







  1. ---Do you feel cold? You just have a T-shirt on such a cold day.

  ---________. I’m burning up.

  A. No worry B. Never mind C. Not in the least D. That’s OK

  2. Though the child had only ________slight temperature, the doctor in the kindergarten regarded ________ illness as serious enough for hospital treatment for fear of flu.

  A. /; / B. a; / C. a; the D. /; the

  3. This ancient temple is well-known for its fantastic appearance_______ the quiet surroundings in the valley.

  A. against B. in C. beyond D. with

4. According to the American law, children under 16 ________be accompanied by their parents during the mall hours on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday.

  A. may B. shall C. can D. need

  5. None of us can ________ with certainty what the next big industry will be, or where the new jobs will come from.

  A. desire B. demand C. donate D. declare

  6. — I rang you at about nine, but there was no reply.

  — Oh, that was probably _______ I was seeing the doctor.

  A. why B. when C. what D. that

  7. They work hard, marry, have lots of children and _______an evening each week for quality time with the family.

  A. set aside B. set up C. set down D. set out

  8. Constant quarrels between my parents are driving me crazy. If only I _______ a warm and harmonious family.

  A. had B. will have C. have D. had had

  9. I’m hoping that John will let us have the car tonight; ________, I’m afraid we won’t be able to go out.

  A. even if B. if so C. what if D. if not

  10. ________ all the barriers put in his way, John is very fortunate and always seems to land on his feet.

  A. In terms of B. In favor of C. In spite of D. In honor of

  11. The 2016 Autumn Sports Meeting is scheduled to take place after this exam. Unfortunately, Terry can’t ______ any event because of his back injury.

  A. adjust to B. participate in C. approve of D. fit in with

  12. Although we may not realize _______, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words but also by body movements.

  A. ourselves B. them C. that D. it

  13. The continuous oil price decrease will _________ affect the whole structure of the energy industry around the world.

  A. eventually B. frequently C. hopefully D. relevantly

  14. I’m afraid I’m not _________ to help with the talent show, for I am fully occupied with my own project.

  A. suitable B. convenient C. available D. accessible

  15. With no Internet______ for days, he felt himself entirely cut off from the outside world.

  A. way B. passage C. access D. approach

  16. Many people won’t _______ a suggestion without being asked. So don’t hesitate to ask!

  A. volunteer B. conduct C. reflect D exhibit

  17. It certainly makes sense for them to look forward, ___________back, since their future is much better than it used to be.

  A. more than B. rather than C. along with D. or rather

  18. No matter how frequently_______, I always remember never to stop improving myself.

  A. praising B. being praised C. to be praised D. praised

  19. This year, the state high school will admit 30 foreign students, ___ half are from China.

  A. with which B. of which C. with whom D. of whom

  20.— You’d better be careful, Oliver. The knife is sharp.

  — ________, Mum.

  A. I won’t. B. Got it. C. I can. D. Forget it.



  Leaving home is both a good and a sad thing. It is a goal for every child and parent to eventually achieve 21 , but it is nevertheless sad when it happens.

  One Sunday in August, my son and I worked to 22 his car for a journey. He would move across the country after twenty years of 23 under my roof. We started early, 24 our work went slowly into the afternoon.

  25 I was carefully packing the car, the Sunday baseball game came on. Our hometown Cardinals were playing against the Atlanta Braves. 26 unhappy thoughts about his departure, I completely forgot about the game. Just then, my son called, “Dad, come on in. Let’s 27 the rest of the game.” Looking at his red-colored eyes, I 28 realized that he, too, found this to be a 29 time and that he, too, wanted to 30 one last father-son moment. I led the way to the TV set without 31 .

  There, 32 , we found the Cardinals losing 3—1 . “How come? They won the champion last season.” He whispered without doubt. “That’s fine,” I 33 , wanting so much to keep this last moment before he left. “Let’s watch anyway.”

  Then came a 34 . The Cardinals took the lead. In that one moment we were 35 , excitedly jumping up and down and experiencing a joy that I could 36 imagine happening on that bittersweet afternoon. The 37 of that day was replaced by enjoying an exciting baseball game. It was a wonderful feeling that made the day, the trip, our life, seem so 38 .

  And then he left.

I believed in 39 moments that happen when I least expect them. Such moments appear and then disappear, just like my son as he drove off that afternoon to start a new 40 in his life.

