



  (31).Planning an Evening Out (1) 计划晚间的外出活动

  In the United States girls and boys usually begin to go out on "dates" when they are 14 or 15. Typical dates include going to the movies, going dancing or going to a party.

  美国的男女孩子通常到十四,五岁时开始外出约会. 典型的约会是看电影,跳舞或参加社交聚会.

  1.A: How would you like to go to a movie tonight?

  B: Thanks for asking, but I don't think so.

  A: Then what about trying that new Chinese restaurant?

  B: No. I'd rather stay home and watch TV.

  2.A: How about going to see Maria tonight?

  B: Not tonight. Maybe another time.

  A: Come on! It would do you good to get out.

  B: No. I want to get to bed early tonight.

  3.A: Let's go roller-skating.

  B: I really don't feel like it tonight.

  A: Well, would you like to do anything?

  B: No. If you don't mind, I'm just going to stay home tonight.

  4.A: Why don't we go dancing?

  B: No. I'm really not in the mood.

  A: Then why don't we just go out and get something to eat?

  B: No. I want to stay home tonight for a change.


  (32).Planning an Evening Out (2) 计划晚间的外出活动

  It's OK to make plans with friends at the last minute. It's more polite, however, to make them ahead of time.


  1.A: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight?

  B: I'd enjoyed that.

  A: I' pick you up around 8:00.

  B: OK. I'll see you then.

  2.A: Do you feel like going to see Paul and Claire tonight?

  B: I'd like that very much.

  A: How does 7:30 sound?

  B: Fine. See you late.

  3.A: Would you like to go to a party tonight?

  B: That sounds like a good idea?

  A: Would 7:00 be OK?

  B: That's fine. I'm looking forward to it.

  4.A: Why don't you have dinner with me tonight?

  B: I'd love to.

  A: Let's say about 6:00?

  B: That's OK with me


  (33).Buying Theater Tickets 买戏票

  Going to the theater is very popuar and shows are often sold out far in advance. It is a good idea to buy your tickets in advance if you want to see a particular show. It is not necessary to tip the person who shows you to your seat in a theater.

  人们很喜欢看戏,而且戏票常常是很早就预售一空. 如果你想看某一场演出,最好是提前买票. 没有必要给剧院领座的人付小费.

  1.A: I'd like to reserve two seats for tomorrow night.

  B: Would you like orchestra seats?

  A: Isn't there anything less expensive?

  B: Not unless you want the matinee.

  2.A: Can I still get tickets for tonight's performance?

  B: The front balcony is still availavle.

  A: Aren't there any other seats?

  B: No, I'm afraid that's it.

  3.A: Are there any seats left for Saturday night?

  B: I still have a fiw seats in the mezzanine.

  A: I suppose there's nothing cheaper, is there?

  B: No. Nothing. I'm sorry.

  4.A: Is there anything available for tonight?

  B: There are some seats in the rear mezzanine.

  A: Isn't there anything else available?

  B: No, the show is almost sold out.


  (34).Watching Television 看电视

  There are three nationwide television networks in the United States: the American Broadcasting Company(ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting Company(CBS) and the National Broadcasting Company(NBC). There is also a public broadcasting network(PBS), and there are hundreds of local television stations. In many areas television is broadcast 24 hours a day.

  美国有三家全国性的电视联播公司:美国广播公司(ABC), 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)和全国广播公司(NBC).此外,还有公共广播社(PBS)以及数百个地方电视台。许多地区一天二十四小时都有电视节目。

  1.A: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?

  B: I think there's a western on.

  A: Do you mind if we watch it? I'd really like to see it.

  B: Well, I really wanted to see the baseball game.

  2.A: Do you happen to know what's on after the news?

  B: I've got a feeling there's a documentary about animals.

  A: Does anybody mind if we watch it?

  B: Don't you want to see part two of the movie?

  3.A: Do you remember what comes on next?

  B: I believe there's a TV special.

  A: Are you interested in watching it?

  B: Let me look in the TV Guide first.

  4.A: What's on Channerl 2 at 8:00?

  B: If I remember correctly, there's a quiz show.

  A: Do you want to watch it?

  B: Let's see what else is on first.


  (35).Sports 运动

  Both team sports and individual sports are extremely popular in the United States. Don't be afraid to try a sport you haven't played before. People are usually willing to help beginners.


  1.A: Would you like to go running?

  B: I'd enjoy that. Where would you like to go?

  A: We could go to the park. There shouldn't be many people there now.

  B: Good. Just let me change.

  2.A: How about going for a bike ride?

  B: Sure. Where?

  A: Let's call Harry and ask him. He always knows the best places to go.

  B: That's a good idea. I'll get ready.

  3.A: Let's go swimming.

  B: OK. Where should we go?

  A: Why don't we go down to the lake? It's not too far from here.

  B: Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.

  4.A: How about going hiking with us?

  B: Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?

  A: Let's go up to the mountains. It should be beautiful there.

  B: OK. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.
