


  托运单 way-bill | | invoice

  运送契约 contract for carriage

  装运 shipment | | loading

  装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship

  装运费 shipping charges | | shipping commission

  装运单||载货单 shipping invoice

  装运单据 shipping documents

  大副收据 mate's receipt

  装船单 shipping order

  提货单 delivery order

  装船通知 shipping advice

  包裹收据 parcel receipt

  准装货单 shipping permit

  租船契约 charter party

  租船人 charterer

  程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter

  期租船 time charter

  允许装卸时间 lay days | | laying days

  工作日 working days

  连续天数 running days | | consecutive days

  滞期费 demurrage

  滞期日数 demurrage days

  速遣费 despatch money

  空舱费 dead freight

  退关 short shipment | | goods short shipped | | goods shut out | | shut-outs

  赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | | trust receipt