  21. A.success B.happiness C.separation D.recognition

  22. A.decorate B.prepare C. operate D.drag

  23. A.living B.studying C.bedding D.staying

  24. A.and B.so C.or D.but

  25. A.If B.Because C.As D.Though

  26. A.Accustomed to B.Absorbed in C.Annoyed by D.Adapted to

  27. A. watch B.abandon C. finish D.applaud

  28. A.constantly B.instantly C.occasionally D.frequently

  29. A.beneficial B.pleasant C.suitable D.difficult

  30. A.seek B.spare C.share D.stand

  31. A.hesitation B.permission C.invitation D.satisfaction

  32. A.amused B.scared C.disappointed D.alarmed

  33. A.recommended B.comforted C.reflected D.acknowledged

  34. A.surprise B.conflict C.approval D.challenge

  35. A.congratulated B.occupied C.trapped D.transformed

  36. A.ever B.always C.never D.still

  37. A.ambition B.sadness C.sympathy D.affection

  38. A.right B.hard C.busy D.absurd

  39. A.crazy B.tough C .awful D.magical

  40. A.target B.destination C.chapter D.family




  Many more babies will be born before the Year of the Horse ends, because couples in China try to avoid having babies in the Year of the Sheep, which starts on Feb 19, 2015. The reason: traditionally it is believed that “sheep babies” lead a difficult life.

  The truth is, there is no evidence to prove that people born in a sheep year are more likely to lead a difficult life. Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, and movie stars Chow Yunfat and Zhang Ziyi were all born in the Year of the Sheep. In fact, not many young people agree with the saying that the zodiac sign(生肖) has a bearing on a person's life. Yet many young couples are pressured by their superstitious(迷信的) parents into not having babies in the Year of the Sheep.

  Superstition, as its dictionary description says, is a blind belief that an object, action or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. Many people regard black cats as unlucky when they are unlucky only for mice. The number 13 is considered unlucky in the West, but it was a number favored by ancient Chinese. The “rich” number “8” is viewed as lucky in China, yet it doesn't look different from any other number in the West.

  But such is the influence of superstition on some people that they undergo cesarean section(剖腹产), even without going into labor, to give birth before the beginning of a year they consider unlucky. Doctors warn that cesarean section ahead of time breaks the laws of nature which could affect the baby’s brains and health, but some people ignore their advice. On the social side, the sudden increase in the number of births in one year will make it even more difficult for children to get admission to schools and raise the demand for jobs when they grow up.

  However, children born in a baby boom year can bring some troubles along with them because they will be locked in a tougher competition for educational, natural and material resources. To some degree, their competition begins even before they are born, because their mothers have to wait longer for their regular medical check-ups and to secure a bed in a hospital for childbirth.

  In China where more often parents guide or even force their children to choose the subjects to study and the vocations to compete for, zodiac signs are of least or no importance. The really important thing is to encourage children to fly their imagination and develop their unique skills.

  41. Why do many young couples in China avoid babies in a sheep year?

  A. They are not fond of the Year of the Sheep.

  B. The number 2014 is not a lucky number for babies.

  C. Their parents ask them not to have babies in this year.

  D. Babies born in the Year of the Sheep will live a hard life.

  42. Chow Yunfat and Zhang Ziyi are mentioned in the text to prove that _________.

  A. they were born in the same year

  B. they don’t believe in superstition

  C. they are successful people of the Year of the Sheep

  D. people have misunderstanding of the Year of the Sheep

  43. In some doctors’ opinion, if people undergo cesarean section in advance,___________.

  A. it will have bad influence on the babies

  B. they could avoid the unlucky year

  C. it will go against the laws and they will be punished

  D. it will be more difficult for children to be admitted to schools

  44. In the last paragraph, the author wants to state__________.

  A. the importance of choosing good subjects

  B. the difficulty of preparing for competition

  C. the meaning of making use of zodiac signs

  D. the necessity of developing children’s abilities

  45. We can infer from the passage that ___________.

  A. children have no freedom to make their own choices in China

  B. some Chinese people depend more on superstition than doctors

  C. Number 13 in the West is considered the same as Number 8 in China

  D. educational, natural and material resources decrease in a baby boom year


  There are lots of extreme challenges out there, each as dangerous as the others. We have listed top 4 extreme challenges.

  Top 4 The Yukon Arctic Ultra

  The Yukon Arctic Ultra is a race through the Arctic covering 435 miles. Participants can compete on either bikes, skis or if they really want a challenge they can compete on foot! This is in addition to carrying their kit on their back in temperatures between -20℃ and -50℃ with risks of snow storms and avalanches(雪崩). There is a strict time limit of 13 days to make sure nobody freezes to death although most end up retiring long before that.

