:Do you really want to know? Even if it's bad news?
A:Of course I do. Just tell me.
B:Okay. If you really want to know. He said you always try to pull the wool over his eyes. He thinks you are dishonest.
A:What? That's not true! Perhaps I exaggerate a little. But that's all. I've never tried to deceive him.
B:Why don't you do what I do?
A:What's that?
B:Take his remark with a grain of salt.
A:That's easy for you to say, he's not your boss!
B:Yeah, but I've known him for ten years. I'm telling you, his comment isn't worth worrying about.
A:I hope you're right.
A:Hi, Kim. How's it going? I've got a problem.
B:What's bothering you Stone? You look stressed.
A:I always bite off more than I can chew. I agreed to speak at an international conference in Shanghai next Monday. Now I won't be able to do it.
B:Why not? What happened?
A:I'm going to Beijing that day. I have an important speech and TV interview there. I forgot all about it. I don't have the heart to tell the conference now. It's the second time I've done this. How can I save face? I feel terrible.
B:Don't worry about it. They'd have to search high and low to find a better speaker. And they know it. They need someone who can speak good English and Chinese.
A:Thank you. But I doubt that. I'm sure they'd prefer someone who keeps his word. I've got to talk to my assistant. He's always messing up my schedule!
B:Forget it. They know you're not leading them on. They'll ask you again, I'm sure. These things often happen. You're a busy guy.
A:Thanks for saying that, Kim. I feel a lot better.
B:That's what friends are for. Besides, I'm sure it's not easy being so famous!