




1. 时态




The line graph describes the percentage of radio listeners and television viewers in the UK throughout the day from October to December in 1992.



The data indicated that radio listeners increased substantially before 8 am, when the percentage reached to a peak of 27%. Then, it declined steadily in the following 20 hours, bottoming out at 2% at 4 am of the next day. The period from 4 am to 6 am saw another slight rise to 4% in radio listeners.



As for the Japan`s population of aged persons, it experienced an apparently downward trend during the 1st decade since 1940,reaching the bottom value(around 10%) with a 5% decrease. After then, the percentage has been increasing within the following 90 years, reaching the top value, 80%.

2. 客观性


u 不应有任何自己的主观想象成分

u 比如自己判断造成这个图标数据的原因

u 或者计算图表中的总数等


3. 准确性


4. 详尽性

这一点意味着我们需要将雅思图表内容尽量的表达出来,尤其是table和bar chart题目,需要大家用不同的表达方式,比如定语从句、非谓语动词、同位语等方式将每一个数据表达出来,否则表格内的内容将会有所缺失,图表内容也并不完整。


雅思写作的评分标准变为:TR,CC,GRA和LR后,评分标准细化,具体化,从而对英语语言基本功的考查力度加大。 笔者现将在课堂上讲的多样化句式的一部分内容拿出来跟读者共享。


A Begin sentence with an appositive

The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the campers about safety in the woods.

An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.

the country’s biggest cellular operator, China Mobile is looking at tighter controls on Internet-related service providers, industry insiders say.

B Begin a sentence with an adverb

The fog was slowly settling down.

Slowly the fog was settling down.

Obviously enough, he himself can not handle the trouble by himself.

C Begin a sentence with an adjective or adjective phrase

Mr Boyd was very angry and began to defend his reputation with strong arguments.

Angry, Mr Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong argument.

Tired and frustrated, the teacher went home to have a rest.

D Begin sentences with participle phrases

I jogged very day and increased my energy level.

Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level.

Tim was troubled by a dream and he woke up with a start.

Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start.

Witnessed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the 10-mem ber ASEAN, Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai signed the agreement with 10 economic ministers of the ASEAN countries.

E Begin sentences with an infinitive phrase

You must attend every class to succeed in a course.

To succeed in a course, you must attend every class.

F Begin sentences with a prepositional phrase

Madame Curie was an industrious worker in the scientific laboratory.

In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker.

Under a new scheme, established SPs can become pure content providers and China Mobile may seek a bigger portion of the shared revenues.

In the short term, operators will not abandon SPs.

For China Mobile, a dramatic change in its partnership scheme may be harmful.

G Begin sentences with clause modifiers

He did not want to rewrite the paper because he was tired and hungry and discouraged.

Because he was tired and hungry and discouraged, he did not want to rewrite the paper.

You may regret in leisure what you impulsively do in haste.

What you impulsively do in haste you may regret in leisure.

近读Economist,打算出一本关于Economist 英文特点,词汇,句式乃至段落的教材。


现将今日阅读收获与读者分享,请青岛北京雅思的同学认真阅读,请other readers多提宝贵意见:


And this, whether it is motivated by obstinacy, denial or a sober calculation of the strategic stakes in Iraq, is a good thing.

The new American commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, must report to Congress in mid-September on how his campaign is going.

Advocates of quitting say that after losing more than 3,000 soldiers and spending more than $300 billion America has already failed and should therefore depart.

So why, instead of waiting two months for the general's report, have politicians in Washington allowed the debate to take on such a frantic new character?


WHEN a war such as the one in Iraq turns bad, there is not always a particular moment that defines the point of defeat.

If anything, it has so far been a modest success.

As John McCain told the Senate this week after a visit to Iraq, the new

strategy has been an improvement on the one it replaced.

By venturing out of their bases to offer direct protection to Iraq's population, American soldiers have been able to reduce the sectarian killings in the capital.

In Diyala province American troops have moved on the city of Baquba.

In a trial widely condemned abroad as unfair, the six have been convicted of deliberately infecting hundreds of Libyan children with HIV.


Continuing to support this war has now become a near-suicidal strategy for any ambitious politician, as the principled Senator McCain has discovered to his cost.

An earthquake rocked Kashiwazaki in Japan, killing ten people.

A nuclear plant was damaged and leaked water containing radioactive compounds, raising safety concerns about Japanese facilities.

He also took steps to boost the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and his secular Fatah group in the West Bank, in the hope of weakening its Islamist rivals in Hamas, which took over the Gaza Strip last month.


What Iran is doing at Natanz is entirely illegal. It has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and says its nuclear aims are peaceful. But having spent decades deceiving nuclear inspectors, it is disbelieved even by its friends. A year ago this month Russia and China therefore joined the rest of the UN Security Council in ordering Iran to stop. It carried on regardless. The Security Council followed up with two resolutions, in December 2006 and March this year, repeating its demands and applying sanctions. The centrifuges spin defiantly on.


雅思考试全程考试时间为2小时55分钟。其中,写作在听力、阅读部分之后出现,是笔试的最后一项。雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。写作中,以移民为主的培训类(General Training)和以留学为主的学术类(Academic)试题类型有所不同。

Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的文章。G类(培训类)要求考生针对题目要求写一封信来询问某方面信息或阐释某种状况。到目前为止,出现较多的书信种类有投诉信、请求信、建议信、寻找失物信、邀请信等。而A类(学术类)则考核图表为主。考得较多的有曲线图、柱状图、饼状图、表格等。也有可能考到两种不同种类的图。另外,流程图和示意图也偶尔考到。

Task 2 要求考生在40分钟内写作一篇不少于250字的议论文。A类和G类在Task 2方面非常相似。考生可能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办。

雅思评分按9分制。基本上,移民或读语言学校起码要5分(Modest User)。留学需要6分(Competent User)以上。如果读的是法律、传媒、管理等名校的研究生的话,写作最好达到7分(Good User)。但考生最后写作成绩并不是Task 1和Task 2的简单平均,而是以Task 2为主。

雅思写作的评分标准不象四六级或托福采用整体式的评分,而是分项式评分(analytical scoring)。也就是说,考官给考生并不只打一个分数,而是根据具体的评分细则分项给分。


Task 1(书信或图表)按照以下三方面评分:Task Fulfilment(完成任务);Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)。

Task Fulfilment指的是考生是否能够在正确审题的基础上完成题目的指令。具体说来,书信作文应该完成书信的使命,题目里的每一项要求都不可或缺。图表作文应该在对于图表所给出的数据进行分析的基础上指出图表的总体趋势和走向,并点明与总趋势不相吻合的特殊之处,而且还要有数据的支持。

Coherence and Cohesion指的是文章通过一定的衔接手段(Cohesive Devices)来表明上下文的连贯性(Coherence)。衔接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有(logical)逻辑、(grammatical)语法和(semantic)语义三方面的连接词(connectors)。

Vocabulary and Sentence Structure指的是文章的语言表达。5分或5分以下的作文一般语法错误较多。6分作文则一般没有致命的语法错误,用词和句子基本准确。而7分以上的作文用词丰富(Variety)、句子结构复杂(Complexity)。


Task 2(议论文)的三方面评分标准是:Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(论证,论点和论据);Communicative Quality(交流质量);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)。

Arguments, Ideas and evidence涉及对于议论文的内容要求。具体说来,应该是内容切题,论据合理,论证充分。

对于Ideas(内容)而言,应该注意的是不要出现跑题。有的考生由于词汇量有限,导致题目中的单词不认识,从而写作的时候写离题了。比如:Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree or disagree? 如果考生不懂international tourism是什么意思的话,这道题是没法写的。但是,雅思写作涉及的词汇量并不是大得令人生畏,大概有六七千左右。考生万一碰到个把单词不理解的话,完全可以通过上下文加以推测。比如上面这句话中tension可能是个生词,但是如果考生能想到rather than表示对比关系的话,可以推断tension应该和understanding(理解)形成反义词,那就应该是接近于误解,即紧张关系的意思。所以,对于单词,考生应该平时注意积累,考试时根据上下文推断。


When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is

pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 如果考生毫不了解所谓的传统技能和生活方式的话,肯定对此束手无策。雅思议论文涉及contemporary social issues of common interest(人们普遍感兴趣的当代社会问题),考生应该平时注意这方面的知识积累和主动思考。

另外,还有的考生不但认识题目中的每个单词,而且也熟悉话题,但依然写跑题,那很有可能是因为没有抓住写作重点。事实上,绝大多数考生写跑题都是因为这个因素。比如:There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes of this phenomenon, and offer some recommendations. 许多考生都会注意到这道题考的是青少年犯罪话题,而且应该分析原因并提出解决办法。但是,如果原因只写了一段而建议写了数段的话,那么就是犯了忽略重点的错误。因为,如果没有把原因进行详细分析而贸然提出建议的话,这种建议是缺乏依据的。正确的做法应该是原因写二至三段,结果写一段。其次,考生还应注意到这道题考的不是泛泛的青少年犯罪的原因与解决方法,而是为什么现在青少年犯罪人数越来越多的原因和建议。由此看来,考生应该仔细审题,防止产生理解上的偏差。

对于Evidence(论据)来说,关键要合理,并且能够证明论点。比如Wild animals have no place in the 21st century and trying to protect these animals is a waste of resources. Do you agree or disagree? 有同学

这样写道:We can hardly imagine what our life will be like without wild animals. For example, if there is no cat, there will be more mice. The increase in the number of mice will result in the reduction of food resources and the spread of diseases. Thus, it is very important to protect animals. 这里,猫的论据是不合适的,因为猫不属于wild animals(野生动物)。再比如,The university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree? 有同学在论证这道题的时候举了赵括“纸上谈兵”的例子,说赵括就是典型的有很多兵法等理论知识,但是由于缺乏带兵打仗的实际经验,导致秦赵长平之战中赵兵大败,自己也命丧沙场,这充分说明了只有理论知识没有实际经验的恶果,所以应该重视实际经验。但这个论据也是不得体的,因为题目涉及的是大学应该怎么做,而赵括明显没有上过大学。事实上,古代的例子通常不适宜在雅思作文中出现,即便出现了,许多情况下只是作为反面例子与现今状况形成对比。

好的Arguments(论证)应该是充分并且有力的。这就需要运用多种论证手法。常用的论证手法有:explanation(解释说明),emphasis(强调论证),exemplification(举例说明),cause and effect(因果论证),comparison and contrast(比较与对比)facts and statistics(事实和统计数据),concession and refutation(让步与反驳),classification(分类),definition(下定义),analogy(比喻)等。论证手法的运用还应该和关联词结合起来。

Communicative Quality(交流质量)大体上与Task 1的Coherence and Cohesion相同,也涉及文章中代词,关联词,同义反义词等的运用。常用的关联词有:对比however, although, but, nevertheless;结果as a result, as a consequence, therefore, because of this, otherwise;附加in addition, additionally, and, as well as, furthermore, also, moreover;举例for example, for instance, such as, including;强调in fact, indeed;时间after, following, before, until, during, between, while等。

议论文在Vocabulary and Sentence Structure方面与Task 1的要求相同。





雅思写作误区大揭密 注意写作6大扣分项






