




  Task 1

  Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful.

  Task 2

  If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience.

  Task 3


  标题:bookstore's new policy for renting books

  原因1:save students money

  原因2:pay more if you do not return the book on time



  原因1: student will want to own the book at the end of semester

  原因2: student do not want to worry about the deadline of the returning

  Task 4


  标题:reverse mentoring

  定义:The elder employee and the younger employee help each other to compensate the weakness in their work abilities.


  例子:The professor's friend is a senior and he helps an undergraduate student with editing and the young people helps professors friend with e-mailing and researching something using internet, which is a win-win progress.

  Task 5


  问题: The man wants to practice guitar while his neighbors think he is too noisy.

  解决方案1:play in the music classroom

  优点1:no one will think he is noisy

  缺点1: he can not practice a lot, and he can only play a few songs

  解决方案2: move to a different dorm room

  优点2:some place people do not care about noise,and the place do exist

  缺点2: he will have a new roommate, and moving is has so many troubles

  Task 6



  要点1:防止染上疾病 diseases





  Conversation 1



  Conversation 2


  内容回忆: 男生找老师,参加了一个去DC的field trip. 但是需要筹钱,所以他准备办一个theatre show, 之前他看过别人用这种方式筹钱,并且在开场的时候一起找myth,和drama的学生合作让drama的学生写script并且演出来。

  Lecture 1




  Lecture 2

  学科分类: Archaeology



  Lecture 3

  学科分类: Art



  Lecture 4

  学科分类: Earth science

  标题: 地球科学

  内容回忆: 本文先是从目前的环境问题社会问题出发,然后讲很久以前地球上面没有生物也没有氧气。后来出来了某种bacteria于是出现了各种各样的生物诸如菌类等。


  Passage One


  题目:earth atmosphere and the ocean

  内容回忆:早期地球的大气的形成还有海洋的形成是hotly debated,有人认为是地下的mantle含有大量的水,随着地质变化例如火山运动等到达了地表,冷凝形成水,而地球上mantle的水含量也确实多。有些人认为,可能是外太空的comet或者meteorite带来的,但是如果是这样应该有大量的外太空的元素例如H,有一个例子证实了这个点。后期还需要好好研究。


  1. scrutiny=close observation

  2. scatter=distribute

  3. undoubted=uncertain

  Passage Two


  题目:Roman route




  1. furnished=equipped

  2. witness=experience

  3. exploit=use

  Passage Three


  题目:bat diversity


  蝙蝠具有很多类别,吃的东西也不一样,有得吃昆虫,有的吃水果,blood等等,获得的营养也不一样。水果等获得的营养少,所以蝙蝠需要多吃。研究发现,这种不同还和其他东西有关。例如能够利用echo location的蝙蝠可以捕捉insects,但是不能利用这里技能的只能吃leaves或者fruits。能飞的很高的蝙蝠一般去水边只是drink但是不能飞很高的蝙蝠可以捕捉frogs和fish。还发现体型大小会影响它们的diet,其中举了几个例子。


  1. consist of=make up

  2. supplement=add to




  1. 欧洲海域都在建大坝,这阻碍了鳗鱼回归来繁殖。

  2. 鳗鱼的食物鱼里面有寄生虫,导致他们感染寄生虫。

  3. 鳗鱼繁殖的位置很难找到,所以很难帮他们排除危险。


  1. 建立带洞的大坝,鳗鱼可以穿过洞,游过去繁殖。

  2. 已经发现哪些鱼上面有那种寄生虫,可以把这些鱼引到别的鳗鱼接触不到的地方。

  3. 科学家使用电子设备已经可以确定鳗鱼的位置,保护鳗鱼。

  Sample Answer:

  The reading passage lists three factors which have caused the decline of European eels and the lecturer gives his own solutions to solve the problem.

  First, the reading points out that some dams are being built in most area of European waters, which will block eels’ immigration route to reproduce. However, the professor suggests that those dams could be designed with a series of hollowed tubes on them, thereby letting those baby eels get through and reach their feeding ground.

  Second, even though the reading passage suggests that is it the parasites that cause the decline of eels, the professor proves that this claim is indefensible. He states that some ecologists have already found that the fattest eels which consume large amount of fish are most vulnerable to parasites. Thus, the spread of infection can be well controlled if we move these eels into areas where there are not so much fish for them to eat.

  The passage also presents the third problem that eels always lay eggs secretly, so it is hard to prevent them from danger due to the difficulty of locating their breeding areas. However, the professor mentioned that the scientists can locate eels’ breeding grounds by installing some advanced electronic devices on them, thus they could spare no efforts to protect those eels.

  (217 words)


  Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit?

  1、to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community

  2、learning to play a sport

  3、learning to play a musical instrument

  Sample Answer:

  Holidays with bright sunshine and golden beach are always the best image in our mind, but for young people, when they are facing the choices between part-time jobs, learning to play sports or musical instruments, most of them may feel confused. As to me, I suggest to grasp the opportunities to accumulate my working experience, which have already made a mass of students great beneficiaries.

  The first benefit is to make them well-prepared for future challenges in workplace. Without the experience of part-time jobs or internship, students are restricted by schooling where they just learn about the theoretical knowledge, regardless of how much these books are related to their future career. Clearly, those fresh graduates will get a strong sense of frustration. On the contrary, if experiencing this gap in advance, they are trained to combine what they have learnt from books with the social practice, which eventually makes them easy when facing the realities after graduation. Compared with the future benefits, the current pain, clearly, doesn’t matter.

  Aside from good preparation, interpersonal skill is another necessity that everyone needs to attain before they entry the workplace. According to the survey conducted by Academic of Social Science, those graduates who have experienced the working environment during college time for more than 3 month are triple likely to be employed than those who have never got trains before for the reason that they clearly perform much better in cooperation and leadership. We have seen too many cases how the experienced graduates avoid communication problems and push up the teamwork efficiency. I don’t think they are born with such ability, so if students want to make themselves more outstanding over their rivals, they need to take part-time job in their free time.

  When I talk with some parents about this issue, they think that since their kids have interest in that, it is reasonable to arrange sport and music time in their holiday. How much do they know about their school life? Actually, the students make full use of their pieces of time at school in such activities but, they hardly have chances to take part-time jobs, which usually need whole day or whole week. Accordingly, only during the holiday and vocation can they concentrate on their work.

  In conclusion, it is significant to encourage them to take part-time jobs. Only in this way can students really experience the huge distance between school and office and, more importantly, be well-developed into individuals.

  (410 words)






