



  Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, happens to see and overhear a large band of thieves - forty in all - visiting their treasure store in the forest where he is cutting wood. The thieves' treasure is in a cave, the mouth of which is sealed by magic - it opens on the words "Open, Sesame", and seals itself on the words "Close, Sesame". When the thieves are gone, Ali Baba enters the cave himself, and takes some of the treasure home.Ali Baba's rich brother, Kasim, finds out about his brother's unexpected wealth, and Ali Baba tells Kasim about the cave. Kasim goes to the cave to take more of the treasure, but forgets the magic words to get back out of the cave, and the thieves find him there, and kill him.

  When his brother does not come back, Ali Baba goes to the cave to look for him, and finds the body, bringing it home. With the help of Morgiana, a clever slave-girl in Kasim's household, they are able to give Kasim a proper burial without arousing any suspicions about his death.The thieves, finding the body gone, realize that somebody else must know their secret, and set out to track him down. The first several times they are foiled by Morgiana, who is now a member of Ali Baba's household, but eventually they are able to ascertain the location of Ali Baba's house.The lead thief pretends to be an oil merchant in need of Ali Baba's hospitality, bringing with him mules loaded with 40 oil jars, one filled with oil, the other 39 with the other thieves.

  Once Ali Baba is asleep, the thieves plan to kill him. Again, Morgiana discovers and foils the plan, killing the 39 thieves in their oil jars by pouring boiling oil on them. When their leader comes to rouse his men, he discovers that they are dead, and escapes.The lead thief, disguised as a merchant, befriends Ali Baba's nephew (who is now in charge of the late Kasim's business), and is invited to dinner at Ali Baba's house. He is recognised by Morgiana, who performs a dance with a dagger for the diners and plunges it into the heart of the thief when he is off his guard. Thus, the story ends happily for everyone except the forty thieves and Ali Baba's brother. The story has its base in a sudanese saga of king Ali Baba of the Bija tribe (which lived close to Port Sudan.

  The king refused to pay the taxes to Al-Mutawakkil, the tenth Abbassi caliph in Baghdad. The rebel king sealed all gold mines in the mountains and stopped central officials from going to the whole Red Sea area. Baghdad did send its army in to keep its power upon the vital gold market in the islamic world (it's believed that Sudan provided more than 60% of the Abbassi gold in the pre-crusade era) and within 5 years it managed to crush the rebelion. Ali Baba, taken to Baghdad, carried all the gold hidden by his men to the caliph. A public display of the great treasure and the defeated king was shown in all important cities in the road to the capital Samarra creating the legend of the caves and the legend of the thieves. In the end, Ali Baba was granted amnesty in Samarra and upon his return he gave gold to the needy in all major towns in the road as a good gesture to the muslims whom he fought.Sesame is still Sudan's most famous export in the Middle East; it's used to make halawi (halva).



  这个故事主要写了阿里巴巴的女仆马尔基娜智斗四十大盗的事。马尔基娜是一个智勇双全的女性,她的主人阿里巴巴得知了强盗的秘密,并从他们的山洞中得到了大批的财宝,强盗一直追踪他,并密谋想杀害他。马尔基娜先后四次发现并错败了强盗的阴谋,并消灭了这群强盗。  看完后,我很佩服故事中的马尔基娜的智慧和勇气,要不是她帮助了阿里巴巴,后果不堪设想。在现实生活中,就有这样的例子:有一天,我邻居家的一个小孩,他自己在家里,正好有个小偷去偷东西,这个小偷敲了几下门,没人反应,他以为这家没有人,就开始撬锁,里面的小孩感觉到这是个小偷,心里很害怕,不知怎么办好,这时他想到了老师给他们讲的安全问题。于是他当时就集中生智大声喊到“爸爸,我饿了,快给我做饭吃。”这个小偷一听见动静,就吓跑了。假如这个小孩没有大喊那一声,后果不堪设想。正是他运用了智慧才使自己脱离了危险。
