



  Robin Lythe’s Cave, East Yorkshire

  Looking for a sense of magic? Something mysterious with a little danger? Possibly filled with ghosts (鬼魂)? And free of charge? Robin Lythe’s Cave will provide everything you need—if the sea level’s low. To get there, you walk down from the car park and take the road on the right. Watch out, in spring, for the hundredsof seabirds nesting on the rocks. If the sea level is low, you will be able to see a carve entrance. Climb up and enter. You are now inside the first section of the cave, called Flamborough Head. For centuries, this section has been famous for eating ships and smugglers (走私者) that sailed too close during high sea levels. At its height of greediness, between 1770 and 1806, it took one ship every 10 weeks on average.

  The cave’s path then leads through a wet frightening passage into a wonderful curving hall, 15 metres high. From there you can see a distant light, the sea. Smugglers used to bring their goods up here and hide them—French wine and tobacco mostly. At other times, locals would find bodies washed in during storms, and one, so they say, was Robin Lythe. Maybe he was a smuggler too, and maybe he is still around. There are regular reports of ghosts walking through the cave carrying bottles of wine.

  When the sea level is very low, it’s safe to explore around the cave entrance area, but don’t stay too long!

  Back on the cliff there are excellent walks south, past the lighthouse, to the long beach that leads towards Bridlington. Watch out for the short-eared owls hunting around here. There are mysteries here too: Dane’s Dyke, a huge wall-base that no onehas ever properly explained; and the strange white stoneson the beach—great for building an even stranger sand castle.

  53. What’s the purpose of this passage?

  A. To introduce the history of the cave.

  B. To encourage tourists to visit the cave.

  C. To describe the secret stories of the cave.

  D. To warn visitors of the danger of the cave.

  54. Which of the following statements about Robin Lythe’s Cave is true?

  A. No entrance fee is required.

  B. It’s a popular bird-watching site.

  C. It’s a great place to go swimming.

  D. Ships are no longer allowed to sail near it.

  55. What did smugglers mainly use the cave for?

  A. To hide from the police. B. To keep their boats.

  C. To store their goods. D. To bury their dead.

  56. When is the safest time to explore Robin Lythe’s Cave?

  A. At night.B. When there are no storms.

  C. In spring.D. When the sea level is low.



  Onceupon a time, there was a man with a fine house, healthy animals and rich land. __________57__________ But the man was worried about his son, because the boy had grown upknowing only good times and good fortune.

  “What will happen when something goes wrong for him?”wondered his father. “How will he know what to do?”__________58__________ To help him carry the wood home, the man gave the boy an old cart and two horses. As his son was leaving, the man said, “If the cart breaks down while you are in the forest, don’t worry. Necessity will teach you what to do.”

The boy collected as much wood as he could load onto the cart. __________59__________ “I hope that Father’s friend lives nearby,”thought the boy, and he started crying out, “Necessity! NECESSITY! Where are you?”The boy called and called, but no one came, so he decided to fix the cart himself.

  When he arrived home he said to his father, “You said Necessity would teach me to fix the cart, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I had to fix it all by myself.”

  The man smiled to himself and thought, “__________60__________”

  A.Necessity really is the best teacher.

  B.I knew that I could make my father proud.

  C.He was also blessed with a handsome, loving son.

  D.His son, however, was lazy and never helped with any farm work.

  E.So one day, the man asked the boy to go into the forest and collect wood.

  F.But when he turned to come home, the cart broke under the weight ofthe wood.

  IV 写作(共三节,满分45分)

  第一节 完成句子(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


  61. A hobby is something that you never get tired of —the more time you ________ (奉献,专注于) to it, the more fun you have.

  62. It took her three months to ________ (恢复) from the operation.

  63. It is a well-known fact that cigarettes contain many chemicals that will ________ (影响) your health.

  64. Before I had the chance to get ________ (熟悉) with them, they moved to another city.

  65. ________ (明显地), he didn’t know about the timetable charges at all.

  66. According to the widely accepted ________ (理论), the universe began with a “Big Bang”.

  67. People on the street have their umbrella up. ________ (因此), it must be raining.

  68. As you ________ (接近,走近) the town, you’ll see lots of fruit trees on the left.

  69. Thankfully, water ________ (污染) is becoming less serious in our city.

  70. A child’s development largely ________ (取决于) on family education and environment.

  第二节 句子翻译(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)


  71. 城市一片废墟,上百万人无家可归。(in ruins, millions / thousands of)

  72. 电脑的发明被认为是一种伟大的科技突破。(consider, breakthrough)

  73. 是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜。(prevent...from)

  74. 直到回到家我才发现我把钥匙留在办公室了。(only+状语倒装)

  75. 专家提出的的计划得到了政府认可。(put forward)

  第三节 短文写作(共1小题,满分20分)



  1. 到养老院(elderly care home)照顾老人;

  2. 给小学生辅导作业;

  3. 到学校图书馆整理图书。


  1. 请你选择其中最感兴趣的一项工作,向学生会写一封英文应聘信,包括以下内容:

  (1) 你感兴趣的志愿者工作;

  (2) 阐述这份工作的意义;

  (3) 说明你为什么能胜任这份工作。

  2. 字数约120词。信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数。



  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am very excited about the Student Union’s plan to organise a volunteer work program and would like to apply. …


  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua







