


  16A.wrote B.translated

  C.copied D.read

  解析:后来,Evelyn Glennie成为一位打击乐器独奏演员,写下和整理了许多乐曲。由上下文可知,A项符合文意。


  17A.enough B.some

  C.many D.few

  解析:Evelyn Glennie写作整理乐曲,是因为很少有专为打击乐器独奏演员写作的乐曲。


  18A.However B.Although

  C.When D.Since

  解析:Evelyn Glennie谈到自己成为打击乐独奏演员已经十多年了。尽管医生认为我已经全聋了,但是这并不意味着我的热情会消失。状语从句与主句为让步关系,故B项正确。


  19A.mean B.seem

  C.conclude D.say

  解析:mean “意味着”;seem “好像”;conclude “包括”;say “说”。由上下文可知,A项符合文意。


  20A.directed B.guided

  C.taught D.limited

  解析:Evelyn Glennie鼓励人们不要受到别人的限制。direct“指导,指点”;guide“引导,向导”;teach“教授”;limit“限制”。故A项正确。



  Many students have to eat their breakfasts on the way to school or have dinner in the cafeteria(学校食堂).But some of them don't really know how to eat well when eating out.

  There are several important tips.The first is to try not to eat fast food as much as you can.The most obvious harm of eating too much fast food is weight gaining.Teens as well as adults are at risk of diseases related to weight.

  Too much fast food can drag your body down in other ways.French fries,for example,were recently found to contain much more acrylamide(丙烯酰胺)than other food.This may cause cancer.In the US nine fast­food companies were accused of not telling the public that their potato chips contained this unhealthy chemical.Actually,deep fried food all contains acrylamide.So don't eat it too often.

  Soda is another thing you may want to watch out for.Cokes and other sodas contain a lot of sugar and slow down a person's calcium(钙)absorption.Even diet coke can cause this problem,so it's best to drink as little soda as possible.

  Food in the cafeteria at school may not be as tasty as fast food,but it's actually easier to make healthy choices.Human bodies need variety.You can arrange a dinner that balances proteins,vitamins and complex carbohydrates.In other words,a meal with fish or meat,vegetables and some steamed bread or rice will provide you with most nutrients that the body needs.

  Some snacks,on the other hand,will help keep you going until your next big meal.It is natural for teenagers,especially boys,to feel hungry a lot during school time.Don't be embarrassed;take some foods,like whole­grain biscuits or low­fat yogurt(酸奶)in your school bag.

  1Eating too much ______ may get a disease concerning weight.

  A.soda B.coke

  C.diet coke D.fast food

  解析:细节判断题,可用直接就题找文法来解。原文第二节“The most obvious harm of eating too much fast food is weight gaining.Teens as well as adults are at risk of diseases related to weight.”体现答案。


  2The nine fast­food companies in the US were accused of ______.

  A.selling fast food

  B.selling potato chips

  C.selling acrylamide

  D.not telling the truth

  解析:推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第三节“In the US nine fast­food companies were accused of not telling the public that their potato chips contained this unhealthy chemical.”可以推出美国九家快餐公司被起诉的原因是没有讲真话。


  3What material may decrease our calcium absorption?

  A.protein B.carbohydrate

  C.vitamin D.sugar

  解析:推理判断题,可用逻辑推断法来解。由原文第四节“Cokes and other sodas contain a lot of sugar and slow down a person's calcium(钙)absorption.”可以推出是糖减少了人体对钙质的吸收。


  4According to the writer,______ can certainly do good to us.

  A.potato chips B.fried food

  C.biscuits D.low fat yogurt





