摘 要
关键词: 委内瑞拉 对华政策 查韦斯 马杜罗 影响
As the international exchanges between China and Latin American countries getsconstantly enhanced, remarkable achievements have been made in the bilateralcooperation between these two sides in fields of politics, economics and trade, culture,science and technology, etc. This paper chooses Venezuela, the country that has beenmaintaining sound relationship development with China in recent years, as the objectof study. Through research on the evolution of Venezuela's policy towards China fromthe end of 20thCentury till now, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of variousfactors affecting Venezuela's policy towards China by studying both its internal andexternal situations during different periods of time as well as Sino-Venezuelarelationship, and has made rational judgment on Sino-Venezuela relationship.
Since the 21stCentury, political mutual trust between China and Venezuela has beenconstantly reinforced and cooperation in various fields are all going well, in particular,the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has been growingremarkably. Sino-Venezuela bilateral relationship has become one of the highlights ofSino-Latin American relations, and it will play a positive role in the futuredevelopment of Sino-Latin American exchanges. As a major strong power of the LatinAmerican area, Venezuela's current relation of cooperation with China is the result ofmultiple factors, including domestic and international factors, with both randomcauses and inevitabilities. It's fair to say that it's a very distinctive case of bilateralrelationship in today's international community.
However, for the government-dominated Sino-Venezuela cooperation to realizelong-term sustainable growth, both sides have a long way to go. Venezuela needs tofurther open up to China, and capitalize on Chinese investment to improve people'slivelihood, make up for its weakness in light industry, look after interests of domesticmiddle-class, and safeguard its social stability. China needs to maintain closecooperation with the Venezuelan government, protect the interests of Chineseinvestment in Venezuela, and expand extensively the cooperation channels; whileChina also needs to reach out to all social sectors in Venezuela, opposition politicalparties included, so as to hear the demands voiced by all parties, maximize itscapacity to respond to possible domestic upheavals in Venezuela, and maximizeChina's interests in Venezuela.
This paper provides a solid example for the further study of Sino-Latin Americarelations, as well as a valuable reference for analytical judgment on Sino-Venezuelarelationship.
Key Words: Venezuela, Policy towards China, Chavez, Maduro,Influence
目 录
第一节 选题目的与意义
第二节 国内外研究动态
第三节 研究思路
第一章 委内瑞拉国内政治与外交政策
第一节 委内瑞拉国内政治体制特点及演变
第二节 委内瑞拉外交决策机构
第三节 查韦斯执政以后的委内瑞拉内政外交政策变化
第四节 小结
第二章 委内瑞拉对华政策的发展与变化
第一节 历史上的委内瑞拉对华政策
第二节 查韦斯执政以后的委对华政策变化
第四节 小结
第三章 影响委内瑞拉对华政策的决定性因素
第一节 国际体系及拉美地区政局变化
第二节 委内瑞拉政治稳定和经济发展的需要
第三节 领导人的个人因素
第四节 小结
第四章 案例分析
第一节 案例:奥里诺科石油项目
第二节 案例分析