俗话说得好,化妆画的好,易容没烦恼!网络上、姐妹中不乏美妆达人,可如果出了国,面对琳琅满目的产品上标注的英文名称可怎么好?向BA咨询时明明有很多问题却想不到英文形容咋办?难道只能指着东西说 “this, that and this”??下面是小编为您收集整理的学会这些英语表达在国外商场走路带风,供大家参考!
1 妆前准备工作(Pre-makeup)
目的:锁住水分,让后续的底妆看起来更清透(dewy makeup)、更持久(longevity of your makeup),避免后续上妆卡粉(cakey)。
购物Tips:小仙女们可以使用不同的产品,包括Face Mists/Spray(面部喷雾)、Serums(精华)、Lotion/Toner(化妆水)、Cream(保湿霜),Primer(妆前乳)。其中,对于精华的叫法,大家在有些精华瓶上还会看到“essence”这个单词,而近几年在“精华”界又刮起了“ampoule”这股大风。
那么,这三个“精华”—serum, essence, ampoule到底有什么分别呢?
* Essence:质地较稀,通常为透明状态,比较清透,更容易推开。
* Serum:质地更厚、更稠,一般不是全透明的,吸收时间较essence要稍长。
* Ampoule:姐妹们能通过音译猜出这个词是什么意思么?相信聪明的你已经get到了。没错,翻译成中文,即“安瓶”,即为浓缩精华—含有最高浓度的对皮肤的有效因子,很适合做紧急修护。
2 粉底(Foundation)
今天向各位仙女们主要推荐的是遮瑕度中等及高等(light/medium/full coverage)的粉底液和近几年风大到糊眼睛的气垫(cushion)!
目的:Creating a flawless complexion—均匀肤色,遮住瑕疵,缔造完美肌肤。
手法:取黄豆粒大小的量,点涂在脸上各个区域,用化妆刷(brush)、美妆蛋(sponge)或手铺匀即可。当然,如果你还想完美遮盖痘痘(spots)或黑眼圈(dark circles),可以再使用单独的遮瑕笔或遮瑕膏(concealer)。
尽管粉底的颜色有各种各样的叫法,但大致离不开4-5种基础类别,由浅到深包括:Fair,Light, Medium, Olive, Dark不过咱们中国的小仙女们常用的还是前两种。
一般来说,姐妹们去国外的专柜找BA(即Beauty Advisor,咱们叫专柜导购)购买的时候,最白的颜色会称作Porcelain(瓷色),或Ivory(象牙色),略深一些的有Beige(米色),还有偏粉色的Rose beige(玫瑰米色)等。
41: 看你脸脏的, 照照镜子吧。
错: What a dirty face! Look at the mirror.
对: What a dirty face! Look in the mirror.
42: 他既不会读也不会写。
错: He cannot read and write.
对: He cannot read or write.
43: 这是哪里?
错: Where is here?
对: Where are we?
44: 大部分西方人的鼻子都好高。
错: Most Westerners have high noses.
对: Most Westerners have long noses.
45: 在我来这里的路上发生了一起交通事故,所以我迟到了。
错: There was a traffic accident on my way here.
It is why I was late.
对: There was a traffic accident on my way here.
That is why I was late.
46: 她的婚姻是幸福的。
错: Her marriage is happy.
对: Her marriage life is happy.
47: 我的鞋子在哪里?
错: Where is my shoe?
对: Where are my shoes?
48: 这个座位是空的吗?
错: Is this seat empty?
对: Is this seat taken?
49: 这是我房间的钥匙。
错: This is the key of my room.
对: This is the key to my room.
50: 这是一本有三卷的书。
错: It's a novel of three volumes
对: It's a novel in three volumes.
51: 她很老的时候才结婚。
错: She married old.
对: She married late in life.
52: 历史在重演。
错: History repeats.
对: History repeats itself.
53: 这块牛扒很软。
错: The steak is soft.
对: The steak is tender.
54: 这本书会卖得很好。
错: This new book will be sold well.
对: This new book will sell well.
55: 给我打个电话。
错: Give me a phone.
对: Give me a phone call.
56: 我不知道他说了什么。
错: I don't know what did he say.
对: I don't know what he said.
57: 你可以告诉我为什么你每天都迟到吗?
错: Could you tell me why are you late every day?
对: Could you tell me why you are late every day?
58: 我是公务员。
错: I'm a public servant.
对: I work for the government.
59: 今天很热。
错: Today is hot.
对: It is hot today.
60: 不要把办公室弄得很乱。
错: Don't make the office out of order.
对: Don't leave the office in a mess.