  Top 3 The Red Bull X-Alps

  In true Red Bull fashion this challenge pushes the extremes. Known as the world’s toughest adventure race, it starts in Salzburg, Austria and winds through the alps to Monaco, by foot or para-glider(滑翔伞). This is around 621 miles as-the-crow-flies. Participants are only allowed to travel between the hours of 05:00 and 22:30. Participants compete solo and are accompanied by a two-man support team to help with food, logistics and moral support.

  Top 2 The Patagonia Expedition Race

  The Patagonia Expedition Race takes teams of four through previously unknown lands in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile. Participants receive no assistance as they cross the region by trekking, climbing, kayaking and mountain biking covering plains, mountains, glaciers, forests, swamps, rivers, lakes and so on.

  Participants come from all over the world to compete in an exploration of one of the most untouched and deserted places in the world. The land is diverse, the challenge is real, the Patagonia Expedition Race really changes lives.

  Top 1 The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge

  Of course the number one extreme challenge is the 3,000 miles row across the Atlantic Ocean. Starting in La Gomera in the Canaries and finishing in Antigua in the Caribbean, Participants compete in four different classes: solo, pairs, fours and open. The challenge takes about three months to finish and is equal to going from London, England to St. Petersburg, Russia and back again.

  46. Participants can gain some support in ___________.

  A. The Yukon Arctic Ultra B. The Red Bull X-Alps

  C. The Patagonia Expedition Race D. The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge

  47. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

  A. In The Patagonia Expedition Race participants find the diversity of land.

  B. In The Yukon Arctic Ultra most participants give up the challenge earely.

  C. Participants can not travel before 5:00 or after 22:30 in The Red Bull X-Alps.

  D. It takes the same time to compete in The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge as to go from London to St. Petersburg.

  48. In the number one extreme challenge, participants would____________________.

  A. experience the world’s toughest adventure race

  B. cooperate with other 3 teammates to explore the world

  C. cover the longest distance of four across the Atlantic Ocean

  D. carry their kit in low temperatures with risks of snow storms

  49. This passage is most probably taken from the section of ________ in a newspaper.

  A. education B. travel C. entertainment D. sports


  Volunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person. Not only do you travel to an exotic country, you also meet like-minded people, and at the end of it you have something to put on your CV to impress employers with. But did you ever stop to think about how great it is for the people on the receiving end?

  In this context, Daniela Papi has a point—foreigners rushing heroically to volunteer in a country they’ve never heard of are unlikely to make a difference. But turning volunteering camps into classrooms, as Papi seems to advocate in her article, risks throwing the baby out with the bath water of volunteering.

Rather, learning should be a natural part of the experience, and the key to creating such an environment is positioning everyone as equals. In order for that to happen, volunteers need great leaders who create an environment of equality:

  When, a few years ago, I joined a group of international volunteers to help a small farming community in the Swiss Alps, we were all quite ignorant about the local conditions. But thanks to our group leader, it was both a helpful project for the locals and a fun and eye-opening experience for us.Before we had even traveled (at our own expense) to the mountaintop village, our group leader had spent time with the villagers preparing the project to make sure it would be of benefit to them. She arranged for us to help in different areas, ensuring that we always worked alongside locals rather than for them. It was never “us” and “them”, but always “we”, like a big family. As a result, conversation flowed and we learned a great deal just by casually talking to the locals as we worked.At the end, we left with a deep appreciation for the labor of love that goes into producing the food we eat every day—an appreciation we could treasure ourselves and share with our friends.

  Volunteering isn’t about saving someone’s life, or even about changing it. It’s about touching a different world and reminding ourselves that there is much, much more to life than the daily routines we take for granted.With that knowledge, maybe, just maybe, we can go on to really change the world.

  By Lukas Thibaut

  50. From Paragraphs 1 and 2, we can learn that____in international volunteering.

  A. blind enthusiasm fails to make the experience rewarding

  B. foreigners are not welcome in some local communities

  C. the author agrees with Daniela Papi’s opinions

  D. international volunteering is actually a poor approach to education

  51. The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refers to___,

  A. positioning everyone as equals  B.the learning of volunteering

  C. creating such an environment D. a natural part of the experience

  52. What contributed to the success of the author’s volunteering project in the Alps?

  A. The volunteers were quite familiar with Swiss farmers’ lives.

  B. The volunteers worked in areas separated from the locals.

  C. The group leader made sure that the project would be beneficial to both sides.

  D. The group leader made sure that the volunteers got to know the local conditions.

  53. From the author’s viewpoint, what should international volunteers avoid?

  A. Taking food for granted.   B. Placing themselves above the locals.

  C. Disrespecting others’ labor.       D. Being proud of volunteering.

  54. Which best describes the author’s attitude toward international volunteering?

  A. Supportive.  B. Doubtful.  C. Disapproving.   D. Objective.